
美语训练班 第061-070课

美语训练班  第061课

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Kat! 杨琳,咱们今天都要学什么呢?

A: 今天,咱们一起去看一场儿童篮球比赛,看看法国卢浮宫的艺术展,学学怎么说拍马屁,还要告诉大家用美语怎么说保质期!

B: 拍马屁! I hate those brown nosers! Uh…so disgusting!

A: 好了好了,你先别生气。咱们言归正传,赶快先来进入第一个单元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word # 1531 lucrative

今天我们要学的词是lucrative. Lucrative is spelled l-u-c-r-a-t-i-v-e, lucrative. Lucrative指“赚钱的”“合算的”。一些经济学家发现,在美国抢银行的劫匪平均每次可以赚到4000美元,四次左右大概就会落网,因此 Bank robbery is not a lucrative profession. 抢银行并不是个赚钱的行当。The earthquake that struck northern Italy affected production of the lucrative cheese industry. 意大利北部地震对利润丰厚的奶酪业生产造成了影响。Those counting on a lucrative career after studying math or science may want to consider a career in nuclear science and technology. 想找高薪工作的数学和科学专业学生可以考虑在核科技产业谋职。好,今天我们学习的词是lucrative, lucrative, lucrative…

B: We all want lucrative careers, but sometime you just have to choose to do what you love! I’ll take happiness over money any day!

A: 嗯,我同意! I can’t stand those people who just want to make money and get ahead, and don’t care how they do it!

B: Oh yeah, we all know those kinds of people. 马屁精。They’ll say ANYTHING to get what they want and move up the corporate ladder. You think they’re nice, but they’re actually just trying to curry favor.

A: 听众朋友们可能正纳闷,这拍马屁跟咖哩有什么关系呢? 赶快来听听今天的words and idioms你就明白了!

Words and Idioms #970

现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 970讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Steve Baragona.


M: Curry favor. Curry is spelled c-u-r-r-y and favor; f-a-v-o-r. Curry favor.

大家都知道curry做名词是咖哩的意思,不过在这里curry作为动词,意思是讨好,奉承。而curry favor, 实际上就是拍马屁。这也就是我邻居最近的举动。I know why she came bearing fresh-backed cookies. I think it’s an attempt to CURRY FAVOR. 我知道我邻居为什么给我送新鲜曲奇饼,我觉得她就是想拍我的马屁。在下面的例子里,这个人对他的市长有什么看法呢? 我们来听听看:

M: “Don’t assume that the mayor has special fondness for you. If you’re influential and can help her deliver on her campaign promises, she’ll compliment you, invite you out to dinner and treat you specially. The truth is she CURRIES FAVOR with anyone she considers to be important.”


这听起来很典型阿! 那天我上高中的侄女跟我说,她们学校里有个女生为了能参加啦啦队,不惜给教练买了一个特别昂贵的圣诞节礼物! 好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “Don’t assume that the mayor has special fondness for you. If you’re influential and can help her deliver on her campaign promises, she’ll compliment you, invite you out to dinner and treat you very specially. The truth is she CURRIES FAVOR with anyone she considers to be very important.”

大家都特别讨厌爱拍马屁的人。可是,学校里,社会中,到处都是这样的人。在办公室里就更不例外了! 下面的例子就谈到了这么一个马屁精,让我们来听听看:

M: “Isn’t it obvious why Ralph nominated our boss as “Supervisor of the Year”? He just wants to get himself promoted to foreman and figures the boss might help arrange it if he’s recognized for an important award. See? That why he’s CURRYING FAVOR with him. It’s so disgusting.”

[这段话是说: 难道你看不出来拉尔夫为什么提名咱们的老板为“年度最佳领导”么? 他想晋升为领班,而他知道如果老板自己能够得到这个奖项,可能就会帮助他得到领班的职位。这就是他为什么老是拍老板的马屁。真令人恶心。]

真是! 办公室政治真让人头疼。碰到这种拍马屁的人,最好的办法就是别理他。慢慢他就会被所有同事孤立,我想这也不是个好受的感觉。He’s always currying favor with the boss. But in the end, he’s quite isolated in the office. 他成天拍老板的马屁,不过最后,他在办公室特别孤立。好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “Isn’t it obvious why Ralph nominated our boss as “Supervisor of the Year”? He just wants to get himself promoted to foreman and figures the boss might help arrange it if he’s recognized for an important award. See? That why he’s CURRYING FAVOR with him. It’s so disgusting.”

今天我们学习的习惯用语是 curry favor,意思是“拍马屁”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Steve Baragona。谢谢各位的收听。

A: Kat, you look so cute today! I love this blue top on you, it matches your blue eyes!

B: Thanks!!!…..Wait….are you attempting to curry favor?

A: 当然不是了,不过你知道,我下个礼拜搬家,需要个帮手…

B: Hmmm…let me think about it…Of course I will help you Yanglin, that’s what friends are for!

A: Great, thanks girly! 我还得好好把冰箱清一清,里面肯定很多东西都过了保质期…

B: Ugh. I knew you were going to make me do all the dirty work! 你刚才提到了一个有用的词儿,保质期,let’s see how to say this in American English!

How to say it in American English

Jessica 在北京学中文,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是方方要问的:保质期。

FF: Jessica, 你过来帮我看看,这个牛奶是不是过期了呀?

Jessica: Let me see…Hmm, I’m not sure. When did you get this?

FF: 两周前吧! 那时候牛奶大减价,我就一口气买了4瓶! 贪便宜, 可是忘了看保质期…

Jessica: Milk normally has a shelf life of a week. Shelf is spelled s-h-e-l-f, 是货架的意思。shelf life 能够放在货架上的日子,也就是保质期!

FF: 原来是这样! 那我都买两个礼拜了,我看这牛奶肯定过期了….

Jessica: I bet you’re right. I think this milk is past-date. You’d better throw it away!

FF: Past-date, 这里的date就是盒子上标识的生产日期。past-date 也就是过期了的意思! 真可惜,这可是最好的牛奶,这些牛都是只吃鲜草,听古典音乐长大的!

Jessica: That sounds like a top shelf product to me! 高档商品!

FF: Top shelf, 在货架上最高的地方,就是指高档货! 那相对来说,价格便宜的产品又要怎么说呢?

Jessica: It’s the opposite of that. We call it a bottom shelf product. Basically less expensive stuff is put on the bottom shelf.

FF:Top shelf product, 高档货,bottom shelf product, 便宜货! 我记住了。

Jessica: 好!那你说说看,What have you learned today?

FF: 今天我们学到的内容包括:

第一,保质期是shelf life;

第二,过了保质期可以用 past-date;

第三,高级货叫做top shelf product, 便宜货叫做bottom shelf product!

这次的”美语怎么说”就到这里了。如果你也有不会说的词,请写信给Jessica, 电邮请寄meiyu@voanews.com

A: Yeah….my eyes are bigger than my stomach and I usually end up with a lot of past-date products in my fridge….

B: Haha, my stomach is JUST as big as my eyes. I learned to never go to the supermarket with an empty stomach or else I will end up buying a mountain of food!

A: 对啊,要是这样还得去锻炼,太累了….

B: No way! Working out and playing sports can be so much fun!! You know I love anything that lets me compete!

A: You know, you’re right- there are lots of ways to get in shape! 在今天的美语三级跳里,我们再带您去看一场篮球比赛,不过这回不是NBA, 是特别的儿童篮球!

B: Let’s listen!

Athletics: Intermediate


Ryan 跟自己的好朋友Alice学习打篮球。今天,Alice带Ryan去看球赛,好让他学学比赛规则。

Professor: That’s right, Winnie. Alice is taking Ryan to watch a basketball game, but it’s not a professional game like you might think.


Ryan: Alice, I can’t believe you brought me to a children’s basketball game! How can I learn how to play basketball watching children?

Alice: Well, Ryan, you’re a beginner, and they are beginners too. That will make it easier for you to understand the rules.

Ryan: Ugh … I guess so. But watching kids is so boring. The professional basketball league is much better.

Alice: OK Ryan, stop complaining and watch what’s happening on the court.

啊?原来Alice带 Ryan去看儿童篮球赛啦!

Professor: I know it sounds silly, but why does Alice say she brought him there?

Alice 说,Ryan是 beginner–初学者,所以,看和他水平差不多的人打球,能更好地了解比赛规则。对了, professor, Ryan 说 professional basketball league,是指职业篮球联盟么?

Professor: Right, and in baseball, you might hear about the major leagues and minor leagues.

对,在棒球中, major league 就是“大联盟”,而minor league 是“小联盟”。 让我们来听听,在basketball court–篮球场上,比赛进行地如何吧!

Ryan: Alright Alice, let’s watch the game. Which team are we rooting for?

Alice: We are rooting for the home team because my nephew is playing for them.

Ryan: Oh, cool! Does he really like to play basketball with the other kids?

Alice: Oh yeah, these team sports really build their confidence. This is a big game, because they are playing their rivals.

原来,Alice的侄子就在球场上! 他是home team–“主场球队”的一员,Professor, 和“主场”相对的是“客场”,这要怎么说呢?

Professor: The opposite of the home team is the visiting team. Most people at the game root for the home team.

没错!比赛时,主场队总是人气更旺! 大部分观众都root for it–给主场球队加油助威。那么,root for除了表示在赛场上支持某只球队外,还有别的用法么?

Professor: Sure! For example, I am really rooting for the new law to pass, because it would lower my taxes.

哦,root for 表示“支持”,所以我们可以说,root for the new law –支持这条新的法律。Professor, Alice还提到,这两只队伍是rivals–这是“劲敌,对头”的意思么?

Professor: That’s right!

Ryan: Wow, these kids are really good! I can’t believe how athletic they are.

Alice: Yeah, my nephew practices a lot. He’s the captain of the team.

Ryan: He’s the captain? He must be the best player on the team. When I was his age, the only sports I played were sports video game.

Alice: Hmm …. well I’m sure playing all those sports video games really gave your fingers a good workout.

怪不得Ryan篮球打得这么臭,他小时候从不运动,唯一的爱好就是play sports video games–在游戏机上玩儿运动游戏!

Professor: Right. And what about Alice’s nephew? Is he more athletic than Ryan was?

当然了! Alice的侄子是篮球队的captain–队长,他特别 athletic–爱运动!

Ryan: My gosh, Alice, these kids are half my age, and they are so much better at basketball than me!

Alice: Don’t get discouraged; with lots of practice, you will be as good as them one day.

Ryan: I don’t have that much dedication. Man, getting in shape is so much work!

Alice: Well, you don’t have to play basketball. There are lots of other ways to get in shape. Do you have any other ideas?

Ryan: Mmm … Actually, I have a great idea!


Professor: Well, listen next time to find out!

A: 我可不爱打篮球,太不淑女了! 不如做做Yoga,多优雅!

B: Ha. You? Lady-like? If you want to become a lady, you need to work on becoming cultured. You should start going to museums with me!

A: 我啊…那就先从听听艺术开始吧! 今天的business etiquette咱们就继续去挑选艺术品,赶快一起来听听吧!

礼节美语 – BE-248 Art for an Office II

公司主管 James 找到公关部主任 Felicia 商量购置艺术作品,美化工作环境的事。James 说自己偏爱相片,Felicia 表示赞同。

F: I often go to photography exhibitions at the local museum. Sometimes the pictures are of nature–you know–wild animals or sunsets…that kind of thing. But my favorite pictures are of people; sometimes you can catch someone in a private moment and it’s a very interesting window into how other people live.

J: Yes, I like to hang out at the museum as well. I’m also a big fan of sculpture. Last time I was in Italy I made a special trip to go see Michelangelo’s “David.” It’s really a very impressive work of art.

F: I’d love to see that! I was in Paris two years ago and I spent half my time there walking around the Louvre Museum…it was amazing.

Felicia 也经常去博物馆看摄影展,她最喜欢看人物写真,It’s an interesting window into how other people live. 这是观察到其他人生活的一扇窗子。James说,他也很喜欢泡博物馆。I like to hang out at the museum as well. 除了摄影作品外,James 和 Felicia 两人也都很喜欢雕塑,他们谈到了 Michelangelo’s “David” 意大利著名雕塑家米开朗基罗的作品大卫,以及巴黎的 Louvre Museum 卢浮宫。

J: You know…come to think of it, maybe we should buy some art pieces from the local artists to support the local community.

F: I’ve got an idea! Let’s try to find one very beautiful, very impressive large piece of art–or maybe a mural–to put at the entrance of our offices. Then, instead of buying works of art to hang in the various hallways, we can rent the artworks and rotate what we have on display!

J: Felicia…that’s a brilliant idea. I think you just solved our dilemma.

F: Thanks, boss!

James忽然想到,他们其实应该购买当地艺术家的作品,也算是为社区做些贡献。他所说的 come to think of it, 是我忽然想起的意思。Felicia 提议,买一件大的艺术作品,或是 mural 壁画,放在办公室大门口,然后可以租艺术品挂在走廊的墙上,这样一来,还可以隔一段时间换一批。James觉得这个主意好。

J: We’ll get one major artwork for our entranceway and maybe commission a couple of sculptures for the outside garden area. Then we will find an art rental company and rotate our pictures on a three-month basis.

F: That way, we will eventually get around to everybody’s taste in art, and if some people don’t like some of the art…well, they won’t have to look at it for long.

J: All right, that’s our plan! Let’s do it. Thanks again, Felicia.

F: Not at all.

James 还说,we can commission a couple of sculptures. commission is spelled c-o-m-m-i-s-s-i-o-n, commission 动词,在这里是向艺术家定购作品的意思。James 还说,挂在公司里的艺术作品,可以每三个月换一批,这样就能满足员工不同的艺术品味了。

A: Hmm, James这个主意好! 萝卜青菜各有所爱! 这样的话每个人都能欣赏到自己喜欢的艺术作品,士气肯定提高了!

B: What a great boss! My sister’s boss is like that- once a month everyone in the company gets to bring their pets to work! Happy employees work harder- it’s a great way to increase productivity.

A: Oh wow….那办公室不是成动物园了,真逗!

B: Yeah it is a pet-friendly company….

A: True true! 你刚才提到了个 词pet-friendly, 咱们来听听这个词儿的用法吧!

Learn A Word # 1539 friendly

今天我们要学的词是friendly. Friendly is spelled f-r-i-e-n-d-l-y, friendly. 大家都知道,friendly 是友好的意思,如果把 friendly 加在另外一个名词后面,意思就是对某人,对某事有利的。比如,eco-friendly 有利环保的,user-friendly 方便用户使用的,business-friendly 便于企业发展的;再比如,This is my favorite restaurant. It’s very family-friendly. 这是我最喜欢的餐馆,给带孩子来吃饭的顾客提供了很多便利。一个加拿大健身房规定,禁止瘦人成为会员。The gym prides itself on creating a “plus-size friendly” environment. 这家健身房专门为“胖友们”提供一个舒心的健身场所,以此为自己的特色。好,今天我们学习的词是 friendly, friendly, friendly.

B: 杨琳,I have an advice for you.

A: What is it?

B: I think you should become more Kat-friendly, like buying coffee for Kat, bringing cupcakes for Kat, cooking authentic Chinese food for Kat…

A: 同学们,请自动屏蔽Kat! (Kat: 嘿!) 好啦,这次节目时间就到这里。 如果你对我们的节目有什么建议,或者想提什么问题,请发电子邮件到meiyu@voanews.com.

B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!

美语训练班  第062课

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Kat! 杨琳,快来说说咱们今天都要学什么?

A: 今天,咱们一起去看看Ryan的健身成果,讨论电话礼仪,学学怎么说把损害控制在最低限度,还要教大家怎么说摇摇欲坠!

B: 损害控制? For me, you can bribe me with frozen yogurt to forgive just about anything!

A: 哈哈,对对,我们都有过经验啦! 咱们言归正传,赶快先来进入第一个单元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word # 1534 teeter

今天我们要学的词是teeter. Teeter is spelled t-e-e-t-e-r, teeter. Teeter 的意思是“摇摇欲坠,摇摆不定”。 尽管欧盟决定出资救市,Spain’s banking system is still teetering on the edge of disaster. 西班牙银行系统还是徘徊在灾难的边缘。Japanese media said the Japanese IT parts, materials and finished goods sectors are teetering on the brink of collapse. 日本媒体说,日本的IT业的零件、材料和成品领域都已经游走在崩溃的边缘。在英国曼彻斯特,A police officer pulled the driver from a burning car as it teetered on the edge of a motorway bridge. 一名警察从起火的汽车中拽出了一个司机,当时那辆车已经在高架桥边上摇摇欲坠了。好,今天我们学习的词是teeter, teeter, teeter…

B: This episode really brings back nightmares for me…

A: Why? What happened?

B: Ok…So over the weekend I went home to visit my parents. And my dad and I decided that we need some exercise and started to play touch football in our house. Before we knew it, my mom’s favorite vase was teetering right on the edge of the coffee table…then CRASH..完蛋啦…

A: OoOoO… you must have had to do some serious damage control!

B: I tried…but more on that later! 咱们先一块来听听怎么用这个damage control吧!

Words and Idioms #972

现在播送美国习惯用语第 972讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Dan Markus.


M: Damage control. Damage is spelled d-a-m-a-g-e, and control; c-o-n-t-r-o-l. Damage control. Damage control.

我们都知道,damage这个词本身是破坏,损坏的意思,而control,控制。连在一起,damage control,损害控制,意思就是采取措施将造成的损害降到最低。就像上面的例子里,My cousin told my aunt that he was sorry and sent her flowers. It’s DAMAGE CONTROL. 我表哥又道歉又送花,试图把损害降到最低。下面的例子里,我们来听听看这个叫Drake的人怎么搞砸了他的晋升:

M: “There were some doubts about whether Drake would be an effective Union president. Then, he made a racial remark in a speech at an assembly. At first, he ignored critics. Later, he tried to make a joke of it before deciding to offer a public apology. In the end, his attempts at DAMAGE CONTROL weren’t successful. He lost out on the promotion.”



M: “There were some doubts about whether Drake would be an effective union president. Then, he made a racial remark in a speech at an assembly. At first, he ignored critics. Later, he tried to make a joke of it before deciding to offer a public apology. In the end, his attempts at DAMAGE CONTROL weren’t successful. He lost out on the promotion.”

刚刚我们谈到,如果做错了什么事情,就应该马上进行damage control,尽量把伤害降到最低程度。下面的例子里,这位足球妈妈就意识到了自己的错误。她做了什么来补救呢? 我们来听听看:

M: “My wife knew she was wrong. She should never have told our daughter’s soccer coach that he’d made a lot of bad calls at the game. Fortunately, she wasted no time explaining how she’d been inappropriate, followed by offering him an invitation to dinner at our house. Thanks to my wife’s DAMAGE CONTROL, the coach isn’t upset anymore.”

这段话是说: 我太太知道她做错了。她不应该指责我女儿足球教练在比赛中决策失误。好在,她一点也没耽搁,马上去跟教练解释,说自己这种做法不合适,还邀请他来我们家吃饭。她这么努力把造成的损害降到最低程度,教练也就不再生气了。

所以说,越快补救,损害就越小! Damage control 这个短语最初出现在20世纪50年代,那时候,这个短语只限于用在把一个船只事故的损害降到最低。慢慢地,人们开始把这个短语引伸出来使用,到现在,damage control 可以用在任何需要进行补救的场合中。好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “My wife knew she was wrong. She should never have told our daughter’s soccer coach that he’d made a lot of bad calls at the game. Fortunately, she wasted no time explaining how she’d been inappropriate, followed by offering him an invitation to dinner at our house. Thanks to my wife’s DAMAGE CONTROL, the coach isn’t upset anymore.”

