
美语训练班 第031-040课

美语训练班  第031 / 032课

A: 美语训练班上课啦! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是Kat! 杨琳,今天教什么呢?

A:今天咱们要去海边冲浪, 要去看一场糟糕的情侣约会,要谈谈出席社交活动的礼仪, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“小心眼儿”。

B: 听着不错!

A: Of course!不过节目一开始,咱们还是先来学个词儿!

Learn A Word #1373 like-minded

今天我们要学的词是like-minded. Like-minded is spelled l-i-k-e-m-i-n-d-e-d, like-minded. Like-minded, 意思是想法和目标相同的。维基解密的创始人阿桑奇频频登上新闻头条。He founded WikiLeaks with a group of like-minded people in 2006. 他在2006年与一群志向相似的人共同创办了维基解秘。Occupy Washington protesters encourage like-minded people to join them on the street. 占领华盛顿的示威者们邀请跟他们目标一致的人加入他们的行列。The speed dating agency brings like-minded single people together for social events. 这家速配机构给志同道合的单身男女创造社交的机会。好的,今天我们学习的词是like-minded, like-minded, like-minded.

A: like-minded志趣相投的,If you want to start a business, you’d better find a like-minded partner. 如果想做买卖,最好找个志趣相投的合伙人。 这样说对不对?

B: That’s correct. But if you really want to make a wise decision, you should listen to all kinds of opinions, including those that are different from your own.

A: 对,兼听则明嘛,如果只听和自己看法一样的意见,那就可能会出现group thinking──群体性思维,也就是单一固定的思维模式。

B: Exactly. Don’t brush off other people’s ideas. They may be good, even if they are different from yours.

A:对,在下面的”美国习惯用语”中,咱们就来教这个brush off.

Words and idioms 948 Brush off

女:各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 948讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.


M:Brush off. Brush is spelled b-r-u-s-h, and off, o-f-f. Brush off.

女: Brush是刷的意思,Brush off, 刷掉,引伸出来就是“忽略,不理睬”的意思。上面的例子中, My friend shouldn’t BRUSH OFF the poor ratings of the convertible. 我朋友不应该忽略这辆敞篷车很差的车评。在下面的例子里,这对夫妇可真不应该忽略检查人员给他们的忠告!到底发生了什么呢? 我们来听一听:

M: “The homeowners were told by inspectors that they ought to move their home further from the river. Instead, they went ahead with plans to add a second story. When a terrible storm hit a year later, the river flooded. And the house was destroyed. If the couple hadn’t BRUSHED OFF those safety warnings, they wouldn’t have lost their property.”


女:俗话说,小心使得万年船,千万不能忽略任何可能发生的危险隐患。不过有的时候,又要有主见,不能人云亦云,受别人影响。比如我有个好朋友,是个服装设计师,特有才,但是刚开始创业的头几年,很多人都说她肯定不会成功,好在,She brushed off all the bad reviews. 她对这些负面评论根本不予理睬,结果才有了今天。好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “The homeowners were told by inspectors that they ought to move their home further from the river. Instead, they went ahead with plans to add a second story. When a terrible storm hit a year later, the river flooded. And the house was destroyed. If the couple hadn’t BRUSHED OFF those safety warnings, they wouldn’t have lost their property.”

女: 谁都希望有个体贴,疼你的丈夫或者男朋友,不过啊,可不是每个人都那么幸运。要是碰上下面例子里的这位Phil,可就倒霉喽! 我们来听听看Phil是个什么样的人:

M: “Phil hasn’t had many steady girlfriends. That’s because they don’t like the way he treats them. After a couple of nice dates, he expects them to always be available for him. Yet he rarely makes the effort to return their calls or text messages. Why should they want to stay with a guy who BRUSHES them OFF? ”


女: 这些女孩子做得对!不值得跟一个整天不把自己当回事的人在一起。大家可能已经发现了,这句话中说 Phil often brushes them off. Brush somebody off, 就是忽略某人的意思。比如,I’ve been telling my husband to see a dentist for his bad teeth, but he keeps brushing me off. 我让我老公赶紧去看看那颗烂牙,可他却把我的话当耳边风。好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “Phil hasn’t had many steady girlfriends. That’s because they don’t like the way he treats them. After a couple of nice dates, he expects them to always be available for him. Yet he rarely makes the effort to return their calls or texts. Why should they want to stay with a guy who BRUSHES them OFF? ”

女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是brush off,意思是“忽略,不理睬”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束。

A:我有个做生意的朋友,他创业的时候,大家都不看好他,都劝他放弃,but he brushed off all the pessimistic buzz, and stayed focused on the business.最后人家还真成功了!

B: Good for him!


B:He has a big heart!

A: 对!心胸开阔,不小心眼儿!

B: what’s 心眼儿?

A: 啊?这个还真不好解释,大概就是thoughtfulness, 或者consideration for others.

B:So小心眼儿就是lack of consideration for others?

A: 差不多!听听下面的”美语怎么说”,你就更明白了!

How to say it: petty

Jessica 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是吴琼要问的:小心眼。

Jessica: 吴琼, are you coming to my birthday party tomorrow?

