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Illustrious Member Admin Registered
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Tucker Carlson dared question a Trump lawyer. The backlash was quick.

Image<img class="i-amphtml-blurry-placeholder" src="data:;base64,Tucker Carlson broke ranks and criticized a former federal prosecutor’s promoting of a vote-stealing conspiracy theory involving Venezuela and Cuba.
Credit...Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

For more than a week, a former federal prosecutor named Sidney Powell made the rounds on right-wing talk radio and cable news, facing little pushback as she laid out a conspiracy theory that Venezuela, Cuba and other “communist” interests had used a secret algorithm to hack into voting machines and steal millions of votes from President Trump.

So it came as most unwelcome news to the president’s defenders when Tucker Carlson, the host of a Fox News show and a confidant of Mr. Trump, dissected Ms. Powell’s claims as unreliable and unproven.

“What Powell was describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American history,” Mr. Carlson said on Thursday night, his voice ringing with incredulity in a 10-minute monologue at the top of his show. But, he said, when he invited Ms. Powell on his show to share her evidence, she became “angry and told us to stop contacting her.”

The response was immediate, and hostile. The president’s allies in the conservative media and their legions of devoted Trump fans quickly closed ranks behind Ms. Powell and her case on behalf of the president, accusing the Fox host of betrayal.

The backlash against Mr. Carlson and Fox for daring to exert even a moment of independence underscores how little willingness exists among Republicans to challenge the president and his false narrative about the election he insists was stolen.



Mr. Carlson is no ordinary Trump critic. He has been one of the president’s most aggressive defenders in prime time, especially when it came to standing up for Mr. Trump.He has also generally bought into the disproved notion that voter fraud is a widespread problem — a popular position with Mr. Trump and on Mr. Carlson’s network.

Mr. Carlson, no doubt aware that many in his audience, including possibly the president himself, would not like what they were hearing, walked a fine line on Thursday night. He insisted that he and his producers “took Sidney Powell seriously.”

He also tried to reassure his audience that he was on their side after all, explaining how he always kept an open mind about alleged cover-ups like the one Ms. Powell has promoted. “We don’t dismiss anything,” he said. “We literally do U.F.O. segments.”

Illustrious Member Admin Registered
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综合Newsmax、英国《每日邮报》等媒体报道,特朗普阵营的律师鲍威尔(Sidney Powell)20日接受霍士电视台访问时表示,手头的大量证据证明,投票系统供应商多米宁(Dominion)操纵大选结果,这家公司具有委内瑞拉背景,虽然尝试掩盖,但公司的确是依靠委国的投资而成立,当初为协助委国前总统查韦斯(Hugo Chavez)操控当地选举,现在又转移到美国。



访谈过程中,主持人又问起鲍威尔,是否与霍士电视台另一名著名保守派主持人卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)交恶。事件起源于19日,当晚卡尔森在节目中表示,自己邀请鲍威尔受访,但在整整一小时中对方都没有提出任何证据,最后更大发脾气。鲍威尔回应时指自己没有发怒,也曾向卡尔森发送一份证人口供,又介绍证人协助解释数据,但对方态度恶劣,所以不愿再和这个人联络。

Illustrious Member Admin Registered
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Perhaps Sidney Powell has gone too far even for Rudy Giuliani this time.

The Trump campaign’s legal team has moved to distance itself from the firebrand conservative attorney after a tumultuous few days in which Powell made multiple incorrect statements about the election voting process, unspooled complex conspiracy theories and vowed to “blow up” Georgia with a “biblical” lawsuit.

“Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump legal team. She is also not a lawyer for the president in his personal capacity,” Giuliani and another lawyer for Trump, Jenna Ellis, said in a statement on Sunday.

Trump himself has heralded Powell’s involvement, tweeting last week that she was part of a team of “wonderful lawyers and representatives” spearheaded by Giuliani.

There was no immediate clarification from the campaign and Powell did not immediately return an email seeking comment.

Illustrious Member Admin Registered
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文章来源: 时事述评 于 2020-11-22 17:30:23 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
(被阅读 27678 次)



鲍威尔是竞选活动周四新闻发布会的一部分,声称拜登赢得选举要感谢委内瑞拉政权的 "共产主义资金"。川普的盟友、前新泽西州州长克里斯蒂称鲍威尔的行为是 "全国面前丢人现眼",她的行为 "令人愤慨"。

值得注意的是。川普在本月早些时候特别指出 鲍威尔是其竞选法律团队的成员之一。

川普法律团队高级顾问、宪法律师珍娜·埃利斯(Jenna Ellis)发布了一份与朱利安尼联合署名的声明,表示鲍威尔(Sidney Powell)不是川普法律团队的成员,她仅代表个人处理法律事务。








Illustrious Member Admin Registered
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