今天我们学习的习惯用语是 damage control,意思是“损害控制,把损害降到最低程度”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是Dan Markus。谢谢各位的收听。

B: OK…So after the vase accident, my dad and I started to work on damage control immediately. We cooked dinner, cleaned the house and got my mom a new vase with some beautiful flowers!

A: Wow! 你妈值了!不用做饭收拾屋子,还有新花瓶,划得来!

B: Actually, that vase was a wedding present from my grandfather, so she was really pissed off and didn’t speak to us for the whole day!

A: 哈哈,我真想看你胆颤心惊的样儿!

B: Hey-come on! Thank God that my mom finally forgave us. It also taught us a lesson: DON’T DO ANY ATHLETICS IN THE HOUSE!

A: 我小时候也经常在家跟我爸进行功夫大赛! 不过既然咱们说到了athletics, 今天Ryan要来跟Alice展示他的健身成果,咱们一块去看看吧!

Athletics: Advanced


Professor: Today Ryan is meeting for coffee with his friend Alice, who he hasn’t seen for a few months. Ryan has been working out a lot during that time and has gotten in really fantastic shape.


Professor: Let’s listen and find out!

Alice: Oh my gosh, Ryan, is that you? I hardly recognized you!
Wow, you look so …. different! Have you been working out?

Ryan: Hey Alice. Yeah, I’ve been working out pretty hard core lately. I go to the gym every day to work out with my personal trainer, Hans.

Alice: Uh … yeah I can tell. I mean, your shirt barely fits you anymore because your muscles are so big.

Ryan: Yeah, I’ve been spending all my money on my personal trainer and gym fees so I didn’t have any money left over to buy new clothes.

Alice: Are you sure you aren’t going a little overboard?

Ryan: No way! You know, girls like guys with huge muscles, and I can’t blame them. Sometimes I spend hours just looking at myself in the mirror.

Alice: Right … girls love guys who spend more time in front of the mirror than they do.

看来,Ryan是真下功夫锻练啦! 他一直在 working out “hard core” – 坚持不懈地锻练。现在他变成肌肉男啦,Alice都快认不出他了!

Professor: Right. And not only that, he has gotten so big that his clothes don’t fit him anymore. But why does he say he doesn’t get new clothes?

因为他把所有钱都花在健身房会员费和雇personal trainer -“私人健身教练”上了! 这的确是有点go overboard – 过份了。

Professor: So you agree that women don’t like guys who spend all their time at the gym?

去健身房锻练是可以,不过,Ryan 说他现在经常花几个小时照镜子,欣赏自己的肌肉,这可就让人受不了!

Alice: Well, I’m interested to hear more about what you’ve been doing lately. But first I want to get a latte. What kind of coffee do you want?

Ryan: No coffee for me! That’s way too many calories, and I have to stay on my fitness regimen. I’ll just have a glass of water.

Alice: We’re meeting at a coffee shop, and you don’t want any coffee? Well OK … do you want something to eat? Maybe a sandwich or something?

Ryan: No thanks, there are way too many carbohydrates in the bread. I’m just going to have this protein drink that I brought with me.

看来,Ryan在严格执行fitness regimen – 瘦身养生法。Alice请他喝咖啡,可他嫌咖啡的calories – “卡路里”太多。

Professor: That’s right. It’s one thing to maintain a healthy diet, but that sounds a little crazy.

就是的! 他还说,三明治他也不吃,因为面包里有太多carbohydrates – 碳水化合物!

Professor: That definitely doesn’t sound like a healthy diet to me.

可不! Ryan现在似乎只喝protein drinks – 蛋白质饮料! 这有点过头了吧!

Alice: You know, Ryan, I totally support you getting in shape, and I’m really impressed that you have been able to stay so motivated. But I think exercise is best done in moderation.

Ryan: Oh yeah, I totally agree. For example, I usually do at least two workouts at the gym per day, but on Christmas I only did one because it was a holiday.

Alice: Well let me ask you a question. If women really love your new physique, how will you have time to date when you have to spend all your time at the gym working out?

Ryan: Don’t worry! Once I find a girlfriend, I’ll stop working out and get really fat.

Alice: Well, Ryan, I am very jealous of whatever lucky lady finds you.

啊?原来Ryan健身的目的就是吸引女孩子啊?他说,一旦找到女朋友,就立刻停止锻练,让自己变成大胖子。根本不想保持现在全新的physique – 体形。 Professor Bowman,不会所有男人都在打这种如意算盘吧?

Professor: Well if you have to choose between a really vain guy and a lazy guy, who would you pick?

是要vain guy – 虚荣的男人,还是lazy guy – 懒惰的男人? 我想,我还是养只狗吧!

A: 原来Ryan has been working out hardcore, 坚持不懈的锻炼,而且只喝protein shake 蛋白质饮料,目的就是为了吸引女孩子啊!

B: I think a lot of guys just go to the gym to show off their muscles!

A: 哈哈,不过啊,如果能一边健身一边欣赏帅哥,也不错!

B: 你又做梦了! Showing off is annoying, but there are worse things: yesterday I was at the gym and there was this guy who was on the phone, chatting away like there was no one else around! So annoying!

A: I know. People today don’t pay attention to etiquette the way they used to. Yesterday I was having dinner with a friend and she was constantly checking her phone! 简直就像患了电话迷恋症!

B: That’s a modern day disease. In today’s business etiquette, we are going to take a look at a brand new idea: allowing people to use their cell phones while in the air!

A: 哦? 在飞机上也能打电话? 这听着还不错, 咱们赶快去一探究竟吧!

礼节美语 – BE-249 Cell Phones I


Sue: Hey George, take a look at this article. It says several major airlines are considering allowing people to use their cell phones while in the air.

George: Oh no, really? That’s one of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard.
S: Oh? Why do you feel that way?

G: Well, I fly for business quite frequently and a plane is now one of the last places where I don’t have to hear people chatting on cell phones. I really enjoy the peace and quiet.

S: But it would be so convenient if we were able to make calls during long flights. Just think of how much work we could get done!

Sue告诉George, 现在好几家航空公司都考虑允许乘客在飞行途中使用手机。George觉得这个主意简直糟糕透了,因为飞机是公共场所里所剩无几不用听别人打电话的地方之一,I really enjoy the peace and quiet. George说自己很享受这种宁静,但是 Sue 觉得,如果能在飞机上打手机,就方便多了,好多事都能在飞机上处理完毕。

G: I think perhaps people are taking the idea of multitasking a little bit too far. I get calls from people on my cell phone and they say things like “Where were you? I’ve been trying to reach you all afternoon.” Well, I was on the golf course and I turned off my cell phone…is that a crime?
S: I see what you mean. We are so connected these days that there is hardly any time for peace and quiet. I’ll tell you a secret that’s a little embarrassing: I leave my cell phone on all night long, just in case a call comes in.

George觉得有些人 take the idea of multitasking a little bit too far. to take something too far 意思是一件事做得过头了,multitasking is spelled m-u-l-t-i-t-a-s-k-i-n-g, multitasking, multitasking 意思是同时做好几件工作。George说,有时候去打高尔夫球,把手机关机turn off the cell phone,就会有人因为找不到他而质问他到哪里去了,George跟Sue这些手机24小时开机的人形成了鲜明对照。

G: I know lots of people who do that. They say, “what if there is an emergency?” I guess I can understand why someone would feel that way, but I think sometimes we need to turn off our cell phones and tune out all the noise.

S: I can see your point. I get really frustrated by businesspeople that seem to never put down their cell phone. I have to listen to their long, boring conversations and there is really no way I can tune it out.

G: So people take calls every 2 or 3 minutes! Most of the time I think business conversations can probably wait until you get back to the office.

George认为,不能因为担心别人有急事,就把手机随时开机。Sue对George的看法表示赞同,说 I see your point. point在这里是观点的意思,有时候别人打电话,交谈内容很无聊,可是 There is no way I can tune it out. 我又没办法把这种噪音屏蔽掉,to tune something out意思是不去管它,听而不闻。George也觉得,其实很多跟工作有关的电话都可以等回办公室再打。

A: Well, I’m torn. At first I thought it would be nice if I could talk with my friends during a long, boring flight; but putting myself in other passengers’ shoes, hours of endless chatter sounds terrifying!

B: Oh-ho-ho, under my influence, you finally learned how to 换位思考! I’m so proud of you, baby!

A: Ehhhh….Kat…

B: Ok ok, kidding. But seriously, I think that is such a bad idea, I really don’t want to hear all the details of someone’s break-up or the latest details about your gross health problems!

A: 那咱们接着来听听Sue和George怎么说吧!

礼节美语 – BE-250 Cell Phones II


S: That’s true…we might actually be making more work for ourselves by this constant need to stay in touch.

G: If they allow cell phones on airplanes…we’re going to have to hear even more hours of endless chatter.I heard that some trains have what are called “quiet cars” now. People in the quiet cars aren’t allowed to talk on cell phones. I think that’s an excellent idea! I wish there were more “quiet” places. I’d pay more to eat at a restaurant that banned cell phones.

Sue表示,无时无刻stay in touch保持联系,无疑会让自己的工作量增加。George也担心,如果容许大家在飞机上打电话的话,就又得听别人没完没了的聊大天儿了。George说,现在火车上有不让接听电话的”quiet cars”安静车厢,他希望有更多类似的公共场合,如果哪家餐馆禁止顾客接听手机的话,提高价格他都没有意见。

S: We really don’t get a lot of quiet time these days. My brother recently went to a meditation center where he didn’t speak for three days. He said after three days, he finally noticed how much noise there is everywhere.

G: I think being connected to the world 24 hours a day, 365 days a year isn’t healthy. We sometimes need to be alone in order to think.
S: And you can’t think if it’s noisy.

G: Many famous people discovered important things when they were just sitting silently by themselves…you know the story about Issac Newton, right?

Sue说,现在的生活实在嘈杂,她哥哥最近到一个meditation center静思冥想中心去,三天没说一句话,三天过后才突然间意识到周围的环境是多么地嘈杂。George也觉得,一年365天,一天24小时随时随地 stay connected 跟别人保持联络其实是不利健康的,他还举例说,很多名人的重要发现都是在冥思苦想时发生,比如 Isaac Newton 牛顿。

S: Yep. He came up with the theory of gravity while sitting in a field and watching an apple fall from a tree.

G: He probably wouldn’t have had time to think about gravity if he was talking on his cell phone. Anyway, I really hope they don’t allow cell phones on planes. We need a few last places without cell phones!

S: All right, I can accept that. And besides, many airlines now allow you to use your laptop during the flight…if you really need to communicate, you can send an e-mail.

Sue说,没错,如果牛顿当时正忙着讲手机的话,就不会came up with the theory of gravity了。 to come up with意思是想到,发现,the theory of gravity意思是万有引力的理论。Sue 最后说,其实,现在很多航空公司都已经允许乘客使用laptop手提电脑了,所以如果在飞行期间需要跟别人联系,发电子邮件就可以了。

B: And that’s why I love to meditate. The world today is so busy and noisy, it’s hard for people to sit down quietly and listen to their heart.

A: 我觉得我也该跟你一起去! 现在工作这么忙,我连做梦都梦到我们在开会,太可怕了!

B: There you go! You are totally welcome to come with me!

美语训练班  第063课

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班!

B: 我是Kat! 杨琳,赶快来告诉大家今天咱们要学什么吧!

A: 好! 今天,咱们一起去看一场电影,学学怎么理性投资,教你怎么说名褒实贬,还要一起来看看小家电怎么说!

B: 名褒实贬? 这是什么意思….我不明白….

A: 等会听了节目你就明白了! 言归正传,我们赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word 1542 gadget

今天我们要学的词是 gadget. Gadget is spelled g-a-d-g-e-t , gadget. Gadget 意思是小玩意,小工具,经常用来指小电器产品。比如,My friend Michael is a gadget freak who always wants to get his hands on the latest inventions. 我朋友Michael是小电器产品发烧友,有什么新玩意他都得拿来玩玩。The company caters to high-end users who crave the newest gadgets. 这家公司专门服务那些热衷最新小电器产品的高端用户。苹果手机问世五年。For users, iPhone has changed from a gadget to a way of life. 对用户来说,苹果手机已经从一个小小的通讯工具,变成了一种生活方式。好的,今天我们学习的词是 gadget, gadget, gadget…

A: 说起 gadget, 我昨天终于去换了iPhone 3 , 你看!

B: An iPhone 3? Oh my god, what century are we in? Well, it’s still an iphone, I guess… so wow… cool phone!

A: Why do I get the feeling that you are damning me with faint praise?

B: Well… everyone is using iPhone 4s now and the 5 is actually coming out this year! ….既然你已经提到了damn with faint praise, 咱们就来学学这个短语的用法吧!

Words and Idioms 973

现在播送美国习惯用语第 973讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Dan Markus

我很尊重我奶奶,不过坦白说,她有时候真让我没办法。上星期她来我家之前,我特地把家里打扫得干干净净,还去买了几个沙发坐垫,把客厅装饰的更加温馨。可他对我煞费苦心地装饰只说了句:还凑合吧! 真气死我了! 这也让我想到一个习惯用语,那就是:

M: Damn with faint praise. Damn is spelled d-a-m-n, damn; faint, f-a-i-n-t, faint; and praise; p-r-a-i-s-e, praise. Damn-with-faint-praise. Damn with faint praise.

Damn 作为动词,是批评的意思,而faint praise, 在这里是指无力的赞扬。 Damn with faint praise, 作为一个词组,意思是名褒实贬,用轻微的赞扬进行贬低。我奶奶就是这样,对于我全部的努力,她就说了一句凑合, She damned me with faint praise even though I’ve tried my best to impress her. 虽然我尽了全力,可她还是名褒实贬地忽略了我的努力。下面的例子里谈的是父子关系,我们来听听看:

M: “Is it any wonder that my dad and I aren’t that close? No matter what I achieve, it always seems it isn’t good enough. He doesn’t actually say so directly. But the way he DAMNS me WITH FAINT PRAISE, I always feel like I’m not meeting his expectations. Why can’t he compliment me once in a while?”


对啊! 有这样的家长真的很让人难受。有些家长认为如果表扬孩子就是对他们的溺爱,其实不是这样。谁都需要表扬和肯定,不是吗? 在工作中也一样,如果有个不爱表扬人的领导,底下人的士气肯定也不高。Instead of damning the employees with faint praise, supervisors should encourage the staff when they do a good job. 好的,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “Is it any wonder that my dad and I aren’t that close? No matter what I achieve, it always seems it isn’t good enough. He doesn’t actually say so directly. But the way he DAMNS me WITH FAINT PRAISE, I always feel like I’m not meeting his expectations. Why can’t he compliment me once in a while?”

Damn with faint praise, 名褒实贬,用轻微的赞扬进行贬低。对于电影评论这个职业,或许这是一个有用的性格特征? 我们来听听看下面这个例子:

M: “The movie director had received many positive reviews for her latest work. One critic, however, didn’t seem to care for it much. It’s not that he gave it an openly bad review. Instead, he wrote that he was pleasantly surprised that the film was shorter than the other films. It was easy to see that he was DAMNING the director WITH FAINT PRAISE.”

[这段话是说: 这名电影导演的最新作品获得了很多正面评价。不过有一名影评人似乎并不怎么看好他的新片子。他倒也没有公开说这部电影不好,不过他说,他很高兴地发现,这部电影比这个导演的其他电影要短。很显然,他对这部电影是名褒实贬。]与其收到这种评论,倒还不如别人直接批评我! 我记得我听过一句话: ” If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” 如果你没有好话要说,那就闭嘴。我觉得这句话说的特别对。每个人都希望得到别人的肯定,谁愿意得到这种苍白的表扬呢? 好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “The movie director had received many positive reviews for her latest work. One critic,however, didn’t seem to care for it much. It’s not that he gave it an openly bad review. Instead, he wrote that he was pleasantly surprised that the film was shorter than the other films. It was easy to see that he was DAMNING the director WITH FAINT PRAISE.”

今天我们学习的习惯用语是Damn with faint praise, 意思是“名褒实贬,用轻微的赞扬进行贬低”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Dan Markus。谢谢各位的收听。

A: Listen, I’m just not a tech geek so I don’t really care about what kind of phone I get. 我也就是发个短信,看个电影什么的,iPhone 3 对我来说足够用了。

B: Haha, well at least you’ve got your priorities straight. Got any good movie recommendations for me?

A: 那你得告诉我你喜欢什么类型的呀?喜剧?悬疑片?功夫片?爱情片?

B: I love them all!!! But I think I enjoy the bloody ones best! Have you heard of Cannibal: The Musical? That’s my favorite movie of all time! A: 哎呦哎呦别说了,我胆儿小。

B: Haha, well you’re just going to have to deal with it! In today’s Go English, we will take you to the movie theatre for a horror movie!

Movie Dialogue: Beginner


Professor: Winnie, today we’re going to listen to Emily and Peter talking about movies on their blind date.

Professor: I agree! Now let’s find out if they both like going to the movies in their free time.

P: So Emily, what do you like to do for fun?

E: I like to go to the movies. What do you do in your free time?

P: I also like going to the movies.

E: Well that’s great! It’s nice that we have something in common.

听起来俩人都爱看电影,已经有共同话题了!对了,Professor Bowman, doing something “for fun” 和 doing something “in your free time” 有区别么?

P: They’re very similar. When you want to know what people’s hobbies are, you can ask them what they do “for fun,” or what they do “in their free time.”

原来如此,那我可以说 “I like studying English in my free time.”

P: Exactly, Winnie! Now let’s listen and see when they go to the movies.

E: When do you usually go to the movies?

P: I usually go in my free time on the weekends. How about you?

E: The movie theater is always so crowded on the weekends. I like to go to the movies during the week.

P: That’s true. And sometimes the tickets are cheaper during the week as well.

Professor: It looks like Emily and Peter like going to the movies at different times. Did you hear the difference, Winnie?

嗯,好像 Peter是周末去电影院,但 Emily嫌周末人多,所以她一般都是周一到周五去看电影。

Professor: That’s right, and Peter says the tickets are cheaper during the week too. What kind of movies do you think they like?

Professor: Let’s listen and find out.

P: I like watching comedies, like “Borat.” Do you like watching comedies too?

E: Not really, I like watching horror movies, like “The Unborn.”

P: You like horror movies? I don’t like them because they’re too scary! I like comedies because I love to laugh.

E: I like horror movies because I like to be scared.

啊呀, 他俩的电影口味相差很远呢! Emily是个女孩子,结果反倒爱看恐怖片,Peter是男子汉,却不敢看这种电影。Professor Bowman,我有个问题,他们好像管喜剧叫”comedies”,而不是”comedy movies”,这是为什么?

Professor: Well, Winnie, for some kinds of movies, you don’t have to use the word “movies” after them. For example, you can talk about “comedies,” “dramas” and “thrillers,” and everyone will know you’re talking about movies.

我明白了。comedies 喜剧片、dramas 剧情片和thrillers 惊险片,后面都不用加 movies. Professor Bowman,你觉得,他们电影口味不同,还会继续约会么?

Professor: I think if they really like each other, they’ll find a way to solve the problem. Let’s listen.

P: Well, it’s too bad that we like different kinds of movies. Maybe we’re just different kinds of people.

E: Yeah it’s too bad … but actually I think I know what to do.

P: What’s that?

E: We can go to a horror movie, and I’ll hold your hand so you don’t get scared.

P: You mean … like on a second date?

E: Of course! Or are you still too scared!

P: No way! That sounds great!

哈! Emily 可真不简单!她不仅安排了第二次约会,而且还找到了和 Peter 拉手的理由!

Professor: That was indeed very smart of her, Winnie! It looks like this date was a success after all.