WQ: En…I’m afraid not.

Jessica: Why not? You’re my best friend!

WQ: 我不是不想去参加你的生日派对,可是你请了王贝贝,我可不想见她。

Jessica: Why? I thought you two were friends.

WQ: 你不知道,两年前,我们去唱K。 她走调了,我心直口快说了出来,结果她记仇,这两年没少说我坏话!太小心眼了! 小心眼在英文里怎么说?

Jessica: You can say a person is petty. petty is spelled p-e-t-t-y, petty. It means narrow-minded and mean.

WQ: 哦,petty 就是心胸狭窄,小心眼。You have no idea, Jessica, you don’t know how petty she is. 她一定还在记仇, hold….hold….记仇是 hold 什么来着?

Jessica: hold a grudge. grudge is spelled g-r-u-d-g-e. hold a grudge 记仇。but 吴琼, I don’t think Beibei still holds a grudge against you.

WQ: Hmm, I don’t know. 她表面上也和我过得去,but I think she still has a secret grudge against me! 她还在心里暗暗记仇呢!

Jessica: Oh, come on! It’s been two years! I’m sure she has gotten over it!

WQ: Get over it 就是“不再计较”的意思,对不对?

Jessica: Exactly. To get over it means to forget about it.

WQ: You know what, Jessica, you’re right. 我决定明天去参加你的party! I want to show Beibei that I’m not a petty person and it’s time for her to get over it, too.

Jessica: That’s the spirit! Now let’s see what you’ve learned today.

WQ: 第一:形容某人小心眼,用 petty;

第二:记仇则是hold a grudge against someone;

第三:不计较了,可以说 get over it;

B:Oh, 小心眼儿就是petty! 杨琳, did you know petty can also mean “small, trivial”?

A:知道。Petty也可以表示微小。比如,petty cash就是零钱。

B: That’s right!

A:话说回来,我经常听见男生抱怨,Oh, my girlfriend is petty sometimes! 我女朋友有时候心眼儿特小!I’ tired of her petty jealousy. 她心胸狭窄的嫉妒真让我烦恼。

B: Yeah. Guys complain about us, but they have to admit sometimes it’s their fault!

A: 对啊,怪女朋友爱生气,心眼儿小,不如反省一下你们自己的行为。

B: Exactly! Remember the terrible boyfriend who spent 1000 dollars on his own suit but only set a 20-buck budget for his girlfriend’ birthday gift?


GoEnglish: Shopping (advanced)


Professor: Christine and Kevin are dating, and today is Christine’s birthday. Kevin bought himself a $1,000 suit so that he would look good for their special date, but then only had $20 left to spend on Christine’s present. He has come to her apartment to give it to her.

MC: 这件礼物肯定是Kevin去折扣店买的便宜货。我估计,这次之后,他女朋友一定不会再理他了!

Professor: Well, let’s listen and find out.

Christine: Wow, Kevin, you look amazing! What a nice suit! Is it new?

Kevin: That’s right baby, it was a big sacrifice on my part because it cost $1,000, but I was willing to do it for you because I know you want your boyfriend to look good.

Christine: Hmm … so you did something nice for me by spending $1,000 on yourself? That’s an interesting way of looking at it … But never mind, let’s go out for our dinner date.

Kevin: Wait a minute! Before we go out you should open your present. Something tells me you’re going to want to wear it to the restaurant.

Christine: Alright!

MC: Kevin居然还敢把自己花1000块买衣服的事拿来炫耀,可怜的Christine,一定以为自己收到的是一份超级大礼。

Christine: Umm … Kevin, what size do you think I wear?

Kevin: Well you know, I wasn’t sure so I just kind of guessed. I didn’t worry about getting the size exactly right because you look so great in everything.

Christine: Well do you think I’m really fat? This shirt is an extra-extra-extra large. This shirt would never fit me.

Kevin: Yeah, but that’s why it was such a steal! They couldn’t find anybody to buy it, so they had to lower the price to $8. But don’t worry, I think baggy clothing is really popular right now.

Christine: I don’t think I would call this clothing. This looks like a sail for a sailboat.

MC: 啊?Kevin花8块钱给Christine买了件没人要的超超超大号衬衫!Christine说,这哪是衣服,简直就是船帆!可Kevin居然还说,自己是捡了个大便宜!

Professor: That sounds more like a rip-off to me.

Christine: Alright Kevin … thank you for such a lovely shirt … But hey, it looks like you got me some really nice pants! Wow, are these Prada? Thanks!

Kevin: No problem. You know I spare no expense when I’m buying you things, right Christine?

Christine: Oh, you’re the best boyfriend a girl … wait a minute, one leg of these pants is longer than the other. Kevin, did you get me a pair of defective pants for my birthday?

Kevin: Well you don’t think I could afford a real pair of designer pants, do you? A regular pair of designer pants would have put me back like $100. These pants cost only $11.

MC: 啊?没想到,除了抹布衬衫,Kevin还准备了其它烂礼物!

Professor: Yes, he bought a pair of designer pants, but they were defective.

MC: 对啊,虽然是designer pants–名牌裤子,但却是defective–残次品!裤腿不一边长!Professor Bowman, Kevin 还说 put him back, 这是什么意思呢?

