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3:11 AM · Aug 9, 2020

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百納知識 2018-12-12 21:26





原蘇州大學(現溫州醫科大學)王志偉教授的27篇論文(第一作者12篇,第二作者5篇,其餘作者 10)因學術不端行為被多種知名學術期刊撤稿。這27篇腫瘤學領域的學術論文主要發表於2006年至2011年之間,被Cancer ResearchInternational Journal of Cancer, Cancer等期刊撤稿。撤稿原因是論文里圖片重複編排(鏡像翻轉、魔法拼圖,重複使用圖片),甚至圖片直接複製了以往已經發表的論文(一圖多用)。論文的第一作者是在美國韋恩州立大學醫學院學習/工作期間的王志偉,而通訊作者則是曾經的“抗癌英雄” Fazlul H. Sarkar教授(在Retraction Watch網站上,Fazlul H. Sarkar被撤稿論文排名前十位)。王志偉教授在蘇州大學5年期間(2013-2018年)所發表的40余篇論文,多篇論文也存在圖片重複編排使用,涉嫌造假(後續進一步爆料)。現在RetractionWatch分批次報道。同時RetractionWatch@溫州醫科大學等機構,進行後續的處理。


王志偉 教授,博士生導師


1989年-1994年 蚌埠醫學院 臨床醫學專業 學士;

1994年-1998年 蚌埠醫學院 助教;

1998年-2001年 上海交通大學醫學院 細胞生物學專業 碩士;

2001年-2002年 上海交通大學醫學院 助教;

2002年-2006年 美國韋恩州立大學醫學院 病理學專業 博士;

2007年-2011年 美國韋恩州立大學醫學院 博士後/研究助理;

2011年-2013年 美國哈佛大學醫學院 講師 ;

2013年-2018年5月 蘇州大學唐仲英血液學研究中心 教授 ;

2018年6月-至今 溫州醫科大學附屬第二醫院科研中心 教授 ;






1.Cancer Res:Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Related Protein Inhibits Cell Growth and Invasion in Pancreatic Cancer





在圖4中,操縱相同的圖像並重新標記以代表來自不同實驗條件的結果(“HPAC Control”和“HPAC ERRP”);





此撤回通知的副本已發送至11位作者中的10位的最後已知電子郵件地址。兩位作者(R. Mohammad和J.L. Abbruzzese)同意撤回;八位作者(Z。Wang,R。Sengupta,S。Banerjee,Y。Li,K.M.W。Rahman,A。Aboukameel,A.P.N。Majumdar和F.H. Sarkar)沒有回應;無法找到剩下的作者(Y. Zhang)。



2.Down-regulation of notch-1 inhibits invasion by inactivation of nuclear factor-kappaB, vascular endothelial growth factor, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 in pancreatic cancer cells

本文已根據編輯的要求撤回。 在韋恩州立大學(密歇根州底特律市)進行機構審查後,作為幾位作者的主要隸屬關係,確定了作者偽造和/或偽造數據。 具體地,圖2C中的Western印跡數據被不適當地切割,粘貼和掩蔽。 另外,確定圖4A的頂部和底部的部分與也正在縮回的另一個出版物( Mol Cancer Ther 2006;5:483–93)中的部分相同。 由於這些調查結果,該機構建議撤回,並在內部審查後,編輯同意這一建議。

此撤回通知的副本已發送至七位作者中六位。 一位作者(J.L. Abbruzzese)同意撤回; 五位作者(Z。Wang,S。Banerjee,Y。Li,N.V。Adsay和F.H. Sarkar)沒有回應; 剩下的一位作者(D. Kong)無法找到。



3.Down-regulation of Forkhead Box M1 Tranion Factor Leads to the Inhibition of Invasion and Angiogenesis of Pancreatic Cance