Professor: Well, we’ll have to listen in next time and see what happens.

A: Oh good! They haven’t really started to watch the movie! 光听着我都害怕!为什么这些人要拍恐怖片呢?

B: Haha, a lot of people, for example me, just LOVE IT! Horror movies have a huge market and they don’t require tons of investment like other kinds of movies.

A: 你说这种电影投资不大?

B: Yeah, a horror flick doesn’t require a huge set like a historical movie, or any of that 3D tech for sci-fi. It just needs some actors, some ketchup to throw around as fake blood and a place where you can run around and scream all you want!

A: 好吧好吧…你刚才提到投资,在下面的business etiquette里谈的就是这个话题,咱们一起来听听吧!

B: Let’s listen!

礼节美语 BE-251 Investing I

Steve找到同事Bob, 向他请教投资的问题。

Steve: Hey, Bob! You’re a financial expert, aren’t you? I hear you know a lot about investing.

Bob: Well, I don’t like to toot my own horn…but I did go to school for a few years to study stuff like that.

S: Excellent. Do you mind if I pick your brain for a second?

B: For you, my friend, anything. What’s on your mind?

S: My wife and I recently inherited some money. It’s not a huge amount, but it’s enough to make us consider investing. The problem is that neither of us has any experience in this field.

原来,Steve夫妇俩继承了一笔财产,想拿去做投资。他知道 Bob 在投资方面比较在行,所以想 pick his brain 跟他咨询一下。to pick someone’s brain 意思是咨询某人的意见,跟某人讨主意。Bob 说,I don’t like to toot my own horn. 我不想自吹自擂。to toot one’s own horn 意思是自吹自擂,类似中文里说的老王卖瓜自卖自夸。Bob 听说 Steve 打算投资后说,

B: I see. Well, that’s a nice problem to have, isn’t it?

S: Yes, I guess it is. My wife’s great uncle passed away last month and we unexpectedly got a call from a lawyer telling us he left us something close to $20,000 in his will.

B: Well, that’s the kind of windfall that only comes around every blue moon so I agree that you and your wife really should think about investing. The problem is that there are so many options…Some offer stability but the money grows very slowly. Other options are more risky, but have more earning potential.

原来是Steve妻子从伯祖父那里很意外地继承了将近两万美元。Bob说,That’s the kind of windfall that only comes around every blue moon. windfall is spelled w-i-n-d-f-a-l-l, windfall 意外收获,飞来横财。every blue moon 意思是非常罕见。投资有很多选项,有些相对稳固,但是增长速度慢,有些收益潜力大,但是风险也大。

S: The stock market is one choice, but it really seems quite risky to me.
B: Stocks are risky. Most people who invest in the stock market end up losing money. The people who do make money – such as Warren Buffet – are in it for the long haul, and they have enough money to ride out the low points. I’m not sure I’d recommend you put your money into the stock market.

S: Okay…how about property? Lots of people have told us we should buy an apartment. They say land or real estate will always appreciate in value.

Steve 觉得,投资 stock market 股票市场风险大,Bob 表示赞同,说凡是在股市赚钱的人,they are all in it for the long haul. 都是把钱放在股市里走长线,这些人都有足够的财力,能 ride out the low points 挺得过股市的低落点。to ride out something 是经受得住,安然渡过的意思。投资房地产也是选项之一,Bob的意见如何?我们下次继续听。

A: 现在真是个投资房地产的好时机,前两天我还听说又来了个买房团呢!

B: I guess it is. The interest rates and housing prices are still really low. But…why are we even talking about this? It’s not as if we actually have that kind of money!

A: 哈哈,也是。那咱们还是接着听听Steve是怎么决定的吧!

礼节美语 – BE-252 Investing II

Steve找到同事Bob, 向他请教投资的问题,Bob觉得股市风险太大,那房地产呢?

Bob: Buying property is definitely something to consider. But just because prices have been going up for a long time doesn’t mean they will always go up. Lots of countries have experienced what’s called a “real estate bubble” that eventually pops.

Steve: That’s true. How about gold then? My brother-in-law says we should just buy a couple of gold bricks and store them in a vault somewhere.

B: Every time the economy begins to sour, people turn to gold. The price of gold then goes up because people see it as a safe haven.

Bob觉得,投资房地产固然可以考虑,但是房产价格不会永远攀升,很多国家都经历过 real estate bubble 房地产泡沫,最后都以泡沫破灭而告终。除了股市和房市以外,还可以买黄金。Bob 也认为,黄金是很好的避险投资,people see it as a safe haven. safe haven 是避难所,意思是投资黄金比较安全,不会赔钱。Every time the economy begins to sour, people turn to gold. 每次经济走下坡路,大家都把投资转向黄金。

B: But there are two problems with gold. One, there’s no guarantee that prices will stay high, and two, while it might be safe, it’s not really earning you anything in the same way that a smart investment could.S: That makes sense. You know, the more I think about this, the more complicated it becomes.

B: One of the safer bets might be government bonds. You give the government your money for say 20 years, and at the end of that period, they return it with a relatively high rate of interest.

S: That’s kind of appealing because it means you can’t touch the money during that period of time and it removes any temptation to go and buy a new car, for example.

除了黄金以外,另外一种安全投资是政府债券,safe bet, 安全的赌注,这里指万无一失的投资模式。Steve觉得,购买政府债券确实不错 that’s kind of appealing. appealing is spelled a-p-p-e-a-l-i-n-g, appealing 意思是有吸引力的,因为在债券到期之前,这些钱是不能动的,所以也就不会胡乱花掉。

B: Yeah, the money just sits there safely until you’re ready to retire. Many banks offer similar long-term investment deals that also pay pretty good interest rates.

S: Thanks a lot, Bob. I’m going to look into government bonds, and I’m going to have a conversation with my bank’s investment department.B: I’d say that’s probably the smartest way to go. Good luck.

Bob说,很多银行也提供类似的长期投资产品,而且利息不错。Steve向 Bob表示感谢,说 I’m going to look into government bonds. look into something 是仔细研究的意思。看来,Steve 还是准备稳妥起见,进行长期、风险小的投资。

A: Well, now the show is almost over. 我们今天要告诉大家一个伤心的消息,我最合拍的搭档Kat也要为自己的职业投资,今天是她最后一次主持美语训练班了!

B: (say something you want to say to the audience)

A: 虽然我们经常逗嘴,不过我肯定会很想你的! 希望你有空常回来做客,Kat!

B:没问题! I will definitely come back to bother you. You can count on it, Yang Lin!

A: 好,这次节目时间就到这里。如果你对我们的节目有什么建议,或者想提什么问题,请发电子邮件到meiyu@voanews.com. 下周我们会有临时的带班主持人Jody参加,千万别错过呦!

B: Bye bye!

美语训练班  第064课

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 大家好,我是Jo! 从今天开始, 我来给Kat代班,希望大家多多支持!

A: 放心,有我罩着你,你肯定没问题的拉!

B: 哈哈,你可得说到做到! 快来说说咱们今天都要学什么!

A: 好! 今天,咱们一起去看看电影,八卦一下办公室恋情,还要探讨探讨怎么处理工作压力!

B: 工作压力, oh my god! Tell me about it! I have so many things on my plate right now that I don’t even know where to start!

A: 等会我就来给你支招! 现在,咱们还是言归正传,赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word 1544 work-related

今天我们要学的词是 work-related. Work is spelled w-o-r-k, related is spelled r-e-l-a-t-e-d, work-related. Work-related 与工作有关的。比如,He claimed that the travel expenses were all work-related. 他说,外出旅行的这些开支都是跟工作有关的。最新研究显示,The more work-related stress parents experience, the more likely their children are to eat unhealthy meals. 家长在工作上的压力越大,他们的孩子吃不健康食物的可能性也就越大。More than 8,000 cancer deaths in Britain each year are work-related. 英国每年有八千多起癌症死亡都是由工作引起的。好,今天我们学习的词是 work-related, work-related, work-related…

B: This is exactly what I’m talking about, work-related stress. I have three scripts to write, a video to shoot, another video to edit, and tons of paperwork to finish by the end of this week!

A: 哎,可不! 在今天这种社会里,你只能学会忙里偷闲! 说起来,我下了班就要去yoga class, 要不然咱们一起去?

B: I’m not really a sports person. Sports never really decompresses me, instead, I get excited after working out and could not sleep.

A: 或者吧…嘿嘿嘿,你最近不是有个新实习生? 你可以多锻炼锻炼她嘛….

B: She’s helping a lot but I can’t let her to do my work! Actually she’s really a diamond in the rough. With a bit more training, she can become a great reporter very soon!

A: That’s why I think you can give her some more challenging work! ~~你刚才提到了一个很好的词儿,a diamond in the rough, 咱们今天就来学学这个习惯用语的用法!

Words and Idioms 974

现在播送美国习惯用语第 974讲。我是杨琳。

M: 我是 Steve Baragona.


M: Diamond in the rough. Diamond is spelled d-i-a-m-o-n-d, and rough; r-o-u-g-h. Diamond-in-the-rough. Diamond in the rough.

Diamond 是钻石的意思,而rough, 意思是粗糙的,未经雕琢的。连起来,diamond in the rough, 字面意思是粗糙的钻石,实际上就是我们在中文里所说的“未经雕琢的璞玉”。上面例子里谈到的那个实习生就是这样。She may not be an established broadcaster, but she shows potential. She’s a DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. 她现在还不是一名播音员,但是她很有潜力。她是一块未经雕琢的璞玉。下面的例子里,一个刚买房的人对他的房子有什么跟别人不一样的见解呢? 我们来听听看:

M: “My friends don’t have a very high opinion of the house I bought. True, it’s small and outdated. But the way I see it, its my DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. Once I build an addition on to it, install new windows, doors and give it a fresh coat of faint, it’ll be quite inviting. ”


我相信他很善于投资房地产,因为他能够意识到什么房子有翻修的价值。我的一个好朋友也是这样,她从来没有投资过房地产,不过她投资对了人。在她和她男朋友恋爱的时候,大家都不看好,可是她认为她男朋友是个潜力股。事实证明,His husband then started a great business. He was a DIAMOND IN THE TOUGH after all. 好了,言归正传,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “My friends don’t have a very high opinion of the house I bought. True, it’s small and outdated. But the way I see it, its my DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. Once I build an addition on to it, install new windows, doors and give it a fresh coat of faint, it’ll be quite inviting. ”

Diamond in the rough, 未经雕琢的璞玉。对于教练或者教师来说,发现这种潜力股的能力很重要。下面的这名网球教练就试图说服大家他发现了一个很有潜力的新球员,我们来听听看:

M: “Samantha’s coach has tried to convince anyone who will listen that he’s discovered the next great tennis star. But nobody believes that she’s a DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. No matter how much she trains, they think it’s doubtful that she’ll ever become an exceptional player.”

这段话是说: 萨曼塔的教练试图让其他人相信他真地发现了未来的网球明星。但是没有人相信她是一支潜力股。不管她怎么训练,大家都怀疑她是否能成为一名出色的网球选手。

一般来说,很难想像所有人都是错的。不过也有很多例子说明真理有时候确实会站在少数人那一边。说起Diamond in the rough这个短语的起源,最初人们用这个短语来指那些还没有经过雕琢的,特别是那些可能被打造成高贵珠宝的宝石。现在,我们用这个短语的引伸意义,来形容那些非常有潜力的人和物品。好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “Samantha’s coach has tried to convince anyone who will listen that he’s discovered the next great tennis star. But nobody believes that she’s a DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH. No matter how much she trains, they think it’s doubtful that she’ll ever become an exceptional player.”

今天我们学习的习惯用语是diamond in the rough, 意思是“未经雕琢的璞玉”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Steve Baragona。谢谢各位的收听。

A: Diamond in the rough, this is a good term to describe myself….(笑) kidding kidding. 不过上周我看了一部电影,里头的女配角虽然不出名,但是演得特别好! She’s definitely a diamond in the rough.

B: Sounds like you watch a lot of movies! Do you go to the movie theater a lot?

A: 其实不是! 我就是在Netflix上,在线看! It’s a lot more cheaper than going to a movie theater, and a great way to relax after a long day of work!

B: That’s true! I used to go to the movie theater a lot when I was dating my husband…but now, maybe I should consider having Netflix! Sounds like there are some great options there!

A: 是呀! 这不,在今天的美语三级跳里,Emily和Peter就要聊聊有关看电影的话题,咱们一起去听听吧!

Movie Dialogue: Intermediate


Emily 和 Peter正在约会,俩人聊到了电影,还有平时喜欢的消遣。
Professor: Winnie, we already know that both of them like going to movies in the theaters. Now let’s listen to them talking about other ways to watch movies.

P: Did you do anything fun over the weekend?

E: I didn’t want to go out last weekend, so I decided to stay at home and watch a movie.

P: Why didn’t you want to go out?

E: I was very tired after working all week. Sometimes on the weekend I don’t have enough energy to go out to a movie theater.

P: Did you download a movie or rent it at the store?

E: I downloaded it so that I didn’t have to remember to return it.

Professor: So, Winnie, besides going to the movie theater, what are the two other ways to watch movies that Emily and Peter talked about?


Professor: Right. And what’s better about renting a movie by downloading it?
MC: 这个我有亲身体会,下载电影不用记得去还!这么做的确很方便!

Professor: I agree, Winnie! Now let’s listen to Peter talking about the other activity he really likes.

P: Last weekend I didn’t want to go out either, so I stayed at home and played video games by myself. It was really fun!

E: Oh yeah, that sounds pretty cool, I guess …

P: Yeah, I’m really into video games. In fact, all my friends are on the Internet. I’ve never met any of them in the real world.

E: Oh really … well you must be very popular on the Internet. But it’s true that it’s nice to do some things in the comfort of your own home.

不会吧?Peter 的朋友都是玩线上游戏时认识的网友?在 Emily 眼中,这好像不能加分呦!

Professor: I think you’re right, Winnie. Emily didn’t sound very impressed by Peter’s being “into” video games. By the way, saying you’re “into” something is a casual way of saying you really like it.

哦,所以,如果我对政治特别感兴趣的话,就可以说 “I’m really into politics”?

Professor: Exactly. I wonder if Emily is “into” guys who spend all their time playing video games. Let’s listen and find out.

P: You’re right. Watching movies at home is way cheaper than going to the theater, too. I like downloading movies too because it’s easy and fast.

E: I agree. And it’s very convenient.

P: Have you ever heard of a movie rental company called Netflix? They send the movies directly to your house in the mail.

E: Really? That’s great! I’m going to try that next time.

P: Yeah, but I wish they delivered video games too. Then I would never leave my house!

Professor: Winnie, did you hear Peter say why he likes watching movies at home?

好像是他觉得在家看电影比去电影院便宜。可是,他说 “way cheaper”是什么意思呢?

Professor: The word “way” can be slang for “very.”

我明白了。前面加个 way, w-a-y, 是为了加重语气。那我可以说 “Peter is way into video games”!

Professor: That’s it!

P: So Emily, do you still want to see a movie together this weekend?
E: Well, what do you want to see? I don’t think there are many good movies out right now.

P: Hmmm … I know! We can go to a really bad sci-fi movie and sit in the back of the theater and make fun of it. What do you think?

E: Now that’s a great plan. It’s a date!

大功告成!虽然Peter沉迷于网络游戏,可Emily还是愿意继续跟他约会,两人准备去看最烂的 sci-fi movie 科幻片,然后一起嘲笑电影的粗制滥造!

Professor: That’s right. When you say that a movie is “out,” that means that it is playing in the theaters.

对啊!我特别想看布拉德皮特的新片,but it won’t be out until next month!So, professor Bowman, do you think Emily and Peter’s next date will go well?

Professor: For that, Winnie, we’ll have to tune in next time and find out!

A: Emily和Peter聊起了看电影的方式,除了去电影院,还可以rent or download a movie; 不过Peter谈起电子游戏的时候兴致大增,Emily 觉得 Peter “way into video games” ,太热衷电子游戏了。
B: Hope they can keep going out!

A: 对啊! 真羡慕他们!!!! At least they have someone to go out with. 现在天天工作10小时,我都没时间出去认识人,怎么找男朋友呀!
B: Yeah I know, work is tough these days. Actually a lot of people are complaining about the same thing. Hmm…wait, why don’t you check out some of the cute guys in the office?

A: 啊? 办公室恋情? 大家不是都说同事最好别恋爱吗?

B: Well, I mean, the only thing you need to think of is an exit strategy in case things don’t work out. But if you really like someone and he happens to be your co-worker, what’s wrong with that?

A: 哈,也是! 今天的business etiquette里就要讲讲浪漫~的办公室恋情,咱们先一起去听听看吧!

公司老板 Joe 找员工 Sam 和 Lucinda 谈话。

Joe Tan: Hi Sam, please take a seat. Good morning, Lucinda. Please sit down. How are you both this morning?

Sam and Lucinda: Good, thanks.

Joe: I asked you both to come in this morning because there’s been rumors floating around that you two are involved in a personal relationship. Now I know these kinds of things can be sensitive, but I do feel we have to discuss it.

Joe 开门见山,说找他们两人谈话,是因为公司里有传言,there has been rumors floating around…说 Sam 和 Lucinda 在谈恋爱。Joe 承认,这种事可能很敏感 sensitive, s-e-n-s-i-t-i-v-e,但还是得谈。

Lucinda: Yes, the rumors are true. Sam and I are in love!

Sam: It’s true, I feel the same way about Lucinda!

Joe: Well, let me be the first to congratulate you! Falling in love is great and I’m very happy for both of you.

S: But?

J: Well, our company does have some guidelines for internal relationships.

Lucinda 和 Sam 两人都承认,they are in love. 他们确实在恋爱。Joe 首先向他们表示祝贺。但随即承膂b,公司在员工谈恋爱方面有 guideline 指导原则 g-u-i-d-e-l-i-n-e. 什么 guideline 呢?

L: The company frowns on co-workers dating each other, right?

J: Let’s just say such relationships are not actively encouraged.

S: But why? We are in love!

J: There are many reasons, but one of the main downsides to interoffice relationships is that they can be a big distraction from work. Other employees can also sometimes see such relationships as unfair. The end result can be jealousy, hurt feelings and a loss of productivity for the company.

Joe 解释说,公司之所以不鼓励公司员工之间的恋爱关系,最主要的原因是干扰工作,a big distraction from work. d-i-s-t-r-a-c-t-i-o-n 分心。其他员工会觉得不公平,最后造成 a loss of productivity for the company. 公司生产力的下降。p-r-o-d-u-c-t-i-v-i-t-y 生产力。

L: But in today’s modern working world, I feel like there is very little opportunity to meet people. Bars are smoky and loud. Internet dating can be very scary…it seems like I spend most of my time working at the office, so isn’t it natural to find a co-worker as a partner?

S: I have to agree. Lucinda and I work on the same projects so we have a lot in common. I even think our productivity has increased as a result of our relationship. We talk about work even during our free time!

Lucinda 说,她觉得,酒吧烟雾弥漫、人声鼎沸,网上交友又不安全,既然一天到晚待在公司,在办公室找对象不是很自然吗。Sam 也说,他们两人是同一个项目组的,we have a lot in common. 有很多共同点。他觉得,他们的恋爱关系反而提高了公司的生产力。说到这儿,老板 Joe 是不是理屈词穷了呢?我们下次继续听。

A: 原来,老板说办公室恋爱得有guideline指导原则,公司一般不鼓励办公室恋爱,主要是怕it can be a distraction from work, 干扰工作,造成a loss of productivity 生产力下降。

B: Yeah, I think this is the main reason why some companies forbid office relationship.