Professor: To “put you back” means to cost you. For example, an expensive sports car will put me back $50,000.

MC: 哦,put you back 意思就是 “花多少钱”。好,到现在为止,Kevin的预算–20块,已经花出去19块了,剩下1块钱,不知道他还买了什么恶心的礼物!

Christine: Alright Kevin, there better be something really good at the bottom of this box. Otherwise you’re going to be single in about 30 seconds.

Kevin: Don’t worry, take a look.

Christine: Hmm …oh wow! This is such a cute hat. It totally makes up for all your other bad presents … wait, there’s a hole in it!

Kevin: But it’s just a little hole! It was so cheap because somebody returned it and I thought …

Christine: You got me a used hat? Well, Kevin, I hope you really like that suit, because you’re going to need it to find a new girlfriend!

Professor: Ouch! It seems like Christine got really mad!

MC: 那可不!要我说,Kevin是自作自受。

B: Yeah! Great finale!

A:呵呵,这一巴掌可够解恨的!An unflattering shirt, a pair of defective pants and a hat with a hole in it! 这些礼物烂透了!

B: They are even worse when you compare them with Kevin’s fancy suit.

A: 可不是,I don’t blame Christine for snapping.

B: Neither do I. 不过,说到买衣服,杨林,还记得black-tie event么?

A: 记得,就是特别正式的社交场合嘛!上次节目说参加这种活动,男士要穿tuxedo──燕尾服,女士要穿evening gown─晚礼服。不知道还有什么别的要求么?

B: Listen to today’s business etiquette and you’ll know!

Business Etiquette: black tie event II


J: Have you ever been to a black-tie event?

G: Twice actually….and to be honest, it was a bit boring both times.

J: Aside from the tuxedo is there anything else I need to wear or take with me?

G: I suggest keeping all other accessories to a minimum.

J: I see. Any other tips or suggestions?

G: Keep your eyes open and just sort of do what everybody else does. And…don’t get drunk or talk too loud or draw any attention to yourself!

J: Okay, good points.

Gary说,自己参加过两次这种要穿礼服打领结的 black-tie event, 觉得很无聊。他建议Jim, 最好 keep all other accessories to a minimum尽量少带装饰品,accessory is spelled a-c-c-e-s-s-o-r-y, accessory 是指手表、手袋等饰物,他还告诉Jim, 睁大眼睛看别人怎么做,特别要注意 don’t get drunk 不要喝醉,don’t talk too loud 说话声音不要太大,don’t draw any attention to yourself 不要让别人注意到自己。

G: You and Henry are acting as representatives of the company so you’re kind of like ambassadors.

J: Wow. Now I’m really stressed!

G: It’s not that hard. Just be a good conversationalist and even more importantly, be a good listener. If someone makes a humorous remark, chuckle mildly; even if the comment isn’t very funny. And remember, always smile!

Gary说,Jim跟Henry这次去参加晚宴,代表的是公司,you’re kind of like ambassadors. 是公司使节。Jim听后表示,压力很大,Now I’m really stressed. Gary告诉他说,其实这项任务也不难完成,他们只要会聊天 be a good conversationalist,做个好听众就行了,别人讲笑话,就算不好笑,也要chuckle跟着笑两声,脸上要随时随地保持笑容。

J: Can I rent the tux in New York?

G: Absolutely. Do some research before you go and find a good rental company. They will probably deliver it to your hotel. Make sure the tuxedo fits well….otherwise; you can end up looking pretty silly.

J: How much should I expect to pay to rent a tux?

G: I’d say roughly $100. You could probably find some cheaper options, but you want to look good.

J: Thanks Gary…. I really appreciate your help.

G: Not at all. It should be an interesting experience for you.

J: I hope so.

Jim想知道能不能到纽约去租tux, tux is spelled t-u-x, tux, tux是 tuxedo 的简称。Gary建议Jim事先查一下,找一家服务周到、能送货上门的租赁公司,They can deliver it to your hotel. 他们可以把燕尾服送到 Jim下榻的旅店。Gary还建议Jim一定要穿上试试看,otherwise, you can end up looking pretty silly. 否则如果不合适的话,那你看上去会很傻的。Gary最后还告诉Jim, 燕尾服的租金应该在100美元上下。

A: 这社交活动还真不轻松,听见没有,如果别人讲了个笑话,就算笑话不好笑, 你也得笑两声,还得mildly,不能放肆地大笑!

B: No wonder Gary said black-tie events were boring.

A:对啊,This so-called party isn’t fun at all. It’s part of work.

B:So now let’s take a break─Let’s go surfing!

American sports English: surfing

P: I can’t believe we are in Hawaii, Yang Chen!

Y: I can’t believe it, either. 夏威夷的沙滩好美,我们是不是要在沙滩上晒太阳? Patrick, did you bring your bikini?

P: Let me check. Oh, wait. I don’t wear bikini,. Yang Chen., could you be serious for just one moment?

Y: OK. I’m all serious.

P: I’m going to teach you how to surf. Look at the wave. The waves are huge─and just perfect for surfing!