本文已根據編輯的要求撤回。在韋恩州立大學(密歇根州底特律市)的機構審查(幾位作者的主要隸屬關係)之後,確定文章包括多個數據偽造和/或製造實例,包括不適當的剪切/粘貼和圖像處理特別是圖4C中的多個Western印跡條帶,圖1D中的FoxM1 Western印跡條帶,和圖5B中的MMP-9和uPAR條帶。另外,圖5B中的uPAR條帶在先前公開的文章(Mol Cancer Ther 2006;5:483–93)中從圖5中的細胞周期蛋白D1 Western印跡條帶複製並重命名。由於這些調查結果,該機構建議撤回,並在內部審查後,編輯同意這一建議。

此撤回通知的副本已發送至五位作者中的四位。四位作者(Z。Wang,S。Banerjee,Y。Li和F.H. Sarkar)沒有回應;無法找到一位作者(D. Kong)。




1. Retraction: Down-regulation of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-D Inhibits Cell Growth and Angiogenesis through Inactivation of Notch-1 and Nuclear Factor-κB Signaling.Zhiwei Wang, Dejuan Kong, Sanjeev Banerjee, Yiwei Li, N. Volkan Adsay, James Abbruzzese, Fazlul H. SarkarCancer Res. 2018 Sep 15;78(18):5469.

2. Retraction: Down-regulation of Forkhead Box M1 Tranion Factor Leads to the Inhibition of Invasion and Angiogenesis of Pancreatic Cancer Cells. Zhiwei Wang, Sanjeev Banerjee, Dejuan Kong, Yiwei Li, Fazlul H. Sarkar Cancer Res. 2018 Sep 15;78(18):5470.

3. Retraction: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Related Protein Inhibits Cell Growth and Invasion in Pancreatic Cancer.Zhiwei Wang, Radha Sengupta, Sanjeev Banerjee, Yiwei Li, Yuxiang Zhang, K.M. Wahidur Rahman, Amro Aboukameel, Ramzi Mohammad, Adhip P.N. Majumdar, James L. Abbruzzese, Fazlul H. Sarkar

Cancer Res. 2018 Sep 15;78(18):5474.

4. Retraction:Down-regulation of Notch-1 Inhibits Invasion by Inactivation of Nuclear Factor-κB, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, and Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Pancreatic Cancer Cells.Zhiwei Wang, Sanjeev Banerjee, Yiwei Li, K.M. Wahidur Rahman, Yuxiang Zhang, Fazlul H. SarkarCancer Res. 2018 Sep 15;78(18):5476.

5. Retraction:Inhibition of nuclear factor kappab activity by genistein is mediated via Notch-1 signaling pathway in pancreatic cancer cells.Zhiwei Wang, Yuxiang Zhang, Sanjeev Banerjee, Yiwei Li, Fazlul H. SarkarInt J Cancer. 2016 Nov 1;139(9):2145.

6. Retraction: TW-37, a small-molecule inhibitor of Bcl-2, inhibits cell growth and invasion in pancreatic cancer.Zhiwei Wang, Wen Song, Amro Aboukameel, Mussop Mohammad, Guoping Wang, Sanjeev Banerjee, Dejuan Kong, Shaomeng Wang, Fazlul H. Sarkar, Ramzi M. MohammadInt J Cancer. 2016 Nov 1;139(9):2146.

7. Retraction: Notch-1 down-regulation by curcumin is associated with the inhibition of cell growth and the induction of apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells.Zhiwei Wang, Yuxiang Zhang, Sanjeev Banerjee, Yiwei Li, Fazlul H. Sarkar

Cancer. 2016 Oct 15;122(20):3247.

8. Retraction: Downregulation of Notch-1 Contributes to Cell Growth Inhibition and Apoptosis in Pancreatic Cancer Cells.Zhiwei Wang, Yuxiang Zhang, Yiwei Li, Sanjeev Banerjee, Joshua Liao and Fazlul H. SarkarMol Cancer Ther. 2018 Oct;17(10):2268.