A: 可是不都说,男女搭配,干活不累吗?

B: Of course! But if the couple break up and still need to face each other everyday, that’s going to be awkward, don’t you think?

A: That’s true. But you can work on different projects, that’s why we say an exit strategy is extremely important! 咱们接着听老板Joe给出了什么样的建议吧!


A Relationship at the Office II

Sam 和 Lucinda 在公司谈恋爱,被老板 Joe 找来谈话。Sam 和 Lucinda 保证,两人的恋爱关系不会影响工作。让我们听听老板 Joe 是怎么说的。

J: I understand your position completely. And let me say: our company doesn’t have a blanket ban on interoffice relationships. We are just concerned about possible ramifications. When you first fall in love, of course you don’t think about what would happen if you broke up, but let’s face it…break-ups are very common. Have you considered what it would be like if the relationship didn’t work out?

Joe 说,公司并不一律禁止内部的恋爱关系,a blanket ban 一概而论,全部禁止。但他 同时提醒他们,万一两人吹了,该怎么办。Joe 说,Break-ups are very common. Break-up 意思就是恋爱关系的中断。

L: That’s true. It would be very awkward to work with an ex-boyfriend every day.

S: But there must be some way we can continue dating and working together. We are adults after all.

J: Yes, I think there are ways you can continue a relationship while working together. Relationship experts say the first rule when co-workers decide to date each other is to plan an ‘exit strategy.’

Lucinda 承认,万一两人吹了,会十分尴尬,但是 Sam 表示,总该有个让恋爱工作两不误的好办法,毕竟大家都是成年人。Joe 告诉他们,专家说了,跟同事谈恋爱,首先应该想好 ‘exit strategy’. 退出战略。

L: Exit strategy?

J: Yes. What would you do if the relationship isn’t successful? You should think about that. I think the biggest issue is that if it doesn’t work out, you still have to face that person every day…and that can be tough.

S: I think you’ve given us some good points we should talk over. Let me assure you that Lucinda and I will be as discreet as possible around the office.

Joe 所说的 exit strategy 退出战略,其实就是想好后路的意思,万一吹了,该如何彼此面对。Sam 保证说,他和 Lucinda 一定会尽量注意影响。

J: One option is for one of you to transfer to a different department so you can still work together, but not in such an intimate way.

L: Yes, that’s a possibility we should think about. Let me also say that we recognize that when we are working, the job comes first. There will be no drop in productivity, I can guarantee that!

J: Well, I think you both are handling this situation in a mature way. Let’s just take it from here and see how it goes, OK? Thanks for talking with me and being honest and open. I really appreciate that.

S: Thanks, boss!

Joe 建议说,Sam 和 Lucinda 其中一人不妨考虑换个部门工作。Lucinda 再次保证,不会影响工作,Job comes first. 一切以工作为重。谈话结束前,Joe 称赞两人处事成熟,Let’s just take it from here and see how it goes. 意思是走一步看一步吧。

B: That sounds like a good idea, to let the couples work on different projects. This way it won’t be too awkward if the two split.

A: 那我得抓紧时间,去别的办公室寻找帅哥行动开始!

B: All right, day dreaming queen…

美语训练班  第065课

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Jo! 杨琳,赶快来告诉大家咱们今天都要学什么?

A: 好! 今天,咱们要接着去看看Emily 和Peter的约会,探讨一下怎么要求升职加薪,还要告诉大家成功的窍门怎么说!

B: 加薪? Asking for a raise? That’s exactly what I need!! 快告诉我…

A: 咱们等会就来听听其中的奥秘! 现在,咱们还是言归正传,赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word1546 outpour

今天我们要学的词是 outpouring. Outpouring is spelled o-u-t-p-o-u-r-i-n-g, outpouring. Outpouring 名词,是大量涌出的意思。The tragedy triggered an outpouring of concern and donations. 这起悲剧引起了外界大量的同情和捐款。CNN名主播Anderson Cooper出柜,承认自己是同性恋。Anderson Cooper received a huge outpouring of support after his announcement. Anderson Cooper 公开宣布后,得到了大量的支持。前段时间,纽约一位68岁的校车安全监督员受到学生的侮辱。The incident sparked a massive outpouring of sympathy for the bullied bus monitor. 这起事件引起了外界对这个被无故屈辱的校车监督员的同情。好的,今天我们学习的词是outpouring, outpouring, outpouring…

A: Speaking of outpouring, look at these pimples on my face!!! 看这青春美丽痘大的! 真烦人!

B: Well, at least that means you are young!!! Actually, I used to have the same problem and I know exactly what’s going to do the trick!
A: 啊? 你知道去除青春痘的窍门? 快说快说快说!

B: Most people breakout when they are under great stress. Try to relax, do some yoga, go shake your body, or simply a day outside in the park should do the trick!

A: That sounds nice! 那我得好好计划一下周末的远足了! 你刚才提到了一个很好的词儿,do the trick,咱们今天就来学学这个习惯用语的用法!

Words and Idioms 975

现在播送美国习惯用语第 975讲。我是杨琳。

M: 我是 Steve Baragona.


M: Do the trick. Trick is spelled t-r-i-c-k. Do-the-trick. Do the trick.

Trick,诀窍。Do the trick, 其实就是取得想要的成果,获得成功的窍门。上面的例子里就是这样,如果你的小狗过于好动,Taking your dog for a run in the morning will do the trick. 只要每天早晨带它去跑跑步就好了。大家都很讨厌冗长的会议,下面的例子里,这名咨询顾问给了我们什么忠告呢? 我们来听听看:

M: “How often have you found yourself suffering in another lengthy meeting? Maybe you’ve asked the boss to shorten the agenda or encouraged colleagues to talk briefly. But nothing has worked. Next time, invite participants to stand instead of sit. I guarantee you, it DOES THE TRICK. Nobody will want to stay on their feet for long, so your meeting will be short. ”

这段话是说:你是不是经常被困在冗长的会议中呢? 也许你曾经要求老板缩短会议,或者鼓励同事简短发言,但是似乎什么都不奏效。告诉你一个小窍门。下回,让大家站着,而不是坐着开会。我保证你能达到目的。没有人愿意老站着,所以会议也不会长。

这主意真不错! 每星期一早晨的员工例行会议特别让人头疼。经过一个周末后,很多人都有Monday blue 星期一沮丧症。所以很多公司都会在周一早晨提供donut, 甜面包圈。 For many workers, sweet donuts DO THE TRICK; they keep them awake and focused. 对于很多员工来说,甜面包圈就能把他们吸引过来,让他们保持清醒和精力集中。真希望我们公司也有面包圈提供呢! 好了,言归正传,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “How often have you found yourself suffering in another lengthy meeting? Maybe you’ve asked the boss to shorten the agenda or encouraged colleagues to talk briefly. But nothing has worked. Next time, invite participants to stand instead of sit. I guarantee you, it DOES THE TRICK. Nobody will want to stay on their feet for long, so your meeting will be short. ”

Do the trick, 达到目的的窍门。我相信对于所有人来说,纪念日都是很重要的。下面例子里的这个丈夫老是忘了自己的结婚纪念日,他做了什么来补救呢? 我们来听听看:

M: “I know I should remember my anniversary and other dates, but sometimes I forget. When I first got married, I’d send flowers as an apology. They always DID THE TRICK. These days, however, they don’t make my wife happy. Instead, she expects expensive jewelry. ”

这段话是说: 我也知道我老是忘记结婚纪念日和其他重要的节日。刚结婚的时候,我会给妻子买花表示抱歉,每次她都会原谅我。但是现在,鲜花已经不能博取妻子的欢心了。她想要昂贵的珠宝。

我真不知道是该说这名丈夫健忘,还是这位妻子贪心呢? 其实,我觉得她应该把这些重要的节日都输入到她丈夫的智能手机里,这样手机就能自动提醒他啦! If she programs the important dates into her husband’s smart phone, he will get instant reminders. I think it will do the trick. 这应该就能解决忘记重要日子的问题了。好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “I know I should remember my anniversary and other dates, but sometimes I forget. When I first got married, I’d send flowers as an apology. They always DID THE TRICK. These days, however, they don’t make my wife happy. Instead, she expects expensive jewelry. ”

今天我们学习的习惯用语是do the trick, 意思是“获得成功的窍门”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Steve Baragona。谢谢各位的收听。

B: No wonder my dog always has so much energy. All it needs is exercise.

A: Yeah, a morning run should do the trick! 其实我妈妈原来跟我说,她也是这么对付我的…She would let me play outside to burn out my energy….

B: Hahahaha, I think that’s a universal trick for all Moms! I was watching this movie last night when my son came over and climbed up on me, so I let him play for an hour in his tree house! Next thing I know, he’s sound asleep in his little bed and I could enjoy my chick flick!

A: Chick flick? 这是爱情片的意思对吧?

B: Yep! It’s one of my favorite move types. What kind of movie do you like?

A: 那当然是 comedy, 喜剧啦! 我觉得电影就该让人笑,不然怎么起到放松的作用啊!

B: Different people have different tastes . In today’s Go English, we will take a look at all the different types of movies!

A: Let’s listen!

Movie Dialogue: Advanced


Professor: Today we’re going to learn some useful vocabulary for talking about movies.

太好了!Professor Bowman. 我特别喜欢看电影,正好学点新词汇!

Professor: Good, Winnie! Then listen closely to Emily and Peter discussing their favorite movies.

E: So Peter, do you have a favorite comedy?

P: Well that’s hard to say because there are so many good ones. I don’t think I could pick a favorite.

E: You know what comedy I really like? “Ace Ventura, Pet Detective.” I think Jim Carrey is really funny.

P: Oh yeah, that’s one of my favorite flicks. I think Jim Carrey is one of the funniest comedians ever.

E: I agree. But even though I like comedies, I usually prefer more serious films. My favorite movie is “Titanic.”

Professor: Winnie, Did you hear the words “flick” and “film”? They both mean “movie,” but “flick” is slang for a movie that doesn’t have a lot of artistic value, but may be fun to watch anyway.

哦,flick 和film都是电影,但是flick指那些艺术价值不高,看来消遣的电影。

Professor: In the next segment, listen for the words “cheesy” and “special effects.”

P: You like Titanic? That movie is so cheesy.

E: It’s not cheesy! It’s romantic. When it first came out, I saw it in the theaters five times in one week.

P: Really? Well the special effects might have been good in 1997, but when you watch it today they make the film seem really cheesy.

E: Alright, maybe it’s a little bit cheesy. But come on, isn’t it fun to go to a cheap flick once in a while?

P: Actually, I have to admit that you’re right. I like some pretty cheesy movies too. I love Arnold Schwarzenegger action flicks, especially “Terminator.”

E: Haha, that’s definitely a cheesy movie too. Did you watch it over and over again?

P: Well … I saw it only once, but for the next two months when I talked to people, I pretended I was the Terminator.

Professor: Winnie, Did you notice that a “cheesy” movie can easily be called a “flick”? They both mean that the movie is low quality or low-brow.


Professor: But apparently Peter really got into the “Terminator” character! Now we’re going to learn about words to describe action movies and horror movies. Listen for the terms “gory,” “gross me out” and “freak me out.”

E: You talked like the Terminator for two months? Wow, I think you liked that movie even more than I liked “Titanic.” Why did you like “Terminator” so much?

P: Well, “Terminator” is a really great action movie, and I like action movies because they’re exciting.

E: Isn’t “Terminator” really violent? I usually don’t like gory movies because they gross me out.

P: It is pretty violent, but since it’s just robots fighting one another, it isn’t very bloody and so it won’t gross you out.

E: Hmm … I don’t know. Even though it may not be gory, I think it would still be scary enough to totally freak me out.

Professor: OK, Winnie, a movie is gory if it contains lots of death and blood. If you really don’t like to watch that kind of thing, you can say that you were “grossed out.”

没错,我一看血腥电影就觉得恶心,I’m totally grossed out by gory movies!

Professor: And you might be “freaked out” by some other movies, meaning you get scared when watching them.

In the next segment, we’re going to learn how to talk about movies we don’t like.

E: Well now that I know what kind of movies you like, tell me, what’s your least favorite kind of movie?

P: I don’t really like sci-fi movies because they’re always really weird.
E: I know! I don’t get them at all. But wait, isn’t “Terminator” a sci-fi movie?

P: Hmm … you’re right. Well, I guess “Terminator” is an exception to the rule.

Professor: Winnie, Did you also hear “exception to the rule”?


Prof: You’re right!

So do you think Emily and Peter are a good match?


A: Emily喜欢泰坦尼克号,可是Peter觉得这个电影 very cheesy, 很庸俗,而且the special effect is out of date 特技也过时了。而Emily觉得Peter最喜欢的终结者太过 gory,血腥,it will gross her out, 让她觉得恶心。

B: That’s my point: different strokes for different folks.

A: Yeah true. 我当然最喜欢不用动脑的喜剧,可是有人就会觉得电影就应该能发人深思呢!

B: Correct. I love comedies as well, especially when I need to take a break from all the stress at work.

A: Yeah, I notice you have been working late these days. You know what? You should ASK FOR A RAISE for all the extra effort you put in!!

B:I really want to. But I’m always a bit nervous and I just don’t know how to ask. I’m definitely not the most assertive person…

A: It won’t hurt to ask! 正好,今天的business etiquette 里就给了我们一些tips! 咱们赶快带着听众朋友一起去学学吧!

礼节美语 Asking for a raise

Kim 跟朋友 Anita 一起出去吃饭。

K: Hey, Anita! Great to see you!

A: Long time no see! I’m so glad you had time to meet for lunch!

K: I’ve missed you. How have you been?

A: Pretty good. The boys are doing well in school and John is enjoying his new job. You?

K: Pretty much the same. Still working killer hours and still angling for that promotion. I have a hunch I’m going to move up to vice president this year.

A: That’s great!

Kim 和 Anita 显然是很久没见了,互相询问近况。Kim 说,自己还是没日没夜地干,work killer hours;争取提升,angle for the promotion. Kim 还说,I have a hunch, h-u-n-c-h 有直觉,今年能升成公司副总。

K: How’s your career going? Last time we spoke you said you were trying to get a raise.

A: Yep. That’s the plan. I mean, I’ve certainly put in the hours. I’m definitely one of the most productive members of the company and I feel I contribute a lot.

K: So? What’s the problem? Why haven’t you gone in there and demanded a raise?

A: I just can’t work up the confidence to do it. I know I need to, and I know I need it, but it’s tough.

Anita 想涨工资,可又不知道怎么开口。她说自己就是鼓不起勇气。I just can’t work up the confidence to do it. Kim 是怎么指点她的呢?

K: OK sister, we are going to figure this out together. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s asking for what I need.

A: I don’t even know where to begin. My son needs braces and his school tuition has just gone up. We really need to get a new car and even the dog has needs we can’t pay for.

K: OK, stop right there. You can’t base your salary request according to your needs. The company isn’t a charity and if you go in and say, “I need” it’s not going to work.

第一,不能跟老板说,我缺钱,因为公司不是慈善机构。Anita 说,儿子需要整牙,学费涨价,家里需要换新车,结果被 Kim 叫停。

A: I could probably make more money if I changed companies.

K: There you go…that’s a powerful argument. But leave any threats till the last minute. What you need to do is stress your value.

A: I do have to consider the current global economic slowdown. Our company has been taking quite a hit.

K: That’s true. You have to take those factors into account. But you also have to get paid at a fair rate.

Anita 说,如果换个工作,工资肯定会增加。Kim 觉得这是一个很好的理由,但建议说,应该 leave any threats till the last minute. 威胁是最后的杀手_。Kim 说,what you need to do is stress your value. 要强调自己对公司的价值。Anita 还是拿不定主意,因为 our company has been taking quite a hit. Take a hit 公司在全球经济紧缩中受到了打击。但是Kim认为,尽管如此,工资水平还是要合理才行。

A: Anita 表示, She’s been working killer hours 没日没夜的干,觉得自己应该涨公司。Kim觉得, Anita 需要 stress your value to the company, 强调自己对公司的价值,而且威胁一定要留在最后 leave any threats till the last minute.

B: Yeah, on most occasions, threatening are great….if you want to get fired. I think you really should emphasize on what you can bring to the company.

A: 对啊! 可是,这又该从什么地方说起呢?

B: Like if you are extremely creative and had helped the company launch new projects, you should definitely mention that. Also if you have been with the company for a few years, you can play the loyalty card.

A: Jo, 你的建议不是挺好的吗? 那你就按照这样自己去说嘛!

B: 哎,到了自己的事情我就傻眼了!

A: 嗨,纸上谈兵呀! 那,咱们就接着去看看Kim给出了什么建议吧!

礼节美语 Asking for a raise II

Kim 跟朋友 Anita 一起去吃饭。Anita 想跟公司要求涨工资,可是不知道怎么开口,Kim 给她出主意。注意听,Anita 在这家公司干了几年?

A: I can present quite a bit of hard data to demonstrate my usefulness to the company.

K: That’s great! Then you have to figure out what a fair salary is for your position and your responsibilities. How long have you worked there?

A:This would be the third year.

K: Three years? Then your boss should be expecting you to ask for a raise. You can check online and find out what typical salaries for your position are.

Anita 在公司已经第三年了。Kim 说,那你要求涨工资,应该在老板的预料之中。Kim 建议 Anita 上网查一下,看她这样的工资到底应该是多少。

A: From the research I’ve done, I’m pretty sure others are making about 15% more than I am.

K: OK, so there is your target. A minimum 15% raise.

A: I’m still a little hesitant to go tooting my own horn and demanding higher pay…it’s just not my style.

K: Well…as the old saying goes, “Ask and you will receive.” You have to give it a shot. I’d recommend you ask for a 20% increase, that way there’s a little wiggle room for both of you to negotiate.

Anita 说,自己的工资比市价低15%。但她还是很犹豫。I’m still a little hesitant to go tooting my own horn. toot one’s own horn, 也可以说 blow one’s own horn 自吹自擂。Kim 劝 Anita,you have to give it a shot. give it a shot 试试看。她还建议 Anita 要求增加20%的工资,留下讨价还价的余地,wiggle room, w-i-g-g-l-e, wiggle room 回旋余地。

A: But what if they say no?

K: Well, you have several options. Option one: you say, “If not now, when will you consider giving me a raise?” If they say, “next year” you can consider waiting.

A: And option two?

K: Are you sure you can find another decent job with another company?

A: Yes…pretty sure. But I like my workplace. I like my co-workers…I even like the boss.

K: Then that’s option two. You tell them how much you like working for them and how much you value your job. But then you tell them that you will have to consider looking for a new position if you can’t come to some agreement on salary issues.

老板要说不,怎么办?Kim 说,有两种选择。Two options. 第一是问那要等到什么时候,如果是明年,可以考虑等;第二是告诉他们,虽然很喜欢这里的工作,但是,如果在工资上谈不拢,就要另谋差事。

A: So it’s sweetness first, then ultimatums?

K: You said it. But just make sure you can really make good on your threat if you need to.

A: Thanks for the pep talk, Kim. I’m going to ask for a raise on Monday!

K: You go girl!

So it’s sweetness first, then ultimatums? 先软后硬。ultimatum, u-l-t-i-m-a-t-u-m 最后通牒。不过,Kim 警告说,前提条件是真能找到新工作。Anita 谢谢 Kim 的 Pep talk 鼓励,决定星期一去找老板谈。

A: 想想看,我也在公司工作三年啦! 我看也是时候给我加薪了!
B: Well, day dreaming queen…but I think this time you are right! And we got some really good tips from the show!

A: 嘿嘿,那当然啦! 好啦同学们,这次节目时间就到这里。美语训练班第65课

美语训练班  第066课

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 大家好,我是Mike! 我来接替Kat的任务,从今天起我会跟杨琳一起为大家主持这档节目!