Y: 噢,你要教我冲浪。Surfing in Hawaii. Awesome!

P: So, Yang Chen … are you ready to try surfing?

Y: Yes. Aye aye, Captain! I’m ready to try surfing!

P: Let’s take our surfboards out into the water and ride some waves, Yang Chen.

Y: Ok, here we go!

P: Not yet, Yang Chen. First, you lie down on your stomach on your surfboard and paddle with your arms out to where the waves are.

Y: Okay, lying down on my stomach, 爬在冲浪板上,paddle with my arms两手向前滑。

P: I think this is far enough, Yang Chen.

Y: 我会冲浪了! Surfing is soooooooo easy.

P: Well, to really surf you have to stand up on the surf board, while riding a wave. So, you still think it’s easy?

Y: 光爬着不行,还要站起来? Are you crazy, Patrick?

P: Not in the slightest, Yang Chen. That is what surfing is: Standing up on a surfboard and riding a wave.

Y: Well, you can try standing up on your surfboard and riding some waves, Patrick. But– I’m staying right here! Michael Phelps will save me!

P: Aw, there is nothing to be afraid of, Yang Chen. Don’t be a chicken. Bawk, Bawk, Bawk!

Y: I am NOT a chicken, Patrick. Look, I’m standing up! Patrick, see you later!

A: Stand up on a surfboard and ride the waves! 听着可够难的,我八成儿是学不会。

B: Come on! Have faith in yourself, Yanglin!

A: 算了,我要是到了夏威夷,宁可去学跳草裙舞!

B:Hula dance? Not a bad choice!


B: Bye!

美语训练班  第032课

美语训练班  第033课

A: 欢迎来到美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是 Kat! 杨琳,快说说今天教什么!


B: 团购?I like it!

A: 一听买东西你就兴奋!咱们还是先来学个词儿吧!

Learn A Word #1377 dry up

今天我们要学的词是 dry up. Dry is spelled d-r-y,dry; and up, u-p, up; dry up. Dry up, 意思是耗尽,用光。今年年初开始的阿拉伯革命目前的焦点集中在叙利亚,随着西方国家的制裁,As cash starts to dry up, more Syrians see that the current regime is not sustainable. 随着政府资金被耗尽,越来越多的叙利亚人意识到目前的政权难以为继。维基解秘网站由于资金不足,暂时停止了发布解密文件。Wikileaks ended its publication of leaked documents after funds dried up. 加拿大中央银行行长最近表示,Global liquidity is about to dry up again, and the real economy will soon feel the impact. 全球资产将再次耗尽,经济体将很快受到影响。好的,今天我们学习的词是dry up, dry up, dry up.

A: dry up, 耗尽。刚才节目中说的都是资金用光,我可不可以用dry up形容一个人灵感枯竭,没主意了呢?

B: Of course! For example, you can say the author’s inspiration dried up after his first novel.

A: 这个作家在出了第一本小说后就灵感枯竭了?

B: That’s right!

A:写东西可不容易,我以前也一时兴起想写小说,可写着写着就写不下去了,My ideas dried up! That was so frustrating! 我只好放弃了当作家的梦。

B:You shouldn’t have! You probably just ran into writer’s block. It’ll go away if you don’t give up.

A:Writer’s block? 哦,就是写作是遇到的瓶颈吧!嗯,看来我今天回家要把我的大作重新整理一下,没准能有新灵感!

B: Good luck! I’d like to be your first reader!

A: That’s really nice of you, Kat! 好了,咱们继续听节目吧! Let’s listen to Popular American.

Popular American 387 dressed to kill, ants in the pants

各位听众,现在播送《流行美语》。今天 Larry 和李华要去参加暑期实习工作的面试,两个人都很紧张。李华会学到两个常用语:dressed to kill 和 ants in your pants。

LH: Larry! 你来啦! 坐这吧, 我留了位子给你。

LL: Thank you Li Hua. Wow…you’re really dressed to kill today.

LH: Dressed to kill…我看起来很像杀人犯吗?

LL: No! Absolutely not. Dressed to kill means you’re so well dressed that people will be unable to take their eyes off you.

LH: 喔. 你是说我打扮的很抢眼吗? 呵呵, 谢谢啦~ Your dress kills too!

LL: Mmm…we generally don’t say a person’s dress kills. You have to say a person is dressed to kill. This means the way they have dressed is bound to kill people because it is so eye catching.

LH: 喔, 我懂了,应该说一个人 is dressed to kill. 因为穿得太抢眼了,看到的人都会吃惊得昏过去,就好像是这个人把他们杀死了一样,是这样吗?

LL: You can put it that way! How about we practice a bit? How would you say I am well dressed?

LH: Larry, you are dressed to kill!

LL: Thank you. That’s how you use the phrase. So are you Li Hua!

LH: 可是我好紧张喔… 你看,我脚都在抖呢!

LL: Wow. You’re right. It’s like you have ants in your pants!

LH: 我哪有…没有蚂蚁啊…

LL: To have ants in your pants means you’re really nervous and anxious, unable to sit still.