9. Retraction: Activated K-Ras and INK4a/Arf Deficiency Promote Aggressiveness of Pancreatic Cancer by Induction of EMT Consistent With Cancer Stem Cell Phenotype.Zhiwei Wang, Shadan Ali, Sanjeev Banerjee, Bin Bao, Yiwei Li, Asfar S. Azmi, Murray Korc, Fazlul H. SarkarJ Cell Physiol. 2016 Oct;231(10):2304.

10. Retraction: Down-regulation of Notch-1 and Jagged-1 inhibits prostate cancer cell growth, migration and invasion, and induces apoptosis via inactivation of Akt, mTOR, and NF-κB signaling pathwaysZhiwei Wang, Yiwei Li, Sanjeev Banerjee, Dejuan Kong, Aamir Ahmad, Veronique Nogueira, Nissim Hay, Fazlul H SarkarJ Cell Biochem. 2016 Aug;117(8):1960.

11. Retraction: Down-regulation of Notch-1 is associated with Akt and FoxM1 in inducing cell growth inhibition and apoptosis in prostate cancer cells.

Zhiwei Wang, Yiwei Li, Aamir Ahmad, Sanjeev Banerjee, Asfar S. Azmi, Dejuan Kong, Christine Wojewoda, Lucio Miele, Fazlul H. SarkarJ Cell Biochem. 2016 Aug;117(8):1962.

12. Retraction: Activated K-ras and INK4a/Arf Deficiency Cooperate During the Development of Pancreatic Cancer by Activation of Notch and NF-κB Signaling Pathways.Zhiwei Wang, Sanjeev Banerjee, Aamir Ahmad, Yiwei Li, Asfar S. Azmi, Jason R. Gunn, Dejuan Kong, Bin Bao, Shadan Ali, Jiankun Gao, Ramzi M. Mohammad, Lucio Miele, Murray Korc, Fazlul H. Sarkar

PLoS One. 2018 Oct 2;13(10):e0205289.

13. Retraction: 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Enhances Chemosensitivity of Multiple Chemotherapeutic Agents in Pancreatic Cancer.Sanjeev Banerjee, Zhiwei Wang, Dejuan Kong, Fazlul H. SarkarCancer Res. 2018 Sep 15;78(18):5467.

14. Retraction: Notch-1 induces Epithelial-mesenchymal transition consistent with cancer stem cell phenotype in pancreatic cancer cells.Bin Bao, Zhiwei Wang, Shadan Ali, Dejuan Kong, Yiwei Li, Aamir Ahmad, Sanjeev Banerjee, Asfar S. Azmi, Lucio Miele, Fazlul H. SarkarCancer Lett. 2018 Jun 1;423:153.

15. Retraction: Platelet-derived growth factor-D contributes to aggressiveness of breast cancer cells by up-regulating Notch and NF-κB signaling pathways.Ahmad A, Wang Z, Kong D, Ali R, Ali S, Banerjee S, Sarkar FH.Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Aug;158(3):605.

16. Retraction: FoxM1 down-regulation leads to inhibition of proliferation, migration and invasion of breast cancer cells through the modulation of extra-cellular matrix degrading factors.Aamir Ahmad, Zhiwei Wang, Dejuan Kong, Shadan Ali, Yiwei Li, Sanjeev Banerjee, Raza Ali, Fazlul H. SarkarBreast Cancer Res Treat.2016 Aug;158(3):607.

17. Retraction: Over-expression of FoxM1 leads to epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cell phenotype in pancreatic cancer cells.Bin Bao, Zhiwei Wang, Shadan Ali, Dejuan Kong, Sanjeev Banerjee, Aamir Ahmad, Yiwei Li, Asfar S. Azmi, Lucio Miele, Fazlul H. SarkarJ Cell Biochem.2016 Aug;117(8):1963.

18. Retraction:Antitumor Activity of Gemcitabine and Oxaliplatin Is Augmented by Thymoquinone in Pancreatic Cancer.Sanjeev Banerjee, Ahmed O. Kaseb, Zhiwei Wang, Deujan Kong, Mussop Mohammad, Subhash Padhye, Fazlul H. Sarkar, Ramzi M. MohammadCancer Res.2018 Sep 15;78(18):5468.