A: 欢迎Mike来到我们的节目! 我们一定尽力为大家推出更棒的美语训练班!

B: There you go! 好了,快来告诉大家咱们今天都要学什么?
A: 今天,咱们要去看看搬家有多麻烦,听听怎么申请美国公民,还要探讨一下雇私人教练到底值不值!

B: Relocating? You know what, we don’t need to listen to the lessons, I can tell you everything you need to know.

A: 行,等会让你说! 现在,咱们还是言归正传,赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a word!

Learn A Word 1545 personal trainer

今天我们要学的词是 personal trainer. Personal is spelled p-e-r-s-o-n-a-l, and trainer is spelled t-r-a-i-n-e-r, personal trainer. Personal trainer 私人教练。随着人们健康意识的加强,Personal trainers have become one of the fastest-growing occupations in the U.S. 私人教练日益成为美国成长最快的职业之一。 From 2001 to 2011, the number of personal trainers grew by 44 percent to 231,500. 2001年到2011年间,私人教练的人数增长了百分之44, 总人数增至23万1千500人。For personal trainers, the average hourly pay is less than $15 and work hours are erratic. 私人教练平均收入每小时不到15美元,而且工作时间也很不规律。好的,今天我们学习的词是 personal trainer, personal trainer, personal trainer…

B: Actually I have first hand experience with personal trainers. While they can be really expensive, my personal trainer help me to get in the best shape of my life.

A: 哦? 真有那么灵? 那你的私人教练都让你干了什么?

B: Like now I eat four meals a day, and I have my big meals earlier in the day, aka my breakfast and lunch, and I eat a lot of protein and vegetables.

A: 怎么听起来像减肥教练? 不过看你这身材,是还不错萨!
B: 哈哈,thanks!

A: So you think it’s worthwhile to hire a personal trainer?
B: Definitely. But they ARE expensive, I could barely eke out enough money to pay my monthly dues.
A: 看来好东西,好服务都不便宜! 不过你刚才提到了一个很好的词儿,eke out, 咱们一起来学学这个习惯用语的用法!

Words and Idioms 976

现在播送美国习惯用语第 976讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Steve Baragona.


M:Eke out. Eke is spelled e-k-e, eke; and out; o-u-t, out. Eke out.

Eke 是个动词,意思是节约使用,勉强度日, 而eke out 其实就是竭力维持的意思。上面例子中,我室友每次都刚刚好完成销售任务。He was able to EKE OUT a few more car sales. 他竭尽全力多卖几辆车。下面例子里这个人选择里自己热衷的职业,但却难免囊中羞涩。我们来听听看:

M: My sister-in-law has always been drawn to helping the poor. Her job as a social worker, however, doesn’t pay very well. She barely covers her expenses every month. Still, she’d rather EKE OUT a living doing what she likes than living comfortably from a job that’s unrewarding.


我真是太佩服她这种精神了!不过确实是这样,如果你热爱自己的工作,那么工作就变成了一种享受。就像我叔叔,很多人出大钱想要收购他的农场,但是他说,他无法想像不养牛,不喂鸡的生活。To many people, he EKES OUT an existence. Yet he feels that he lives quite richly. 对很多人来说,他是在勉强度日。但是他自己却觉得生活特别满足。 好了,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “My sister-in-law has always been drawn to helping the poor. Her job as a social worker, however, doesn’t pay very well. She barely covers her expenses every month. Still, she’d rather EKE OUT a living doing what she likes than living comfortably from a job that’s unrewarding.”

上面我们讲到了eke out, 勉强维持。不知道我们的听众朋友里有没有篮球迷?下面这个例子跟篮球有关,让我们来听听看赛场上发生了什么另人惊叹的情况:

M: Fans of the Daredevils have been rewarded with some amazing basketball playing this season. You see, their team kept looking like they were heading for another defeat. Then, they would somehow outmaneuver their opponents to win the game. The way they’ve been EKING OUT one victory after another, they may make it to the finals after all!


哈哈,我想他们的球迷肯定特别高兴!我不是个体育迷,不过我是个哈利波特迷!最近我刚刚看完了哈利波特系列的最后一部!太精彩了!不过你知道吗?这个系列的作者 J.K.罗琳曾经一度生活在贫困线上?J.K. Rowling was eking out a living while on welfare before she started her famous Harry Potter series. 她开始写作哈利波特系列前,曾经依靠福利勉强度日。好的,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: Fans of the Daredevils have been rewarded with some amazing basketball playing this season. You see, their team kept looking like they were heading for another defeat. Then, they would somehow outmaneuver their opponents to win the game. The way they’ve been EKING OUT one victory after another, they may be making it to the finals after all!

今天我们学习的习惯用语是EKE OUT,意思是“竭力维持”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Steve Baragona。谢谢各位的收听。

B: Speaking of eke out, some of the sports commentators thought China would only eke out a couple Olympic victories, but it turns out the Chinese teams are doing exceptionally well!

A: 那当然了! 我们泱泱大国,得几十块金牌当然是不在话下! 我昨天看了diving, 跳水,真是太爽了!

B: Wait…I thought you are getting American citizenship right? You should be rooting for the American team then!

A: 申请入籍?No! I am only applying for a green card, and no matter what, 我的心永远属于中国呀! But no kidding, even for a green card, there is SO MUCH paperwork to do! I feel my head is going to explode!
B: I can totally imagine that. In today’s Go English, we will follow Amir to learn about how to become an American citizen, let’s go and take a look!

Citizenship: Beginner


Amir 已经在美国生活了几年,在考虑入籍成为美国公民。他找朋友Susan, 打听入籍的手续。

Professor: That’s right, Winnie. Becoming an American citizen takes a lot of work.


Susan: Hi Amir, how are you? I haven’t seen you lately.

Amir: Hi Susan. I’ve been very busy lately applying to become a US citizen. It’s a lot of work!

Susan: Wow, it must be very complicated. Is everything going smoothly?

Amir: Yeah, but there is so much paperwork to do.

“paperwork”,就是“文书工作”,也就是填表格、写文件、做档案等事情。Amir说,在申请入籍的时候,要做很多paperwok, professor, 在表达这个意思的时候,应该说do paperwork 还是 fill out paperwork 呢?

Professor: You can use either verb, Winnie. They mean the same thing.

原来如此。对了,Susan 问 Amir “is everything going smoothly?”,就是问“一切进展顺利么?” 对不对?

Professor: Exactly. For example, you could say that “Class didn’t go smoothly because I did not do my homework the night before.”

Susan: Why have you decided to become a US citizen?

Amir: My wife is American, and we chose to settle here in America.

Susan: Are you going to give up your Iranian citizenship?

Amir: Yes. It’s too bad that Iran doesn’t recognize dual citizenship.

原来,Amir 的太太是美国人,所以他们决定”settle here in America”–在美国定居。

Professor: Amir also says that he has to give up his Iranian citizenship because Iran doesn’t recognize dual citizenship.

Dual, d-u-a-l, dual 是“双重”的意思。所以dual citizenship 就是有双重国籍。Amir 不得不放弃他的伊朗国籍,因为伊朗不承认双重国籍。

Susan: What is your immigration status right now?

Amir: Right now I am a permanent resident with a green card.

Susan: I see. How long will it take to become a citizen?

Amir: I’m not sure. Right now I am still finding all the documents I need. I will probably file my application next month.

Susan问Amir现在的immigration status–移民身份,Amir说,他有green card–绿卡,是permanent resident–美国永久居民。

Professor: That’s right. How long will it take for Amir to become a citizen?


Professor: Yes, it can take a long time. And when is he going to file his application?

Amir说,他可能下个月就会file his application–提交他的申请材料。
Susan: You know, Amir, applying for citizenship is very complicated. You should talk to an immigration lawyer.

Amir: I don’t know. That would probably cost a lot of money.

Susan: Yes, but if there are problems processing your application, the lawyer can help you.

Amir: Yeah, you’re right. I don’t want to take any chances. I’ll talk to an immigration lawyer.

Susan 建议Amir雇一个immigration lawyer–移民律师,这样,如果申请过程中出现问题,律师可以帮他解决。对了,Professor, Amir说 he “doesn’t want to take any chances”,这是什么意思?

Professor: Winnie, when you take a chance, you do something dangerous or risky.

我明白了,take a chance就是“冒险”的意思。 Amir虽然有点心疼律师费,但不想take any chances—拿自己的申请冒险。希望everything will go smoothly,Amir能尽快入籍。

Professor: Let’s listen next time to see what happens!

A: 原来,Amir的太太是美国人,所以他们决定settle here in America, 在美国定居,所以他不得不放弃伊朗国籍,因为Iran doesn’t recognize dual citizenship, 伊朗不承认双重国籍,Susan建议他请一名immigration lawyer ,移民律师,保证everything will go smoothly, 一切顺利。

B: Sounds like the process is really complicated!

A: 对呀! 填一堆表,真头大!

B:Well, to look at the bright side, at least you don’t have to move things around. Let me tell you, moving from Ohio to DC is not the most pleasant experience…

A: Uh oh…yeah, relocating is definitely a bit challenging, 不过现在,你能跟着名节目主持人–我–一起主持节目,你也该满意了吧!
B: O…k…..I’m just going to ignore you there… Actually in today’s Business Etiquette, Vivian and Tom are talking about the pros and cons of relocating, let’s see what they have to say!

礼节美语 Thinking of relocating

Tom 和 Vivian 是香港一家跨国公司的雇员。Vivian 被升职,要调到美国奥兰多的办事处。

Vivian: Hey Tom, got a second?

Tom: Sure, what’s up?

V: The Company has offered me a new position. It’s kind of a promotion.

T: Hey! Congratulations! That’s great!

Vivian 问 Tom, got a second? 有时间吗?Tom 回答,What’s up? 什么事?都是最常用的口语。 Vivian 说自己升职了。promotion, p-r-o-m-o-t-i-o-n. Tom 对她表示祝贺。

V: Well, yes…but the new position would require me to relocate…to our office in Orlando, Florida.

T: Oh.

V: I know you relocated here from Chicago, so I wanted to get your two cents worth.

Vivian 说的 relocate, 就是要搬到另外一个地方去工作,从香港到佛罗里达州的奥兰多。Vivian 说,I wanted to get your two cents worth. “two cents worth” 是指个人意见,Vivian 知道 Sam 是从芝加哥搬到香港来的,所以想听听 Sam 的想法。

T: Sure. Well, for starters, I went the opposite direction, moving from the States to Asia, so it’s quite a different ball game. But I think the main thing you have to do is weigh the pros and cons.

V: I don’t even know where to start. One “pro” is a higher salary.

T: That’s always a pro. But there’s a whole bunch of other factors to consider.

V: Such as?

Tom 说,首先,for starters, 他是从美国搬到亚洲,所以情况完全不同,a different ball game. 他建议Vivian 考虑一下利弊。利是 pro;弊是 con, 利弊 pro and con。涨工资当然是好事,那不好的地方有哪些呢?

T: Well…consider how you get to work here. You take the subway, right?

V: Of course.

T: In Orlando you would have to drive. Do you have any pets?

V: Yeah…I have an adorable German Shepard puppy.

T: It can be quite time consuming, expensive and difficult to ship pets abroad.

V: These are all good thing for me to consider. Anything else?

Tom 举例说,搬去奥兰多会带来很多变化,比如说要从坐地铁改成开车,把狗运出国要花很多钱。这些还是次要的。

T: I think one of the biggest things you might face is the change in the pace of life. In most of America, things don’t zip by like they do here in Asia.

V: Even in Orlando?

T: It may sound like a big place, but it’s actually pretty small. The city basically shuts down after 9 PM.

V: Wow! So many “cons.”

T: No, no…there’s some great “pros” as well. When I moved here, I met all kinds of new people and I’m now, as you know, in a relationship with a wonderful woman I met here.

V: That’s a big pro.

最大的变化是生活节奏,the pace of life. 因为美国的生活节奏不像亚洲那么快,things don’t zip by like they do here in Asia. Zip by 呼啸而过。不过,也有好处,Tom 现身说法,说自己到香港后结识了很多新朋友,女朋友就是在这里认识的。


A: Tom说,要不要搬到另一个城市去要考虑pros and cons, 利弊。在美国,要开车上班,而且最大的变化是the pace of life, 生活节奏,因为things don’t zip by like they do here in Asia, 生活节奏不像亚洲这样呼啸而过。

B: I can definitely feel the change of the pace of life here in DC. In Ohio things are more relaxed, and people prefer to live at a slower pace.

A: I think that’s a common thing for city living. Young people tend to live in cities, thus causing the faster pace. Speaking of which, how do you like DC?

B: 我很喜欢呀! I still need to explore the city, but with so many museums and cultural events, I think it’s safe to say I’m going to like DC a lot!! 说不定还能碰上个漂亮女孩….

A: 这才是主要目的吧?哈哈! 不说咱们了,我们还是接着带听众朋友去听听Tom给了Vivian怎样的建议吧!

礼节美语 Thinking of relocating

Tom 和 Vivian 是香港一家跨国公司的雇员。Vivian 被升职,要调到美国奥兰多的办事处。她知道 Tom 是从芝加哥调到香港来的,所以向 Tom 征求意见。Tom 谈到利弊时说:

T: On a financial note, you’ll probably be able to save a lot more of your salary and have more disposable income, as rents and living costs in that area are reasonable.

V: Yes. From a financial standpoint relocating makes sense, but I just want to make sure I’m not shooting myself in the foot. Happiness is important, right?

Tom 说,要说钱,奥兰多房租、生活费用很合理,reasonable, 所以Vivian 会有更多可支配的收入,disposable income.

Vivian 表示,如果光看钱,去奥兰多确实很合适,make sense, 但是她不愿意搬起石头砸自己的脚,I just want to make sure I’m not shooting myself in the foot. 因为开心还是很重要的。

T: Oh, absolutely. But Florida is a beautiful state with a nice climate. You’ll be able to enjoy the beaches and take vacations in Miami!

V: Sounds good. It’s just such a hard decision for me. I want to branch out and spread my wings, but there’s so many “unknowns.”

Vivian 说,她想扩大发展,展开双臂,branch out and spread my wings, 但是又有太多的未知数,Unknowns.

T: Yeah, I also had mixed emotions when they first offered me this job. But I have a favorite quote by the poet John Berryman that helped me a lot.

V: Which is?

T: “We must travel in the direction of our fear.”

V: That’s a great quotation. So let’s say I’m leaning towards relocating. Got any practical tips?

Tom 用诗人 John Berryman 的一句话鼓励 Vivian. “We must travel in the direction of our fear.” 我们必须要面对恐惧前行。Tom 还有哪些建议呢?

T: Yeah…do your homework. Get online and research where you’re going. Learn about the history, geography, climate…etc. Then when you get there, you’ll feel like you already know the place a bit.

V: How long did it take you to settle into your new environment?

T: I have to be honest. For the first 3 months I was pretty unhappy.
I didn’t like the food, couldn’t figure out the subway system and, for me, Hong Kong is a noisy place. But after the four month-mark, I began to feel much better.

Do your homework? 这是英语里很常用的一种说法,意思是事先准备。Tom 建议 Vivian 去了解一下奥兰多的情况。 Tom 还说,他刚来香港的时候,也很不习惯。你记得他是什么时候开始适应的吗?没错,四个月。

V: Now how does it feel? You’ve been here for a full year, right?

T: My one-year anniversary is next week, and I have to say, I’ve never been happier.

V: Thanks for sharing your experiences with me, Tom. I really appreciate it. You helped me clarify my own feelings.

T: Glad to be of help. Don’t forget to invite me to your going away party!

V: I won’t!

Vivian 谢谢 Tom 帮忙,Tom 说,不要忘记请我参加你的 going away party 临行聚会。

A: We must travel in the direction of our fear. 必须朝着恐惧前行! 说的真对! 这么说起来,我昨天真地不应该被一只小小的蜘蛛吓得躲在房间里不敢出来…

B: Haha, I’m terrified of heights, tell you what…I’ll trade you, If you go skydiving with my friends this weekend, I’ll squish the spider in your house.

A: 好,一言为定! 同学们,这次节目时间就到这里。 如果你想提什么问题,请发电子邮件到meiyu@voanews.com.

B: Also tell us how you want us to improve our show! Like, if you want more Mike and less Yanglin…etc…

A: Yeah, dream on! 大家也别忘了关注新浪微博,爱说英语的牛,收听更多课程!

B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!

美语训练班  第067课

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,赶快来告诉大家今天都要学什么?

A: 没问题! ,今天,咱们要去看看美国人怎么给小费,跟移民律师聊聊怎么申请移民,还要告诉你怎么说“不同寻常”!

B:Tipping is definitely a western tradition. I remember when I had just come back from China, I always forgot to give a tip and people would give me dirty looks…

A: 哈哈哈!! 嗯,我也记得我刚到美国时也特别不习惯给小费呢! 不过这个咱们等会再说,现在,咱们还是赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a word!

Learn A Word 1547 insane

今天我们要学的词是 insane. Insane is spelled i-n-s-a-n-e, insane. Insane 可以用来指疯狂的,精神不正常的。比如,A Texas judge found the JetBlue pilot insane and not guilty of interfering with a flight. 德克萨斯州的一位法官裁定,捷蓝航空公司的一个飞行员精神失常,所以他干扰正常飞行的罪名不成立。Insane 也可以用来形容某事过于荒谬,不同寻常。比如,He inherited an insane amount of money from a distant relative. 他从一个远房亲戚那里继承了一大笔钱。再比如,My boss puts in insane hours. He’s a typical workaholic. 我老板工作没日没夜,他是个典型的工作狂。好的,今天我们学习的词是insane, insane, insane…

B: Ok, I have to say I like DC a lot, but summer here is kind of insane.

A: Are you talking about the humidity? If you are, I’m definitely with you…

B: Yes!! How can the humidity be 80 or 90 percent every single day? It’s so insanely humid that my usually awesome hair looks frizzy! Ehh…

A: Usually awesome hair?….请不要自作多情。(笑) 不过今天早晨我在地铁站听人说马上就要下大雨了,so I guess this heat wave is at the end of the line.

B: That would be great! I don’t know how long I can take this! Actually, you just mentioned a very good term: the end of the line. Let’s listen to today’s words and idioms to see what it means!

Words and Idioms 977

现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 977讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Dan Markus.


M: The end of the line. End is spelled e-n-d, and line; l-i-n-e. The-end -of-the-line.

The end of the line这个短语的意思是尽头,极限。在上面的例子里,由于服装店要关门了,很多年的经营走到了尽头,所以我朋友肯定会失去工作。在下一个例子里,我们将会听到美国臭名昭著的罪犯阿尔.卡彭是怎么倒台的。我们来听听看:

M: “Al Capone became well-known for being a crime boss in Chicago when alcohol was illegal. From the early 1920s to 1931, he made a fortune smuggling and producing liquor. He reached THE END OF THE LINE, not from those activities, but from trying to avoid paying taxes. His career was over when the government finally convicted him and sent him to prison.”


那会儿,美国有个法令,叫PROHIBITION,中文意思就是禁酒令,根据禁酒令,制造、贩卖或者饮酒都是违法的。这个法律减少了人们的饮酒量,但同时也增加了集体犯罪。And that actually contributed to Prohibition reaching THE END OF THE LINE. 成了禁酒令最终被废除的推手。好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “Al Capone became well-known for being a crime boss in Chicago when alcohol was illegal. From the early 1920s to 1931, he made a fortune smuggling and producing liquor. He reached THE END OF THE LINE, not from those activities, but from trying to avoid paying taxes. His career was over when the government finally convicted him and sent him to prison.”