LH: To have ants in your pants 是指一个人很紧张,坐立难安,就好像有蚂蚁在裤子里爬来爬去的。啊…我的确是这样…Larry, how come you don’t have ants in your pants? 难道你不紧张吗?

LL: Haha. It’s okay to say someone has ants in their pants, but it’s a bit awkward to say someone doesn’t.

LH: 你说, to have ants in your pants 不适合反过来说? 所以不能说 you don’t have ants in your pants. 不过 Larry, 你看起来一点也不紧张耶,you look so cool and collected.

LL: That’s because I’m dressed to kill. So I don’t have to worry about first impressions. And I also spent three hours practicing the interview yesterday. I’m pretty sure I got this.

LH: 哇, 你昨天练习了三个小时啊?? 我都没练习,怎么办??

LL: It’s okay. You are also dressed to kill today! Just remember to smile and sound as professional and as natural as possible.

LH: 你要我保持微笑, 然后说话自然,表现出专业水准吗? 好,那我试试。Larry, 问我一个问题吧!

LL: Can you give me an example of an American slang and make a sentence with it?

LH: Sure. I will talk about “ants in your pants”. Umm umm…I’m so nervous that I get ants in my pants! 我不行了,Larry.

LL: Haha, relax Li Hua. You actually made a correct sentence!

LH: 咦, 我造句造对了吗? 好险…

LL: Do you feel a little more confident now?

LH: 好像真的感觉好多了耶…

LL: See? You shouldn’t worry too much. That’s the only thing that’s stopping you from doing well.

LH: 好,反正现在还有时间,你再问我一个问题吧!

LL: Okay, Li Hua. Can you explain what it means when a person is dressed to kill?

LH: When a person is dressed to kill, it means that person has dressed up in such a fashionable or professional way that he or she attracts everyone’s attention.

LL: Very good! That’s a good definition too. I think you got this, Li Hua!

LH: 是吗…那就好。

LH: 啊, 轮到我了!

LL: Good luck, Li Hua!

各位听众,今天李华从 Larry 那儿学到两个常用语,一个是 dressed to kill, 表示“打扮得十分抢眼”;另一个是 ants in your pants, 代表“坐立难安”。这次《流行美语》播送完了,谢谢收听,下次节目再见。

A:我最喜欢去面试了,Although I always have ants in my pants before the interview!

B: So why do you like going to interviews?

A:因为去面试就要dressed to kill,这样就有借口给自己买新衣服啦!

B:Haha. That’s very convincing! But buying clothes can easily dry up your money!

A: 是啊,所以咱们得 look for deals!

B: 比如团购!

A: 没错!下面就来听听团购用美语怎么说!

How to say it 49: Group buying

Kat 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是吴琼要问的:团购。

WQ: KAT, 我这里有一些螃蟹和大虾,你想要么?

KAT: Of course! I love sea food!

WQ: 去我家拿吧! 全给你,不要钱!

KAT: Wow…Wuqiong, that’s really nice of you! Are you sure you don’t want them?

WQ: 你不知道,这些都是我团购买来的,太多了,吃不了! 我还有餐券,电影票,健身卡,都是团购来的,好多都快到期了,我又没时间去。对了,“团购”在美语里怎么说呢?

KAT: It’s called “group buying.” It is a very popular marketing gimmick now. A lot of my friends back in the U.S. are just as obsessed with group buying as you are!

WQ: 呵呵,我的确是个“团购控”! 不过你刚才说 Group buying is a marketing gimmick, 什么是gimmick?

KAT: Gimmick, g-i-m-m-i-c-k, gimmick, 是花招,噱头。I call group buying a gimmick because it’s used by retailers to attract more people to buy products of mediocre quality and popularity.

WQ: 你说得有道理。团购是个促销的花招,一般推出团购的都是小店,新店,团购的东西也不是什么名牌抢手货。I don’t think I can ever get a discount on LV purses through group buying.

KAT: That’s right. In that sense, group buying is just another form of price war.

WQ: Price war? 价格战?

KAT: 对。People use group buying because they want the discount. They want to buy things at a lower price.

WQ: 对,其实这和返券、打折差不多,都是商家在打价格战。不过,我也不傻,等他们把价格升上去了,我就不买了,就去找新的团购货!

KAT: Haha, that’s exactly how you became a group buying maniac! 好了,说说你今天都学了什么吧!

WQ: 第一:团购是group buying


第三:价格战是price war.

B:Yeah! Let the price war begin! Let the market be flooded with deals!


B: Remember the great deal we got on this year’s Black Friday?

A:Of course! Two sweaters for 5 dollars! 五块钱两件毛衣!

B: Yeah! 太值啊!

A: 不过 Kat, 那个团购有那么多人参加,不会过几天咱们走在路上,看到周围的人都穿着和咱们一样的毛衣吧?那不成工作服了么!

B: Ah Oh, I never thought about that!


B: 哈哈! Why not? We can be twins!


GoEnglish: Play Date: Beginner


MC: Hannah带女儿Amber到公园里玩,和另外一个妈妈聊了起来。

Professor: That’s right, Winnie. Some parents like to take their children to the park so they can meet other parents and talk. When you have kids, you don’t have time to go to parties anymore.