19. Retraction:Inhibition of Angiogenesis and Invasion by 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Is Mediated by the Nuclear Factor-κB Downstream Target Genes MMP-9 and uPA that Regulated Bioavailability of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Prostate Cancer.Dejuan Kong, Yiwei Li, Zhiwei Wang, Sanjeev Banerjee, Fazlul H. Sarkar

Cancer Res. 2018 Sep 15;78(18):5471.

20. Retraction:Antitumor Activity of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Related Protein Is Mediated by Inactivation of ErbB Receptors and Nuclear Factor-κB in Pancreatic Cancer.Yuxiang Zhang, Sanjeev Banerjee, Zhiwei Wang, Hu Xu, Liyue Zhang, Ramzi Mohammad, Amro Aboukameel, Nazmi V. Adsay, Mingxin Che, James L. Abbruzzese, Adhip P.N. Majumdar, Fazlul H. SarkarCancer Res. 2018 Sep 15;78(18):5477.

21. Retraction: In vitro and in vivo molecular evidence of genistein action in augmenting the efficacy of cisplatin in pancreatic cancer.Sanjeev Banerjee, Yuxiang Zhang, Zhiwei Wang, Mingxin Che, Paul J Chiao, James L Abbruzzese, Fazlul H. SarkarInt J Cancer. 2016 Nov 1;139(9):2145-6.

22. Retraction: Down-regulation of uPA and uPAR by 3,3'-diindolylmethane contributes to the inhibition of cell growth and migration of breast cancer cells

Aamir Ahmad, Dejuan Kong, Zhiwei Wang, Sanila H. Sarkar, Sanjeev Banerjee, Fazlul H. SarkarJ Cell Biochem. 2016 Aug;117(8):1959.

23. Retracted:Restoring sensitivity to oxaliplatin by a novel approach in gemcitabine‐resistant pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo.Sanjeev Banerjee, Dejuan Kong, Asfar S. Azmi, Zhiwei Wang, Aamir Ahmad, Seema Sethi, Fazlul H. SarkarInt J Cancer.2016 Nov 1;139(9):2146.

24. Retraction: Therapeutic intervention of experimental breast cancer bone metastasis by indole-3-carbinol in SCID-human mouse model.KM Wahidur Rahman, Fazlul H. Sarkar, Sanjeev Banerjee, Zhiwei Wang, Dezhong J. Liao, Xin Hong and Nurul H. SarkarMol Cancer Ther. 2018 Oct;17(10):2267.

25. Retraction: Anti-Tumor Activity of a Novel Compound-CDF Is Mediated by Regulating miR-21, miR-200, and PTEN in Pancreatic Cancer.Bin Bao, Shadan Ali, Dejuan Kong, Sanila H. Sarkar, Zhiwei Wang, Sanjeev Banerjee, Amro Aboukameel, Subhash Padhye, Philip A. Philip, Fazlul H. SarkarPLoS One.2018 Oct 2;13(10):e0205300.

26. Retraction: Down-regulation of Androgen Receptor by 3,3'-Diindolylmethane Contributes to Inhibition of Cell Proliferation and Induction of Apoptosis in Both Hormone-Sensitive LNCaP and Insensitive C4-2B Prostate Cancer Cells.Mohammad M.R. Bhuiyan, Yiwei Li, Sanjeev Banerjee, Fakhara Ahmed, Zhiwei Wang, Shadan Ali, Fazlul H. SarkarCancer Res.2018 Sep 15;78(18):5473.

27. Retraction: Gemcitabine Sensitivity Can Be Induced in Pancreatic Cancer Cells through Modulation of miR-200 and miR-21 Expression by Curcumin or Its Analogue CDF.Shadan Ali, Aamir Ahmad, Sanjeev Banerjee, Subhash Padhye, Kristin Dominiak, Jacqueline M. Schaffert, Zhiwei Wang, Philip A. Philip, Fazlul H. SarkarCancer Res. 2018 Sep 15;78(18):5466.





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