The end of the line 尽头,极限 。现在一切都变化得特别快,一个地方今天还好好的,明天可能就会 reach the end of the line 不复存在。 下面这个例子中,讲述者对童年有什么样的回忆呢?我们来听听看:

M: “When I was a kid, my dad and I used to go fishing at the lake near our house. Then we started to notice that there wasn’t much to catch anymore. THE END OF THE LINE came when officials declared that the water was badly polluted. Nobody could enjoy it. ”

这段话是说: 小时候,爸爸常带我去家附近的河里钓鱼。后来我们注意到,河里的鱼好像少了许多。直到有一天,有关部门宣布,河水污染过于严重,禁止钓鱼了,我们爷俩儿钓鱼的传统也就结束了。

这可真让人沮丧!环境污染确实使很多人失去了享受大自然的乐趣。说起来,我今天刚刚收到一封信,说我们家旁边的邮局就要关门了。确实,现在人们大量使用电子邮件,邮局生意越来越差。The popularity of emails may mean THE END OF THE LINE for a lot of post offices. 好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “When I was a kid, my dad and I used to go fishing at the lake near our house. Then we started to notice that there wasn’t much to catch anymore. THE END OF THE LINE came when officials declared that the water was badly polluted. Nobody could enjoy it. ”

今天我们学习的习惯用语是the end of the line 意思是“尽头、极限”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Dan Markus。谢谢各位的收听。

B: So, I have some good news. I finally find a place to settle in, so my daily 2 hour commute will finally come to the end of the line! 太高兴了!

A: 这样你就不用每天早晨3点半起床了呀!!! 恭喜你恭喜你!! There’s no way that I can get up at three thirty am. Speaking of which, I’m going for my green card interview this Friday at 7 am! I need at least three alarm clocks to wake me up!

B: Hahaha, yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before 11, ha? Actually, you seem a little freaking out, are you ok?

A: 哎,还好啦! 我只是有点紧张! God knows what they will ask? 我听说有好多人被面试两三个小时呢! 真可怕! I’m also a bit worried I won’t be able to understand some legal terms since English is not my first language.

B: Just relax and tell the truth, I’m sure you will be fine! Or you can always bring a lawyer, that way it won’t be only yourself, and you can make sure you can understand the questions correctly.

A: 请律师? Hmmm….that’s a good idea! 正好,在今天的美语三级跳里,Amir就要去找他的移民律师John, 我们一起来听听律师的建议!

Citizenship: Intermediate


mir 正在申请成为美国公民,今天,他要去见移民律师 John, 听听他的建议。

John: Hi Amir, it’s nice to meet you. I’m happy you want to become a US citizen.

Amir: Thank you, John. I’m very excited, but I’m also a little worried about how long and complicated the process can be.

John: Don’t worry, I will be here to help you through it and explain what’s going on.

Amir: Great, that’s really helpful for me. When you aren’t a native English speaker, it can be hard to read all the documents and understand the naturalization process.

哈,John 当然希望Amir申请入籍啦,这样他的生意就来啦!

Professor: Well, I guess you could look at it that way. But Winnie, why does Amir say the application process can be hard?

Amir说,他不是“native English speaker”–英语不是母语,所以在填表的时候会遇到困难。对了,professor, Amir提到一个词–naturalization,这是什么意思?

Professor: Naturalization is the process of becoming a citizen of another country.


John: So Amir, how did you come to America originally?
Did your company sponsor your visa?

Amir: Actually, no. I got married to an American while living in Iran, and we decided to settle in the United States.

John: Oh, you have an American spouse. Where do you live?

Amir: I really like city life so New York is my favorite city. But my wife has some family in Virginia, so we live there.

Professor: So Winnie, did Amir first come to America on a work visa?


Professor: That’s right.

Professor, John 问Amir是不是有公司”sponsor him for a visa”,这是什么意思呢?

Professor: When a company “sponsors” you for a visa, they ask the government to give you a visa. Usually you need a sponsor in the US to get a visa.


Professor: So if you are applying for a job in America, you might ask the company, “Can you sponsor me for a visa?”

John: Well there are some things you should do to start preparing for the interview. You should learn about US civics and the constitution.

Amir: Don’t worry, I’ve already lived in the US for three years and know all about its history and politics.

John: Good, then the interview and test won’t be a problem. Do you have any dependents?

Amir: No, my wife and I don’t have any children.

Professor: So Winnie, does Amir have to prepare a lot for his citizenship test?

申请入美国籍需要参加citizenship test–公民考试,所以要了解美国的civics–公民知识,还有constitution–宪法。不过,Amir说他已经在美国生活三年了,这些知识他都懂,所以不需要做太多准备。

Professor: That’s right. John also asked Amir if he had any “dependents”. A dependent is anyone who depends on you to take care of him.

对,dependent 就是需要供养的亲人,比如小孩,年迈的父母等等。Amir和妻子没有孩子,所以没有dependent.

Amir: So John, do you think there will be any problems with my application?

John: It definitely sounds like you are eligible to become a US citizen. I think that before too long, you won’t have to be an alien anymore!

Amir: Yeah, I can’t wait! Hopefully I will become a citizen in time to vote in the next election.

John: I sure hope so! Good luck!

Professor Bowman, alien不是指外星人么?我不懂为什么美国人把来美移民也称为”alien”,我又不是从火星来的!

Professor: Really? Sometimes I doubt that.

哈,被你发现了! 言归正传,Amir希望自己能尽快入籍,这样,他就能享受公民独有的投票权了!

Professor: Let’s listen next time to see if Amir is able to vote in the next election!

A: Amir找到移民律师,讨论naturalization , 入籍过程。他将需要通过citizenship test, 入籍考试,需要了解civics 公民知识和constitution 宪法。Amir希望更顺利入籍,so he will become a citizen in time to vote in the next election, 下次选举就能投票了!

B: That’s exciting! Good luck with your interview as well! Speaking of which, what do you think was the most difficult thing to adjust to when you first came to America?

A: 我想想,我觉得主要是文化方面的东西。比如说我不理解美国人为什么那么喜欢橄榄球,还有那么喜欢喝啤酒,呵呵。哦对了对了,我记得我刚刚来的时候,特别不习惯给小费呢! 弄得别人老给我臭脸!

B: Hahahah, oh you poor thing! And…I can totally related to that. I remember when ever time I got back from China, I would always forget to leave a tip and people would give me dirty looks!

A: Oh, so it’s not just me! I feel so much better!!!

B: Tipping really is a western thing. In today’s Business Etiquette, Kyle and Jerry are debating the American custom of tipping, let’s see what they have to say!

礼节美语 BE-253 Tipping I


Lily: Good afternoon, guys. Am I interrupting something?

Kyle: Jerry and I were just debating the American custom of tipping.

Jerry: Yeah, he’s in favor and I’m opposed.

L: It’s not just the custom in America….I’m from Canada and tipping is also common there. I’m not too fond of tipping, either. So Jenny, tell me why you’re opposed.

J: I just don’t like the inconvenience. I like to look at the menu and if the price of a meal is $10.45, I know that that’s what I have to pay….$10.45. Back in China, I never have to think about whether someone deserves a tip or not.

Kyle和Jerry正在讨论美国给小费的习惯。tipping is spelled t-i-p-p-i-n-g, tipping 是给小费的意思。美国和加拿大都讲究给小费,Kyle is in favor of it. Kyle 赞成这种做法,但是Jerry is opposed to it. Jerry觉得这种习俗不好。他说,中国不用给小费,看菜单消费价格一目了然,根本不用考虑服务员的服务如何,是否 deserve a tip 应该给小费。

K: I can understand how tipping might not be convenient, especially for visitors to America. The one thing that I dislike about tipping in the U.S. is how sometimes the restaurant staff forget that tips are supposed to be a reward for quality service.

L: Yeah, that’s a problem in Canada as well. Tipping has become such a part of the culture that everyone just expects one….even if they don’t offer good service.

J: But quality service is supposed to be a part of the job! A restaurant hires staff to be a waiter or waitress and that means service is part of the job! The restaurant is paying you….your salary is your tip!

Kyle和Lily都觉得,给小费本应该是 a reward for quality service, 是对优质服务的奖励,可如今,餐馆服务员好象觉得拿小费是理所当然的,不管服务质量的好与坏。Jerry反驳说,餐馆雇服务员就是为了服务顾客,工资就是他们的报酬,为什么还要给小费呢?Kyle解释说:

K: But in the United States, restaurant staff depend on tips because American law allows many restaurant owners to pay workers less than minimum wage.

J: Why is that?

K: Because they’re expected to get tips. Tips might make up as much as 30% or 40% of an employee’s income.

L: That’s true….many servers in restaurants depend on tips for a big part of their income.

J: I would rather they paid the workers more. I’d even be OK with adding a 10% service charge to the price of the meal. I just refer things to be upfront.

Kyle说,正是因为有小费,所以美国法律允许餐馆老板给服务员的报酬低于最低工资水平 the minimum wage. 服务员收取的小费占了他们收入了很大一部分,有30%到40%之多。Jerry说,他宁可餐馆多付点钱给服务员,哪怕在饭菜价钱上增加10%的服务费 service charge 也在所不惜,他就是希望价钱能一目了然,upfront is spelled u-p-f-r-o-n-t, upfront, upfront在这里是直截了当的意思。

A: Jerry 认为算小费太麻烦,他希望价钱一目了然,to be up front; 而Kyle认为小费是a reward for quality service, 对优质服务的奖励,所以支持给小费。What’s your thought on this, Mike?

B: Well, I’m in favor of tipping. Since most restaurants don’t have to pay the minimum wage to their staff, I think they deserve to be tipped. It’s just part of the culture that I grew up with.

A: 我刚来的时候其实特别不习惯! 每次都要算来算去,考数学呀!

B: 哈哈哈,yeah, it’s our way to maintain your math level…

A: So how much would you usually tip?

B: I think 15% is the golden rule, but I usually tip 20%, since I’m …awesome!

A: Yeah right. (两人笑) 好了好了,言归正传,我们还是接着去听听Kyle和Jerry的辩论吧!

礼节美语BE-254 Tipping II


Lily: I can see how the custom might make visitors uncomfortable. I’ve heard stories about restaurant staff getting angry at tourists. Some Americans might not realize that tipping is not a custom in many places around the world.

Kyle: In Japan some people get offended if you offer them a tip. Tipping is not a part of their culture at all. They feel quality service is their duty.

L: Every culture looks at this issue very differently.

Jerry: Yeah…back in China tipping goes the other way around! Restaurant owners will often give free drinks or food to customers as a reward for loyalty. So, what happens in Canada or the U.S. if the service is really awful? Can you skip the tip?

在小费方面的文化差异,有时还会引起纠纷,如果外国游客不给小费,有些不明就理的餐馆服务员就可能感到气不过。与此同时,在日本,给别人小费,则会让人觉得这是一种侮辱,而在中国,Tipping goes the other way around! 不是顾客给服务员小费,往往是餐馆给那些老顾客一些好处,让他们经常来照顾生意。Jerry问,那如果服务特别差,是不是就不用给小费了呢?Kyle回答说,

K: Um..not really. I know some people might reduce the amount as a way of demonstrating they were unhappy. But you pretty much always have to leave a tip.

L: In Canada, we don’t tip as much as they do in the U.S.—ten or 15% is fine.

J: But in the states they expect 20%.

K: Yeah that’s true. Back in the 1980s it was also about 10 or 15%, but everything has gotten more expensive.

J: Do you really think tipping inspires better service?


L: Even though I’m not such a big fan of the practice…actually, I think it does.

K: Yeah, I would have to agree. The staff knows that there is the potential for getting a nice tip if they treat the customers right.

L: The staff will often be more attentive, and will make sure they get all the little details of your order right, because sometimes a generous person might leave them a sizable gratuity.

J: I guess – just like everything – tipping has its pros and cons.

MC: Lily说,虽然 I’m not a big fan of the practice….虽然我不是特别认同给小费,be a big fan of something 是热衷,支持某事的意思,这里所说的 the practice 指的就是给小费的习俗,但是她觉得服务员确实会为了多拿小费而提供更周到的服务,对顾客更加 attentive 无微不至,如果碰上个大方的顾客,就可能拿到 a sizable gratuity 一笔数目可观的小费,gratuity is spelled g-r-a-t-u-i-t-y, gratuity也是小费的意思。

B: So 杨琳,you are still cooking me authentic Chinese food this weekend, right?

A: Well…that might happen, depending on how much tip I’m getting!

B: Ha! What? You are really a fast learner, ha? (笑)

A: Of course! 好啦同学们,这次节目时间就到这里。 如果你有什么建议,或者想提什么问题,请发电子邮件到meiyu@voanews.com.

B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!

美语训练班  第068课

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,咱们今天学些什么呢?

A: 今天,咱们要来聊聊美国人日常谈话中的禁忌,去看看美国大选怎么投票,还要告诉你怎么说”不折不扣”!

B: 谈话禁忌? Are you talking about sensitivity training?

A: 对呀! 人家都说美国人非常直接了当,但是其实也有很多约定俗成大家不会触及的话题呢!

B: Yeah that’s true. Just like the other day, one of my Chinese friend told me that he thought I’m gaining weight! I didn’t know how to respond…but Americans would never say such things in front of your face!

A: 哈哈哈!!!Hmmm…..你应该跟他说,我这个叫肌肉! (笑) 不过这个咱们等会再说,现在,咱们还是赶快来进入第一个单元,

Learn a word!

B: Speaking of sunburns, remember that I said I didn’t need sun scream at our pool party? Turns out I’m totally wrong….

A: 哈哈,你怎么晒得都脱皮了?不过啊,我觉得你们外国人晒完只是变成粉色,不像我,你看,晒完之后就变成了一只小红猪…..

B: Hahahaha, LOL yeah… actually I think you are right….

A: Hey!!! But seriously, I’m never going to the swimming pool at 2pm again! Every inch of me got sunburn!

B: You know, a lot of people here would love to get tanned!

A: 我可不喜欢,我晒完黑里透红呀….

B: Well, it’s considered very healthy in American culture! Actually, you just mentioned a very good term: every inch. Let’s listen to today’s words and idioms to see what it means!

A : 我也来造个句! Hmmm…说什么好呢? I’m every inch a great host! 嘿嘿嘿,do you agree, Mike?

B: You? Well… you can’t judge your ability by yourself! How about we start a vote and let the audience decide who’s better, ha?

A: 让听众投票? 好呀,我才不怕你呢! 肯定我赢!

B: Well… we need to see about that, let the reality speak.

A: 就是呀! 到时你别太郁闷就行! 话说,现在好像人人都在谈投票!

B: Yeah, that’s because we are going to have the presidential election in November, so who to vote for is currently our hot issue.

A: 对了,美国大选将近,大家都在讨论要投谁的票! 正好,今天的美语三级跳里,刚刚成为美国公民的Amir就在跟他的妻子Sharon谈论要投票给谁,咱们一起来听听吧!

Citizenship: Advanced


Professor: Amir just became an American citizen, and this year he is voting in his first American election. Today he is having breakfast with his wife, Sharon, and they’re talking about the upcoming election.

Amir: So honey, who do you think you’re going to vote for in the election? I really like both the Republican and Democratic candidates, but I can’t decide who to vote for.

Sharon: You like both of them? I think they’re both terrible. For me the question isn’t who I like the most, but who I dislike the least!

Amir: Well, I guess that’s an interesting way to look at it. To be honest I don’t care if Virginia is a blue state or a red state. I just want a moderate candidate who will do a good job.

Sharon: Yeah, you’re right. The only thing I care about is that whoever wins isn’t too partisan.

看来Amir和 Sharon都是 moderate voters–温和的选民。不过我不明白,Amir说,他不在乎Virginia州变成blue state or red state,这是什么意思呢?

Professor: In America, the color red represents the Republican Party, and the color blue represents the Democratic Party.

哦,红色代表共和党,蓝色代表民主党。所以,Amir 意思是,他不在乎州长是由共和党人来做,还是民主党人来做,最好是个温和派、干实事儿的人。

Professor: Right! And Sharon says she doesn’t want a candidate who is too partisan. Someone is partisan if he refuses to compromise with the other side.

哦, partisan就是“党派性的”

Amir: Well what do you think the results are going to be? Virginia used to always be a landslide for the Republicans, but these days it’s a tossup.

Sharon: You’re right, it’s pretty hard to say. But since the incumbent is a Republican, I’d have to give him a slight advantage.

Amir: Yeah, incumbents always have an easier time with fundraising, and everybody already knows them because they’ve been in office for a while.

Sharon: Yeah, but judging by what a bad job he’s done, I don’t think that name recognition is going to help him!

看来这次选举竞争很激烈。现在选举结果是tossup – 就像扔硬币一样,胜选机会是一半一半,哪个候选人都不会有landslide–压倒性胜利。

Professor: Exactly. But one candidate has an advantage, right?

对,那就是the incumbent–现在在任的州长。Amir说,他在 fundraising–筹款,和name recognition–知名度方面,都有优势。

Professor: That’s true, but name recognition isn’t always a good thing, right?


Amir: A lot of analysts are saying that the election is going to be decided by turnout. The more people vote, the more it’s likely to benefit the Democrat.

Sharon: (Sigh) …. Amir, can we stop talking about politics? I just want to eat my breakfast in peace.

Amir: But Sharon, this is my first time voting in an American election. Can’t you understand how excited I am?

Sharon: Look, if you’re really into the election, why don’t you listen to the pundits talk about it?

Amir: Come on Sharon, how can you think about eating breakfast at a time like this? This election is going to decide the future of our country!

Sharon: Amir, if you don’t stop talking about politics, it’s going to decide the future of your marriage!

professor, 什么叫“turnout”?

Professor: Turnout is the number of people who actually go out and vote on election day. In the US, turnout is usually about 50 percent across the country.

哦, turnout就是投票人数。 那么,什么叫pundits呢?

Professor: Pundits are professional commentators. They are famous people who spend all their time talking about their views on current events.

哦,就是那些专门在电视广播里对时事发表看法的评论家! 这么说,我同意Sharon的观点。现在,只要一开电视,到处都是pundits,已经够烦人了,谁还想自己家里的老公也每天大谈政治呢?

A: 原来,Amir和Sharon都是moderate voters, 温和选民,他们更注重的不是partisan党派,而是谁的政策更合理。两人觉得,这次的选举会是个tossup, 两党机会旗鼓相当,哪个候选人都不会有landslide, 压倒性胜利。

B: Yeah, I guess that’s the situation today. The new poll shows that Obama and Romney’s support rate are incredibly close.

A: So who are you going to vote for?

B: Hmm….杨琳, let me give you some sensitivity training. In America, we don’t ask people this kind of question. Anything involving the politics are extremely sensitive.

A: 哦对了,政治问题不能随便问! 不过……咱俩都这么铁了,你就告诉我嘛!

B: Haha, I’m a moderate voter, I will vote for whoever with the best policy for my country. But…remember don’t ask other people such questions, you might offend them without even realizing it!
A: 嗯,谢谢你的忠告! 在今天的business etiquette里,Jason也犯了跟我类似的错误,咱们赶快去听听吧!

礼节美语 – BE-255 Sensitivity Training – Money I


Jason: That was a lovely party, wasn’t it?

Harold: Yes, it was. The food was pretty good, too.

J: I was a little puzzled about something, though.

H: What was that?

J: At one point in our conversation, Mr. Jones gave me a really funny look…it was almost like I’d broken some sort of a rule.

H: Oh, yes…well you did ask him how much he paid for his apartment.

J: And? What’s wrong with asking someone how much they paid for a piece of property? Back in China everybody talks about buying and selling apartments.