MC: 啊?有了孩子就没时间去参加派对,只能到公园里和别的家长聊天解闷儿啊?这也太惨了!

Hannah: Hello, I’m Hannah. Are you the mother of one of the kids here?

Stephanie: Hello, I’m Stephanie. Yes, my son Charlie is playing soccer over there.

Hannah: Is he the tall, thin boy wearing the blue shirt?

Stephanie: That’s right. Which child is yours?

Professor: Winnie, what is Stephanie’s son doing?

MC: Stephanie的儿子Charlie正在踢足球。

Professor: Yes, and what does he look like?

MC: 他高高瘦瘦的,穿着一件蓝色的上衣。

Professor: Right. Now let’s find out who Hannah’s child is.

Hannah: My daughter Amber is the child wearing the red shirt over there by the swings.

Stephanie: Oh yes, I see her. She looks very nice! Maybe we should get them together for a play date and they can be friends.

Hannah: Great idea! I want to go to a movie tomorrow night with my husband, so I’ll drop Amber off at your house.

Stephanie: Well … OK. But usually both parents take care of the children on a play date.

Hannah: You take care of them tomorrow night, and I’ll take care of them another time.

Professor: So Winnie, why does Stephanie want to set up a play date?

MC: play date 就是家长定个时间,把孩子带到一起玩儿。Stephanie 看来是个好妈妈,她想让孩子多交朋友,所以提议给Charlie和Amber定个play date.

Professor: That’s right. But does Hannah have a different reason for setting up a play date?

MC: Hannah马上表示,愿意让两个孩子去 play date,可她目的不纯,为的是把女儿扔给 Stephanie 照看,自己好去跟老公看电影!

Hannah: So Stephanie, what will the children do at your house?

Stephanie: They can play together and have fun. Charlie likes to watch TV.

Hannah: Oh no! Amber likes to read. Can you read a book to her?

Stephanie: Uh … I think on a play date, the kids should play and have fun.

Hannah: Well alright. I’ll drop Amber off at your house at 8pm.

MC: 这个Hannah真过份。她不仅把孩子扔给Stephanie照料,居然还要求人家给自己的女儿读故事!

Professor: Yes, but what does Stephanie say?

MC: Stephanie 说, 在play date的时候,孩子们应该一起玩儿,而不要各玩儿各的。

Stephanie: Well I know Charlie will have fun playing with Amber.

Hannah: Yes, I’m sure they will. Hey look! They’re playing soccer together. Isn’t that great?

Stephanie: Yes it is….Wait, oh my gosh! Amber just hit Charlie!

Hannah: I’m sure it was just an accident.

Stephanie: Oh no! She just stole his soccer ball and is running away! Forget about the play date! Keep your mean kid away from Charlie!

MC: 真是有其母必有其女,原来Amber 和她妈妈一样霸道,居然打Charlie,还抢走了人家的足球。

Professor: And what did Hannah say?

MC: Hannah 狡辩,说是孩子不小心,谁知 Stephanie 根本不买她的账。Professor Bowman, 你看,有孩子多麻烦,不知道什么时候就会给家长惹事。

Professor: Well, if you are a good parent your kids won’t misbehave, right?

MC: Kids are kids, professor.

言归正传,这下子,play date告吹了。Hannah要想看电影,只好雇个临时保姆来看孩子了。Amber 可不是个听话的乖孩子,照顾她真要格外小心。

Professor: Well listen next time to learn about hiring a babysitter.

MC: Like daughter like mother! 有其母必有其女!这母女俩都够可以的!

Professor: Yeah. I don’t think this play date is going to happen.

A: 是啊,谁愿意让自己孩子跟个小霸王一起玩儿啊?

B: That’s right. And if that’s the case, Hannah’s plan of dumping her daughter on other people so that she can go to the movies will not work.

A: 除非她打算把孩子带到电影院去。

B: Oh, No! Children in the movie theater means disaster!


Business Etiquette: 礼节美语—BE-219 Internet Security I

Dylan早上见到同事Cory和Brenda, 告诉他们公司出事了。

Dylan: Hey, Cory….did you hear about the break-in?

Cory: No! Burglars broke in? Did they steal anything valuable?

D: Actually, they might have gotten quite a bit of valuable information. But it wasn’t thieves, it was online hackers.

C: Ah, so somebody broke into our computer system! Oh, good morning, Brenda. Did you hear the news? There was a cyber attack!

B: Oh my! But I thought we had very strong Internet firewalls.

D: We do, but all it takes is one mistake and hackers can come pouring in like an invading army.

Dylan问同事Cory听没听说公司有人非法闯入break-in, 不过不是真的有人夜盗,而是 online hackers 网上的骇客。The hackers broke into our computer system. 骇客进入了公司的电脑系统,这也可以被称为 cyber attack. 尽管公司安装了 Internet firewalls 互联网防火墙,但是稍一疏忽大意,还是被骇客钻了空子。

B: Does the I.T. department have any idea how this happened?

D: It looks like the hackers got in from an unsecure corporate e-mail account.

C: And then they loaded up a virus?

D: Not a virus, but they put spyware or malware into our system.

C: I’ve heard of spyware but what’s malware?

