




【禅世界按】:为了补充说明,这里列出梁兆康 (Kenneth Leong) 先生在某公共场合的原话:

“But whenever Buddhists talk about a “method,” they are typically thinking of a way to make their lives more peaceful and less filled with anxiety.  Ultimately, most Buddhists are either thinking of “enlightenment” or “rebirth in the Pure Land.”  What I have done that most Buddhist teachers do not dare to do is to expose what I’d call the “Enlightenment Scam” or the “Pure Land Scam.”  In my last presentation, I refuted the possibility of achieving any permanent bliss using any practice method.  Most Chinese Buddhists have only a very vague understanding of the First Noble Truth.  Dukkha applies to everybody.  There is no escape.  The so-called “method” for escape is actually some kind of snake oil.  This is why I always return to the Three Marks of Existence: (1) Dukkha, (2) Anatta, (3) Anicca.  Because of the law of impermanence and the law of no-self, there is no permanent bliss and there is no “self” to be delivered or to escape from Samsara.  Buddha has been amazingly honest.  Nobody, enlightened or unenlightened, is exempt three the Three Marks.  They are universal laws.  The talk of methods is just sales talk.  If there is no way to escape from the difficulties and vagaries of life, why do we emphasize so much on methods?  ”

梁兆康先生对佛陀的觉悟(Bodhi; Enlightenment)思想,对他本人所不了解的净土法门(The Method of Pure Land),以及对所有修行方法(Methods)的毫不掩饰的无理攻击,超出了禅世界佛法修学所秉持的“公开、理性、中道和宽容”原则的底线。梁兆康先生在某些文章中和网站上刻意隐藏自己思想本质,四处散布他人对其理念和行为的所谓不宽容的指责,自己对号入座,凭借自我臆想而混淆视听,是禅世界和法友们所不能理解的。梁兆康先生本人没有参加2021年3月12日举行禅世界佛法修学研讨会,研讨会的发言人在会中也没有指名道姓对他作出批评。但是梁兆康先生凭借自我想象而攻击研讨会的发言人和内容,这是一种严重非理性的精神状态,需要大家包括梁兆康先生本人警惕。