Jason是从中国来的,在晚会上问东道主Mr. Jones公寓是多少钱买的。Mr. Jones gave me a really funny look. Mr. Jones 看他的表情有些奇怪,好象他这样问犯了什么大忌。a funny look意思是说不清楚的奇怪表情。Jason 说,在中国,大家见面就是谈房子,因此他不懂,What’s wrong with asking someone how much they paid for a piece of property? 问别人买房子花了多少钱有什么不妥呢?Harold解释说:

H: Yeah, I know….but in many Western societies, talking about money in public is a faux pas.

J: What’s a faux pas?

H: It’s a French term that means a social blunder. Questions like that are considered a little bit impolite.

J: Really? I had no idea. Back in China, it’s not generally a problem to ask about how much something costs.

H: I know you meant no offense. When I was assigned to Guangzhou for 6 months, people frequently ask me how much my monthly salary is.

Harold解释说,在很多西方国家,公开谈钱是 faux pas, faux pas is spelled f-a-u-x, faux and pas p-a-s, pas, faux pas 也就是 social blunder 在社交上忌讳做的事,属于失礼的行为。Jason听了觉得很出乎意料,说自己完全不知情,I had no idea. 因为在中国,询问财物的价钱完全不是问题。Harold说,I know you meant no offense. 我知道你不是故意冒犯 Mr. Jones. Harold说自己派驻广州半年时,就经常有人问他每个月的工资是多少。Jason说:

J: That’s funny, because Western society seems so open. People talk about all kinds of private things that we wouldn’t bring up in China. Buy money is a no-no, huh?

H: If your Western friend buys something for a really good price, he or she might mention it to you by saying something like, “Take a look at this camera that I got on sale for only $99 dollars.” But unless the person is a close friend, we almost never ask how much something costs.

J: So, do you avoid talking about money so that people with less money don’t feel bad?

Jason觉得很有意思的是,西方社会如此开放,对很多中国不敢涉猎的私人问题都可以拿到台面上来说,但是 money is a no-no. 钱的问题却是个禁区。no-no 两个no连在一起,中间加个连接线,是一种非正式用法,名词,意思是不可以,不被接受的事情。西方人回避谈钱,是因为怕刺激没钱的人吗?我们下次继续听。

A: Jason在聚会的时候问东道主房子是多少钱买的,主人给了他a funny look, 一个奇怪的表情。原来,在西方文化中,公开谈钱是faux pas, 社交忌讳,除了特别熟识的好友,money is a no-no,钱的问题是个禁区。

B: Yeah, money is something we always avoid talking about.

A: 这跟中国真不一样! 我一回去,就常常有人问我挣多少钱呢! 真让人没法回答! 为什么西方人不愿意谈钱呢?

B: I think it’s in part because personal finances are considered to be a private matter in American culture.

A: 听起来真不错萨! What are the other topics that you would avoid in your conversation?

B: Let me see….Politics, income, age, family issues, religion….there are a lot!

A: 真麻烦呀……咱们还是接着去听听Harold分析为什么外国人不谈钱吧!

礼节美语 – BE-256 Sensitivity Training – Money II


Harold: Yes, I think you hit the nail on the head. Also, I think many Westerners believe that if you’re rich, you should be quiet about it. In fact, I believe many wealthy people in the West feel a little bit guilty.

J: Why would they feel guilty?

H: Because so many other people work very hard, but never become successful. When the wealthy turn on TV, they see so much pain and suffering…. but their own lives are so comfortable.

J: Ah….I can understand that. If I were a wealthy person I think I’d feel the same way.

Harold说Jason, you hit the nail on the head. 你说得一点没错。to hit the nail on the head 意思是一下子就说到了点子上,还有两种类似的说法,一种是 you are right on. 另外一种说法是 you are right on the money. 都是同样的意思。Harold说,因为西方很多人不喜欢炫富,有些人还会因为自己太有钱,而其他人生活贫苦而感到内疚。Harold 说:

H: It’s interesting that some of the most successful entrepreneurs such as John D. Rockefeller and Bill Gates ended up setting up charity organizations and giving away a large portion of the money they made.

J: So you’re saying that Bill Gates, for example, doesn’t necessarily think he deserves all the money he made….he knows a part of it was luck, right?

H: Yeah. Bill Gates is a computer genius, but he was there at the right place and the right time.

J: That’s a good attitude. It’s good to remember that hard work and good luck often go hand-in-hand. Okay, so one more time….what’s the etiquette when it comes to talking about money with Westerners?

Harold说,这也就是为什么比尔.盖茨和洛克菲勒这种成功的企业家最后都会 end up setting up charity organizations 成立慈善机构,把钱捐出去。虽说比尔.盖茨是电脑天才,但他的成功在很大程度上也是靠机遇,He was there at the right place and the right time. 他在正确的时间出现在了正确的地方,类似中文里说的天时地利人和。Jason很欣赏这种心态,因为 hard work and good luck often go hand-in-hand. 勤奋和运气二者往往必须兼备才能成功。

H: If the person doesn’t volunteer information about how much something costs…don’t bring it up. Don’t ask about personal savings or salary.

J: Is it OK to comment on or praise someone’s possessions? If you have a really nice car, can I say, “Wow…nice car?”

H: Yes, that’s fine. It only gets complicated when you start talking about specific prices.

J: I see your point. Topics like that could lead to embarrassment.

H: Exactly. Maybe Mr. Jones’ apartment was really expensive, but his company paid for it…or maybe he overpaid and got a bad deal….in either case, it’s easier for everyone if we don’t discuss it in public.


A:Hard work and good luck often go hand-in-hand. 听见没有,要成功,勤奋和运气缺一不可呀!

B: Yeah, you are already lucky enough to host the show with me, the only thing you need now is working hard!

A: 我了个去 ! 你真是个臭美典型! (笑) 好啦同学们,这次节目时间就到这里。

美语训练班  第069课

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,赶快来告诉大家今天都要学什么?

A: 没问题! 今天,咱们要来一次徒步旅行,聊聊怎么对付苛刻的上司,还要告诉你怎么说辩解搪塞!

B: Hiking? That’s my favorite outdoor activity! It’s so relaxing and peaceful, and it’s great to feel so close to the nature!

A: But aren’t you afraid of all the bugs and wild animals in the woods? Bugs, mosquitos, spiders, snakes, BEARS?

B: Hahaha, 你真是个胆小鬼! for bugs, well, That’s why we have bug repellant! as for bears, normally they won’t come out when they see fire or lights.

A: Hmm,要是让我住五星级酒店,我就去! 哈哈,不过现在咱们还是言归正传 ,赶快来进入第一个单元,Learn a word!

Learn A Word 1553 fulfilling

今天我们要学的词是 fulfilling. Fulfilling is spelled f-u-l-f-i-l-l-i-n-g, fulfilling. Fulfilling 令人满意的。I had the most fulfilling lunch. 我午饭吃得太满意了。The old couple had a long-lasting and fulfilling marriage. 这对老夫妇的婚姻长长久久,幸福美满。Volunteering at the soup kitchen was the most fulfilling experience for me. 对我来说,在食物救济站做义工,是收获最多的经历。有关专家说,Living within your means is the key to a fulfilling retirement. 要想有一个令人满意的退休生活,量入为出是关键。For anyone who likes kids, a career in teaching could prove to be a fulfilling career. 对喜欢孩子的人来说,教书可能会是个让他们满意的职业。好的今天我们学习的词是: fulfilling, fulfilling, fulfilling.

A: So Mike, you have been working for…about a month now, right? How do you like it here?

B: Oh my gosh, I really enjoy it! I get to use my Chinese, keep up to date with the current affairs,and I can use my research and acting skills, so it’s very fulfilling!

A: That’s great! You forgot to mention how much you like to work with me! Also I need to let you know, 今天晚上给你庆祝工作满月的happy hour我去不了了……

B: What? Why?

A: 哎呀,最近工作太忙了! 你看,等一下我还得写好几篇稿子,还得录节目,还得排练明天的演出….

B: Hold on, don’t try to just explain this away with me! Do you have a date tonight, don’t you?

A: Of course not! 我可不是重色轻友的人!

B: Hahaha, I’m just messing with you!

A: 嘿! 这人! 不过你刚才提到了个很好的词儿, explain away,咱们就来学学这个习惯用语的用法!

Words and Idioms #979

现在播送美国习惯用语第 979讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Dan Markus.

我记得一个月前,我们办公室来了一位新同事。但是最近一直没看见她。问了其他同事才知道,她被炒鱿鱼了! 原来是,她工作拖拉,而且还推辞说是因为自己患有维他命缺乏症。公司最终还是决定开除她。这也让我想到一句习惯用语,那就是:

M: Explain away. Explain is spelled e-x-p-l-a-i-n, explain; and away; a-w-a-y. Explain away.

Explain 是解释的意思,explain away 就是搪塞,辩解的意思。上面的例子里,我的同事显然试图用缺少维他命来为她的工作效率低下做辩解,In the end, that excuse couldn’t EXPLAIN AWAY her inefficiency at work. 最终,她没法再为自己的低效率辩解。下面例子里,我们的职业顾问要给我们一些工作中的建议,让我们来听听看:

M: “Are you having trouble finding employment because of gaps in your resume? Rather than EXPLAINING AWAY why you were laid off or took time off, consider being honest. Let employers know why you lost your job or needed to stop working to raise a family or tend to a sick relative. Often a good reason will help you get hired again.”


我觉得,大家一般都是害怕雇主不能理解他们的境遇,迫不得已,才编出各种故事来掩饰事实。与此相同的,如果你觉得工作太难或者有什么不懂的地方,不如诚实地告诉你的老板,Rather than explaining away why you didn’t finish the work, you should just go ahead and let your boss know what you don’t understand. 好了,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “Are you having trouble finding employment because of gaps in your resume? Rather than EXPLAINING AWAY why you were laid off or took time off, consider being honest. Let employers know why you lost your job or needed to stop working to raise a family or tend to a sick relative. Often a good reason will help you get hired again.”

Explain away 解释,搪塞 。一般来说,父母最爱的都是自己的孩子,会对他们百般呵护。但是下面例子里的这位母亲却不是这,让我们来听听看:

M: “The daycare worker asked the mom how her child had gotten such a terrible bruise. She said he’d fallen out of bed. But that didn’t EXPLAIN AWAY some of the other marks found on his body. When investigators determined he’d been beaten by his mother, she stopped trying to invent reasons for her son’s injuries.”

这段话是说: 幼儿园的工作人员问这位母亲为什么她的孩子身上有一块特别严重的淤青。她说,这是孩子从床上掉下来摔的。但这并没有解释清楚孩子身上的其他伤痕。调查人员最后得出结论,孩子是被妈妈打的,她这才停止为孩子的伤痕寻找借口。

据说全世界每天有数百万孩子受到父母或者监护人的殴打或者虐待。所以如果你听到了什么或者怀疑什么,千万要站出来质问。Be suspicious when someone’s trying to EXPLAIN AWAY a cause of concern, you may be saving a life! 对一些试图辩解的人要特别小心,你可能将挽救一条生命! 好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “The daycare worker asked the mom how her child had gotten such a terrible bruise. She said he’d fallen out of bed. But that didn’t EXPLAIN AWAY some of the other marks found on his body. When investigators determined he’d been beaten by his mother, she stopped trying to invent reasons for her son’s injuries.”

今天我们学习的习惯用语是explain away, 意思是“辩解,搪塞”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是Dan Markus。谢谢各位的收听。

B: So, 杨琳,I have an idea, we should go hiking today! Since our big boss isn’t here, and our little boss is not here either, we don’t have to explain anything away !

A : 嘘……你小声点! 还这么大言不惭地说,小心被听到了!
B: 哈哈! Oh…hiking, how much do I miss you?

A: 你还真的很喜欢徒步旅行呀! What do you like hiking that much?
B: I just love being in the woods and being close to the nature. It’s very relaxing and peaceful, and you can escape from the pressure and stress from real life!
A: 我可害怕大虫子,大蛇和大黑熊! 正好,在今天的Go English里Daphne就和Roger聊起了徒步旅行,咱们一起去听听吧!

Hiking: Beginner



Professor: That’s right, Winnie. Some people like hiking, but some like to stay indoors.

Daphne: Wow, what a beautiful day! I love being outdoors.

Roger: (Reluctantly) Yeah, I guess so.

Daphne: What’s wrong, Roger? Don’t you like being in nature?

Roger: Daphne, I grew up in the city. For me, being in nature is going to a city park.

唉,看来Roger就是那种不解风情的人! 这个在城市长大的 city boy居然说,他和nature–大自然最亲密的接触顶多是go to a city park – 上街心公园!

Professor: Right. What does Daphne think?

Daphne说,她喜欢being outdoors,做户外运动,Professor, outdoors的反义词就是indoors吧?

Professor: Yes. You can also say “inside” and “outside.” They mean the same thing.

我明白了,indoors和inside都是“在室内”, outdoors和outside则是“在户外”。

Daphne: Oh Roger, stop complaining. Just look at all the great scenery!

Roger: How can I enjoy the scenery when it’s so hot and the mosquitoes are biting me?

Daphne: Don’t you think it’s worth it to see all this beautiful nature?

Roger: The only thing I can think about right now is mosquitoes!

mosquitoes! 蚊子! Professor Bowman, 我不得不承认,蚊子的确让人讨厌! 我不在乎刮风下雨,或者太阳暴晒,可是如果有蚊子叮我,我还真受不了!

Professor: Why don’t you just wear bug repellant?

“Bug repellant”? 驱虫剂?我用过,可是不管用。 对了, professor, 什么叫scenery?

Professor: Winnie, scenery, s-c-e-n-e-r-y, scenery, means the appearance of a place. Sometimes people also use the word “view”. For example, “After I climbed the mountain, I enjoyed the beautiful view at the top.”

哦,view 和scenery 都是景色的意思,不过, view多指从远处或高处所见的景色。Roger说,蚊子不停地叮咬他,让他没法集中精力享受眼前的美景。

Professor: That’s right. Let’s see if Roger is having any other problems.

Roger: Daphne, can we please stop for a minute? I’m really thirsty and my legs are sore.

Daphne: Roger, are you really that out of shape? We’ve only been walking for 20 minutes!

Roger: I know, but this trail is really steep.

Daphne: Well OK. We can stop and rest for a few minutes.

Roger才走了20分钟就累啦?难怪Daphne说他out of shape–身体素质差劲!

Professor: Yes. And the opposite of being “out of
shape” is being “in shape”.

In shape就是状态好,身体棒。在远足时,如果out of shape, 就会像Roger那样,legs get sore–两腿酸疼。

Professor: Exactly. But Winnie, why does Roger say he is so tired?

他说,这是因为the trail–“山路”太”steep”–陡峭。

Daphne: Alright, Roger. Are you ready to go again?

Roger: Daphne, I don’t think I can go any farther today. I’m so tired. Let’s camp here tonight.

Daphne: But Roger, we have only gone one mile! Let’s hike a little farther.

Roger: Please Daphne! I didn’t know how hard hiking is. If we try to go any farther it might kill me.

Daphne: (Sigh) … alright, we can camp here. You rest and I’ll make a campfire.


Professor: That’s right. Roger is not a good hiker. But Winnie, do you know what the word “camp” means?

camp, c-a-m-p,camp, 就是露营的意思。对了,Professor, 既然说到露营,那campfire就是露营时点的篝火吧?

Professor: Yes. Do you think Roger will like camping more than hiking?


A: 原来,Roger不是特别喜欢远足,他prefer to be indoors,喜欢呆在室内,而且out of shape, 身体素质不行,走两步就累得直喘气。而Daphne很喜欢远足,She enjoys the scenery,喜欢高处的景色。
B: Exactly. The view is so good on the top of the mountain! It also helps you to get in shape!

A: I just don’t like to get messy! 我就不喜欢浑身是泥,到处都是蚊子包儿的感觉! 而且吧,我特别招蚊子,每次蚊子都先叮我!

B: Well in that case….I will definitely make sure to bring you next time when I go hiking! I’ll save tons of money on bug repellent!

A: Hey! 真是个坏蛋! Well…although I’m not a big fan for hiking, I like the idea of taking a break when our bosses are not here….Bwahahaha…
B: Well, we are kinda lucky that we have an awesome boss! But Betty isn’t so lucky. In today’s business etiquette, she’s going to talk to Gray about how to deal with a bad boss, let’s see what they have to say!

礼节美语 – Dealing With a Bad Boss I

Betty 受了上司的气,找 Gray 抱怨。

F1-Betty: That’s it!! I’ve had it! I’m gonna start sending out my resume tomorrow.

M1-Gray: Wow…I’ve never seen you this angry before. What gives?
F1-B: Pat just chewed me out for the third time this week! In public, no less! She hates me…and I think I hate her, too. She’s the worst boss in history!

Betty 气哼哼地说,自己受够了 I’ve had it! 明天就发简历找工作。Gray 问 Betty 是怎么回事。Betty 说,Pat chewed me out. 原来又被上司 Pat 骂了。chew somebody out 严厉责骂。

M1-G: What happened?

F1-B: I printed my quarterly report on both sides of the paper. Pat doesn’t like that because she uses the blank side for notes…it shouldn’t be a big deal, but…

M1-G: So she blew up at you?

F1-B: Yeah! Pat says, “If you can’t follow basic instructions, what use are you?” Then she launches into a 10-minute lecture while shaking her finger at me. What am I? A schoolgirl?

M1-G: Wow, that’s not cool at all. Actually, I’ve heard from a few people that Pat’s a bit of a hothead.

F1-B: You know, Gray, I’m not a confrontational person. I’m generally pretty agreeable. But no one should have to take this kind of abuse!

原来是Betty 把季度报告印在了纸的反正两面,不符合 Pat 的要求。Betty 觉得,it shouldn’t be a big deal. 这没什么大不了的。可是 Pat 却 blow up at her. 对她大发雷霆。Gray 对她深表同情,说不少人抱怨说 Pat 脾气急躁。“a bit of a hothead”, 容易头脑发热。Betty 说,自己不爱吵架, not confrontational, c-o-n-f-r-o-n-t-a-t-i-o-n-a-l, 但是没有人该受这种气,no one should take this kind of abuse.

M1-G: Excuse me, Betty. Hey, Terry…come over here for a second. Betty, this is my friend Terry. Terry works for our company’s Human Resources Department. He might have some ideas for you.

M2-T: Hello Betty, nice to meet you. Hi, Gray. So what’s up?

F1-G: Betty’s boss, Pat Noonan, is giving her a hard time. Betty’s thinking of quitting if she can’t figure something out.

M2-T: Ah…the old nasty boss dilemma. Let me give it to you straight. Pat also supervises my department. So filing a complaint against her will probably get you nowhere.

F1-B: So I’m doomed. I guess I’ll start looking for a new job.

在人事部 Human Resources Department 工作的 Terry 刚好路过,Gray 向他征求意见。Gray 说,Betty’s boss is giving her a hard time. To give someone a hard time, 意思是跟某人过不去,让他日子不好过。 Terry 回答说,Let me give it to you straight. 意思说“直话直说”。 因为人事部门也归 Pat 管,So filing a complaint against her will probably get you nowhere. 因此对她投诉恐怕没用。get you nowhere 是没用的意思。Betty 听后很沮丧地说,So I’m doomed. d-o-o-m-e-d, 那我没救了。Terry 还有更好的建议吗?我们下次继续介绍。

A: 原来Pat脾气暴躁,she’s a bit of a hothead, 容易头脑发热,经常blow up at her employees, 对手下大发雷霆。Betty觉得自己not confrontational, 不爱吵架,不过自己也不该受这种气。

B: Yeah, I agree with Betty. No one should take this kind of abuse. I used to have a bad boss when I was working in college, he actually told me the only reason that he kept me on the job was because he didn’t have the time to find someone else!