B: Malware is short for “malicious software.” Malware is any kind of software that is specially designed to infiltrate a computer system.

C: So spyware is a kind of malware.

公司电脑技术部门的调查显示,这次袭击是通过一个 unsecure e-mail account 没加保密措施的电子邮箱偷偷安装的 spyware 或 malware. malware是 malicious software两个字连在一起产生的,spyware间谍软件是malware恶意软件的一种,都是破坏电脑安全的软件,目的是渗透进入电脑系统,infiltrate is spelled i-n-f-i-l-t-r-a-t-e, infiltrate, infiltrate 意思是渗透 。

B: Sometimes the malware follows each keystroke you make, and then sends the information back to the hacker.

D: Or, sometimes they install a program called a Trojan horse that steals data.

C: Do you think this cyber attack was instigated by one of our competitors?

D: I don’t want to point fingers, but it certainly could be. If a Trojan horse got into our mainframe it could download a lot of sensitive info about our company’s upcoming product launches.

B: Many companies do spy on each other….but of course, it’s illegal.

特洛伊木马程序 Trojan horse 也是骇客常用的一种程序,目的是盗取电脑系统里的数据。Brenda说,现在很多公司都 spy on each other 彼此展开电子间谍行动,那这次的骇客入侵是不是他们公司竞争对手干的呢?Dylan说,I don’t want to point fingers. 我不想指责谁,to point fingers at someone 是一种很形象的说法,意思是指责某人做某事,但是如果骇客真在他们公司的电脑系统里安装了特洛伊木马程序的话,就可能盗取很多 sensitive information 敏感的信息。

B: Using mal ware to sabotage your competitors. 够狠!

A:Yeah! Cyber break-in is even worse than a physical break-in. 如果网络系统被别人攻破,那么重要情报就危险了,这比破门而入的强盗更可怕呢!

B:The worst part is you don’t see the hacker. He can be anyone with a computer, sitting in a dark corner and infiltrating your network.

A: 真恐怖,怪不得现在大公司都花重金巩固自己的Internet security, 网络安全。

B: 好了,As long as my email accounts don’t get hacked, I’m not going to worry too much about firewall and Trojan Horse.

A: 哈哈,好吧,那咱们轻松一下,打场篮球去!

American sports English 44 basketball

P: Ok, I’m warmed up and ready. Are you ready to lose at another sport to me, Yang Chen?

Y: I’m totally ready.

P: To lose?

Y: Not to lose.

P: Well, be prepared to get schooled.

Y: School? 我早就毕业了。 I am smart, and educated.

P: Well, you may be educated, but getting schooled or to get schooled, means to get embarrassed by someone who has superior skill compared to you in head-to-head competition. You can get schooled or you can school someone. So get ready to get schooled, Yang Chen.

Y: Come on, Patrick. 我今天要给你点儿颜色看看。

P: Don’t believe me? Well, you have been on a losing streak lately. I beat you in every game we’ve played so far.

Y: 什么是losing streak?

P: Losing streak means someone or a team has lost a number of consecutive games without a single win.

Y: 除了体育,还可以用在别的地方吗?

P: Of course! If you’re a lawyer, and you lost three cases in a row, you’re on a losing streak!

Y: How about dating, 我记得你连续被三个女孩儿拒绝,那我可不可以说: you’re on a losing streak?

P: Hey! It’s not three. It’s —

Y: Oh, my apology, it’s not three, it’s five, 你被五个女孩儿拒绝,hahaha!

P: Ok, Yang Chen. This is motivating me to end my losing streak and find a girl friend!

Music sneaking in

A: losing streak? 诶呀,我又想到我那三次拿起又三次放下的小说了。

B: Don’t forget what we said earlier—have faith in yourself! You’ll get out of that writer’s block!

A: 多谢鼓励!以后我成名了一定不会忘记你!

B: Yeah! Mention me in your memoir!


B: Bye!

美语训练班  第034课

A: 美语训练班上课啦! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是 Kat! 杨琳,今天咱们都教些什么呢?


B: Sounds good!

A: 不过咱们还是先来learn a word!

Learn A Word #1386 up someone’s alley

今天我们要学的词是 up someone’s alley. Up is spelled u-p, up; and alley, a-l-l-e-y, alley; up someone’s alley. Alley是小径的意思,而 up someone’s alley 意思是正合某人胃口。今天是美国感恩节后的第一个星期一,店家在网上大打折扣,叫做网络星期一。If you hate walking endlessly on Black Friday, then Cyber Monday may be right up your alley. 如果你不想在黑色星期五那天去实地抢购,那么网络星期一可能正合你的胃口。If you love funny sitcoms, then the new show Modern Family might be right up your alley. 如果你爱看幽默的情景喜剧,那么摩登家庭可能正合你的胃口。 好的,今天我们学习的词是up someone’s alley, up someone’s alley, up someone’s alley.

A: Christmas is just around the corner. 这就意味着,It’ shopping season now!

B: I know shopping is right up your alley!

A: 没错,过节了,要给亲朋好友挑选适合每个人的礼物,要让大家喜欢,价格又得是自己承受得起的,其实选礼物也是一门学问啊!