A: 哇,这也不是个省油的灯! So how did you deal with this?

B:I mean, he couldn’t do anything to me, so I just kept my head down and did my job. I think you can also talk with the higher-ups or the human resources department if things get really ugly.

A: 或者换个公司也行! Gary也还在给Betty出主意,咱们接着去听
礼节美语–Dealing With a Bad Boss Part–II

Betty 在上司 Pat 那儿受了气,同事 Gray 和人事部的 Terry 给她出谋划策。Betty 说自己没救了,准备换工作。

M2-T: Not so fast. Maybe what’s needed here is a fresh approach. Let’s start with Pat. Why is she mean?

M-1G: Um…because she’s not a very nice person?

M2-T: Maybe…but maybe she has a hard time dealing with stress. Did you know Pat’s division has been losing money this quarter? She’s getting a lot of flack from the board of directors.

F1-B: So you’re saying perhaps she is not really mad at me?

M2-T: Could be. For all we know, she has some personal issue that’s troubling her as well. What we do know is we can’t get rid of her, so we might as well try to find a way to work with her.

Terry 说,not so fast. 先别急,Pat 下属部门这个季度一直赔钱,She’s getting a lot of flack from the board of directors. f-l-a-c-k, flack 批判。公司董事会给了 Pat 很大压力。Maybe she has a hard time dealing with stress. 也许 Pat 有些承受不了。不管怎样,既然躲不开她,就得想办法跟她搞好关系。

M1-G: Do you have any specific suggestions?

M2-T: I think Betty should have a chat with Pat. Tell her you think you need more direction and guidance. Tell Pat you’re sorry if you haven’t lived up to her expectations. Now admittedly, what you’re doing here is employing a strategy.

F1-B: Yes, I think I get it. By offering a kind of truce and by being humble, maybe she’ll change her tune and start being kinder.

M2-T: Exactly! How is your relationship with the other managers in your department?

F2-B: Very good.

Terry 建议 Betty 找 Pat 谈心 have a chat with Pat. 告诉 pat 说,如果自己没能让她满意,请她原谅,同时表示自己需要更多的指导。Betty 一听就明白了,知道这是一种策略, a strategy, 通过改变自己的态度,促使 Pat 改变态度。Betty 还说, 跟其他上司关系都不错。Terry 听后很高兴。

M2-T: Ok, so spend some time getting to know them better. It’s good to have friends that will go to bat for you in private.

M1-G: That’s sound advice. But of course, it’s always a good idea to evaluate yourself to make sure there isn’t some way to improve.

M2-T: Yep. That certainly can’t hurt.

F1-B: But what if I do all these things and Pat is still nasty to me?
M2-T: Well, you can report her to higher-ups, but that should be a last resort.

M1-G: You could also consider transferring to another department.

M2-T: But you know, it’s been my experience that 99% of the time, a little bit of effort can help overcome these sorts of problems.

F1-B: I think you’re probably right. I’ll give it a shot! Thanks guys!

Terry 说,It’s good to have friends that will go to bat for you in private. 有朋友私下里帮你是最好的。不过,如果怎么做都没用呢?You can report her to higher-ups. 向上级投诉,but that should be a last resort. 但这是不得已而为之。当然了,还可以换到其他部门。

B:It’s so nice we don’t have to worry about this, our boss is awesome! I bet she will even go hiking with us!

A: 那你们自己去吧,我可不去!

B: Seems like we didn’t learn anything from the class. Let me have a talk with you, 杨琳…..

A: 哎哟! 好啦好啦! 去去! (笑)

B: I’m such a great negotiator!

A: 臭美! 我是看在领导份上! 好啦同学们,这次节目时间就到这里。

美语训练班  第070课

A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,赶快来告诉大家今天都要学什么?

A: 没问题! 今天,咱们要来去体验一下野外露营,聊聊学外语有什么窍门,还要告诉你怎么说新一代!

B: Leaning a foreign language? You know I’m the expert on this right…
A: 又臭美! 不过我觉得啊,学外语就得大胆说, 不怕错才行!!

B: Yeah I definitely agree with that. Also it’s helps a lot immerse yourself in the language environment, that way you will be forced to think and use that language! That’s why I went to China three times!

A:没错! 咱们现在就来浸泡式学习! 赶快进入第一个单元,Learn a word!

Learn A Word1555 next-generation

今天我们要学的词是 next-generation. next-generation is spelled n-e-x-t, next, and g-e-n-e-r-a-t-i-o-n, generation, generation. Next-generation 下一代的,新一代的。Possible images of the next-generation iPhone keep popping up online. 网络上不断出现可能是新一代苹果手机的图片。Intel is committing $4.1 billion to the research of next-generation chip technology. 因特尔公司保证投入41亿美元,用于新一代芯片技术的研究。Toyota will debut the next-generation of their Lexus LS full-sized luxury sedan on July 30th. 丰田汽车公司将在7月30号首次展示他们的雷克萨斯LS豪华轿车。
好的,今天我们学习的词是 next-generation, next-generation, next-generation…

A: Speaking of next-generation, did you hear that i-Phone 5 is going to come out this year? I CAN’T wait!!!

B: Yeah definitely! Not only will Apple roll out the i-phone 5, but they are also set to release iPad 3 and iPad Mini. So excited to see them!

A: 对呀! 不过这么一来,咱俩的iPhone 4岂不是就成得变成过时没人要的东西了?

B: Yeah, I think that would mean that the iPhone 4 is going to fall by the wayside. Some expert actually say now is the best time to get rid of your old iPhone since their prices are still high.

A: 对对对,我看咱俩就得赶快干这事! 不过你刚才提到了一个很好的词儿,fall by the wayside, 我们赶快来学学这个习惯用语的用法!

Words and Idioms 980

美国习惯用语第 980讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是Dan Markus.


M: Fall by the wayside. Fall is spelled f-a-l-l, and wayside; w-a-y-s-i-d-e. Fall-by-the-wayside. Fall by the way side.

Wayside 意思是路边,fall by the wayside 整个词组跟道路其实没什么关系,它的意思是终止,不在继续下去了。就像上面的例子中,智能手机用户越来越依赖于手机的其他功能,而用打电话的功能的人反而越来越少了。The population of folks talking on a phone appears to FALL BY THE WAYSIDE more and more. 下面例子里的这个人从小就想当建筑师,他能不能从事自己理想的职业呢?我们来听一听:

M: “From the time I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming an architect. But my school counselor informed me that the unemployment rate for that choice is quite high. That explains why interest in architecture has FALLEN BY THE WAYSIDE. Maybe I should be investing in a more successful career like nursing or teaching.”

这段话是说:[我从小就梦想做一名建筑师。但是学校的指导老师告诉我,建筑师行业的失业率特别高。这就解释了为什么现在想当建筑师的学生越来越少。或许我应当选择一个更有前途的职业,比如护士或者教师。 ]

为现实被迫放弃自己的梦想真是无奈。我的一个邻居就面临特别现实的问题。她是一名图形艺术家,可是随着电脑技术的发展,普通人只要使用电脑技术就能绘制各种图形,她也就很难找到工作了。Consumers’ need for her products and services FELL BY THE WAYSIDE. 她所提供的产品和服务,对消费者来说已经越来越没有吸引力了。好的,让我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “From the time I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming an architect. But my school counselor informed me that the unemployment rate for that choice is quite high. That explains why interest in architecture has FALLEN BY THE WAYSIDE. Maybe I should be investing in a more successful career like nursing or teaching.”

上面我们讲到fall by the wayside有停止的意思。在下面的例子中,一名餐厅老板要谈谈扩建餐厅的计划,让我们来听听看:

M: ” No one expected our top chef to leave. After all, the popularity of her dishes was the reason why we had decided to open another restaurant. Despite her departure, we’re determined to go ahead with our plans. We aren’t going to allow them to FALL BY THE WAYSIDE. ”


这种态度很积极正面,肯定会帮助餐馆老板成功的。话说,我最近有个朋友失恋了,他的态度特别悲观,对所有事情都失去了兴趣。As a result, his sales number are FALLING BY THE WAYSIDE. 他的销售业绩大幅下降。其实想开了,没有什么过不去的坎儿。好的,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: ” No one expected our top chef to leave. After all, the popularity of her dishes was the reason why we had decided to open another restaurant. Despite her departure, we’re determined to go ahead with our plans. We aren’t going to allow them to FALL BY THE WAYSIDE. ”

今天我们学习的习惯用语是fall by the wayside,意思是停止,不再继续下去。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是Dan Markus。谢谢各位的收听。

B: You know what, this episode reminds me of when I was hiking with my dad one time….

A : 嗯? 什么意思?

B: So when I was twelve I had gone hiking with my dad in colorado. While we were resting, I forgot our tent by the wayside….I didn’t realized it until we were already two hours away….

A: Oh gosh… 我要是你爸,肯定恨死你了!

B: Haha, yeah, pretty much ….We spent another two hours going back to search for the tent, and my punishment was no dinner for the night!

A: 哈哈,对于你这么爱吃的人,不让你吃真是对你最大的惩罚!
在今天的Go English里,Daphne就和Roger正在露营,咱们去看看胆小的Roger 咱们一起去听听吧!

Hiking: Intermediate



Professor: That’s right, Winnie. You know, being out in the woods at night can be pretty scary if you’re used to city life.

Daphne: Isn’t it great being out in nature, Roger? I love breathing the fresh air and exercising.

Roger: Sure …. I guess it’s not so bad. Daphne, you don’t think there are bears in these woods, do you?

Daphne: Of course there are! But don’t worry, bears are pretty shy and won’t hurt us. They only want to eat our food.

Roger: But Daphne, what if the bears think that I am food?

Daphne: Don’t worry, Roger, I know wilderness first aid.


Professor: That’s right, Winnie. What does Daphne say to make him feel better?

Daphne安慰Roger,说自己会wilderness first aid – 野外急救!

Professor: Winnie, somehow I wouldn’t be very comforted by that if I were Roger!

Daphne: I know, Roger. We can tell ghost stories to take your mind off the bears.

Roger: Ghost stories? I don’t know. It’s already pretty scary being out here in the dark.

Daphne: Oh Roger, there is nothing to be afraid of out here! You’re not scared of the dark, are you?

Roger: Of course I’m not afraid of the dark. What I’m afraid of are all the things that are hiding out there in the dark!

Roger 在山里过夜本来就紧张,他才不会想听什么ghost stories–鬼故事呢! 对了,professor, Daphne说,讲故事可以 take Roger’s mind off the bears, 这是什么意思呢?

Professor: When you take your mind off something, that means you stop thinking about it. For example, “After studying really hard for three days, I went to the movies to take my mind off the exam for a couple hours.”

哦,take your mind off something,就是暂时不去想某件事。Daphne想通过讲故事来转移Roger的注意力,这样,Roger就不会总想着自己会被熊吃掉了!

Daphne: OK, I’ll tell the first story. You know, some people say these woods are haunted and ……

Roger: What?? They’re haunted? Daphne, why have you taken me to these haunted woods? We have to get out of here, fast.

Daphne: Roger! Calm down. It’s just a story. The woods aren’t really haunted.

Roger: Are you sure there aren’t any ghosts? I keep hearing really strange noises out in the dark!

Daphne: Of course there’s no such thing as ghosts. It’s probably just some hungry bears.

Roger: Ah!

Professor: Winnie, why does Roger get so scared?

Daphne讲鬼故事,说这片树林 are “haunted”–闹鬼。结果Roger就信以为真了! 把他吓个半死! Professor, Daphne 说”there’s no such thing as ghosts”, 这句话的意思是“世界上根本没有鬼”么?

Professor: Exactly. For another example, I could say that “There are lots of ways to help slow global warming, but there’s no such thing as a perfect solution.”

Daphne: Roger, I don’t think you’re cut out for camping.

Roger: I know. Next time you want to do something fun, let’s do something in the city. I’ll be happy to buy your movie ticket as long as we don’t have to go camping again.

Daphne: Sure, next time we’ll go see a movie. But Roger …. will there be a next time? Do you think we will survive the night?

Roger: I sure hope we survive, just so I have a chance to get even!

Daphne说,Roger is not cut out for camping—天生不是露营的料! Professor, Roger说,他一定要survive the night–捱过这一晚,这样他才能 get even。Get even是报仇的意思么?

Professor: Right! What do you think Roger will do to get even with Daphne?

嗯….我倒很想知道呢! 我们下次接着听吧!

A: 原来,Roger特别害怕自己被黑熊吃掉,Daphne跟他聊天,想take his mind off bears, 让他暂时不去想熊这件事。不过她选题不够好,She said the woods are haunted, 这片森林里闹鬼,结果把Roger 吓得半死! 他发誓要get even, 报仇雪恨!

B: Haha, Roger is a wimp. I mean, black bears are actually more scared of you than you are of them. If you even see one, just stand up and wave your arms and you can easily scare them off.

A:哇,你说的真轻松! 我看要是真看见了一只熊你肯定也吓得半死!

B: Well, you need to remember I’m the hiking expert! As long as you have a fire, wood and water with you, you’ll be fine!

A: 诶? 你怎么又是hiking expert了! 今天节目开始的时候你不是还说自己是学习外语的专家呢么?

B: Well, I mean, I’m kinda good at a lot of things…haha kidding kidding. But learning a new language is like doing a long hike, you going to feel tired along the way, but the view at the end of the trail makes it all worth it!

A: 哇,这个比喻怎么让我想到了小时候妈妈的鼓励? 今天在Business Etiquette里, Penny跟Robert就聊起了学习外语的话题,咱们一起来听听看!

礼节美语 – Becoming Fluent in English Part I

来自中国的雇员 Penny 跟同事 Robert 聊天儿。

Penny Liu: Hey, Robert! I was listening to you speak Chinese at the presentation yesterday! You’re fluent!

Robert: Oh, that’s kind of you to say, but in reality I’m just able to hold a conversation.

P: You are too modest. Seriously, I was really impressed. I actually wanted to know how you did it because I really want to take my English to the next level.

P: But your English is fantastic.

P: Yeah, it’s pretty good. But I’m aiming to become completely fluent. Do you have any tips?

Penny 称赞美国同事 Robert 中文说得流利,fluent,给她留下了深刻印象。I was really impressed. Penny 问 Robert 学习语言有什么窍门,因为 I really want to take my English to the next level. 我想让自己的英语水平更上一层楼。Robert 有什么建议呢?

R: Well, I studied at a major university in Taipei before coming to Beijing. And I lived in Hong Kong for over a year as well.

P: So you’re saying I’ll have to live in an English-speaking country?

R: It certainly doesn’t hurt. But there are some things you can do if that is not an option.

P: For example?

R: When I first began studying Chinese, I found that watching Chinese movies was a really big help. Turn off the subtitles and watch and listen closely.

原来,Robert 在中文环境中生活过一段时间。这对提高语言水平当然是有百益而无一害。It certainly doesn’t hurt. 可如果没有这种条件,If that is not an option, Robert说,看电影会有很大帮助,并建议关掉字幕,turn off the subtitles, subtitles is spelled s-u-b-t-i-t-l-e-s, subtitles 是字幕的意思。

P: But they speak so fast in movies! Will I be able to understand?

R: You could watch a movie you have already seen before…but no subtitles. That way you can pick up the rhythms of speech.

P: What about vocabulary? Should I just try to memorize more words?

R: Memorization can’t hurt, but it’s sometimes hard to learn words that have no context. Many times when I learn a new Chinese word, I don’t really understand it until I hear or see how it’s used in a sentence.

P: So I need to find a context for the words.

R: Right!

电影对白速度太快,跟不上怎么办。Robert 建议 Penny 选择以前看过的电影,然后关掉字幕。That way you can pick up the rhythms of speech. 这样就能慢慢找到语言的节奏。词汇量 vocabulary 不够怎么办?Robert 说,死记硬背固然没有害处,Memorization can’t hurt. memorization is spelled m-e-m-o-r-i-z-a-t-i-o-n, memorization. 可有时候少了上下文,context, 单词的意思是很难准确理解和掌握的。
Robert 对提高英语水平还有哪些好的建议,我们下次继续听。

A: Robert给Penny提了些学好外语的窍门, 首先,要多看外国电影,而且要turn off the subtitles, 关掉字幕,如果跟不上,就选原来看过的电影, that way you can pick up the rhythms of speech. 而且don’t just memorize the words, 不要死记硬背,find a context for the words that you want to learn. 根据上下文来理解单词。

B: Yeah, I definitely agree with Robert. Also I always try to read a Chinese book or magazine, and guess the meaning of the words I don’t know based on the context. It’s a great way to learn new words and expose yourself to the new culture.

A: 对! 我就特别喜欢看电视剧,比如friends 呀, big bang theory呀, 哦对对,还有how I met your mother! 看来看去我都能背下来了! 好了好了,不说咱们了,我们还是接着去听听Robert给了Penny怎样的建议吧!

礼节美语 – Becoming Fluent in English Part II
MC: Robert 正在向中国来的同事 Penny 介绍理解和掌握单词的经验。

R: You could buy an English-language magazine about news or fashion. Read through the articles and underline and look up the words you don’t know. Then read the article or sentence again after you know what the words mean.

P: So the sentence will help my brain remember the word?

R: Yes, I think it does.

P: I sometimes have a hard time with grammar. I just can’t remember all the verb tenses and other little rules.

Robert 建议 Penny 看英文杂志,把不认识的单词划出来,查字典,underline and look up the words you don’t know. 知道意思以后再回过头来重读一遍。Penny 说有时觉得语法很难,I sometimes have a hard time with grammar. 这里说的 have a hard time with something 就是觉得一件事情很难的意思。Robert 有什么好办法吗?

R: You know something? I’d say forget about grammar in the beginning. Focus on understanding and communicating. To tell you the truth, I’m still fuzzy on quite a few English grammar rules myself.

P: But eventually my grammar will improve, right?

R: Certainly. Through reading and speaking you will sort of pick it up automatically. And you know something else? Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn, grammar included.

P: Ah…but it’s so embarrassing!

R: Exactly! Getting embarrassed helps us remember things!

Robert 让 Penny 上来先不要管语法,通过阅读和交流,语法自然会慢慢掌握。You will pick it up automatically. Robert 两次说到,You know something? 意思是告诉你吧。他觉得,出错是学习的最佳途径之一,Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. Penny 说,那多丢人啊。It’s so embarrassing. Robert 居然说,这样以后才不会忘。

R: And one more thing: some people try to translate from their mother tongue while speaking. I’ve found this is a bad idea. It slows you down. Languages are usually quite different from each other so it’s not really a help.

P: So I should just say it. Even if it comes out wrong, right?

R: Yep. You can also keep a notebook and when you hear or see something you don’t quite understand, write it down and look it up later.

P: Ah, I already have a great dictionary in my cell phone! I use it everyday.

Robert反对说英语的时候从母语 mother tongue 直接翻译过来,因为这样做只会 slow you down 放慢你的速度。归根结底就是,you should just say it. Even if it comes out wrong. 大胆说,不要怕出错。Robert 还建议 Penny 随身带个笔记本,把听到看到的生字记下来回去查。Penny 说她手机里就有字典,而且每天都在用。

B: Making mistakes is the best way to learn! 杨琳,shall I tell the audience about the famous mistakes that you’ve made?

A: 不行! 不许说! 要是说了,我好不容易塑造的优秀形象不就毁了?!

B: REALLY?, hmmm, How much is that perfect image worth to you? I think I sense some hush money coming my way….哈哈,因为你是我好朋友, 我只收你三百元封口费!

A: 你……!!! 等会再跟你算账!