B: Exactly! That’s why some Americans start their Christmas shopping way ahead of time.


B:But there are always those who hit the mall at the last minute to do holiday shopping, right before the mall closes.

A:啊?商场临关门前才冲进去开始挑选礼物?那得多赶啊!正好,在今天的美国习惯用语里,我们要教 burning question,是十万火急的意思,一起来听吧。

B: Let’s listen!

Words and Idioms #949


我是Douglas Johnson.

最近我们家决定买房子,但是看了三个月,一直没看到什么让我满意的。恰恰好现在租的房子租约就要满了,需要决定要不要继续租下去,情况可真够紧急的! 这也让我想到一个习惯用语,那就是:

Burning question. Burning is spelled b-u-r-n-i-n-g, and question, q-u-e-s-t-i-o-n. Burning question.

Burning 字面上的意思是正在燃烧的。那么burning question 都烧起来了的问题! 引伸下来就是“十万火急的问题”,通常也指人们热烈讨论的问题。比如我现在就面临着一个这样的问题。It’s a burning question for me to decide weather or not to continue the current lease. 决定是否要续租目前的房子对我来说就是一个十万火急的问题。下面的例子里,种植柑橘的农民面临什么棘手问题? 我们来听听看:

“Last year freezing temperatures ruined Florida’s citrus industry. Millions of dollars worth of produce were lost. Now weather forecasters are calling for severe cold. Industry analysts and farmers desperately want to know what they should do if another catastrophe occurs. That’s the BURNING QUESTION.”


是啊,农民们可真不容易! 他们得担心像天气这种自己根本无法控制的问题。最近美国龙卷风频繁,像灾后密苏里州乔普林市就遭受了一次这样的袭击,而如何重建也成为十万火急的问题。The reconstruction of the city of Joplin, Missouri has become a burning question. 乔普林市的重建现在是人们热烈讨论的重要话题。好,让我们再来听听刚才那段话。

“Last year freezing temperatures ruined Florida’s citrus industry. Millions of dollars worth of produce were lost. Now weather forecasters are calling for severe cold. Industry analysts and farmers desperately want to know what they should do if another catastrophe occurs. That’s the BURNING QUESTION.”

在美国,高中结束时的prom毕业舞会,是毕业班学生一直盼望的。下面例子里,这名男孩对于毕业舞会有什么心急如焚的问题呢? 我们来听听看:

“Sharon’s among the most popular girls in my senior class. So it’s no surprise that I’m not the only guy who asked her to go to the prom. She said she’d let me know by the weekend. Will she be my date? It’s a BURNING QUESTION. I’m dying for her to give me her answer. ”

[这段话是说:莎伦是我们高中最受欢迎的女生之一。所以我知道,我肯定不是唯一一个邀请她去参加毕业舞会的人。她说她会在周末给我答复。她会当我的女伴吗? 这真让我心急如焚,我迫切地希望她把最后决定告诉我。]

在美国,毕业舞会对高中毕业生是非常重要的,能请到自己喜欢的女孩子去参加毕业舞会,才不会留下遗憾。难怪这个男孩子迫不及待地想知道Sharon是否会接受他的邀请。It’s a burning question. 好的,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

“Sharon’s among the most popular girls in my senior class. So it’s no surprise that I’m not the only guy who asked her to go to the prom. She said she’d let me know by the weekend. Will she be my date? It’s a BURNING QUESTION. I’m dying for her to give me her answer. ”

B: 杨林,Have you noticed there are a lot more cops on the road during holiday season?

A:Yes! 一到节假日,街上的警察就比平时多很多。Can you tell me why?

B: Well, one of the most obvious reasons is that there tend to be more car accidents on holidays because people go to holiday parties and they get DRUNK!

A: 哦!对!过年过节大家聚会,免不了喝酒助兴,这时候,酒后驾车的特别多,路上更容易出事故,所以警察自然也比平时多喽!

B: Exactly. 酒后驾车 is very dangerous.

A: Of course! 在下面的“美语怎么说”里,咱们就来看看就“酒驾”怎么说。


DAN: 吴琼, 你怎么无精打采的?

WQ: 别提了!昨天晚上让警察给抓了!

DAN: What happened? Who did you kill?

WQ: 杀人?DAN你就别损我了,我哪会杀人,就是酒后驾车了,在美语里就是driving after drinking 对么?

DAN: Actually it’s called drunk driving. WQ, drunk driving is no trivial matter. You really shouldn’t do it.

WQ: 你就别教育我了,我知道错了!其实我也是第一次酒驾,以前我都很注意的!昨天实在没人开车了,我在一帮人里算喝得最少的了,就想….

DAN: You took a chance and thought you’d get lucky, right?

WQ: 是。我觉得就这一次,肯定出不了事,也肯定不会被抓到,谁知道….

DAN: You got pulled over by a cop?

WQ: Pull over?

DAN: Yea. When a cop asks you to stop the car on the side of the road, that’s called getting pulled over.

WQ: 明白了,警察 pull someone over, 就是示意司机把车停靠在路边。Yes, I got pulled over by a traffic police. 我本来还想装作没事,结果人家警察叔叔一下就看出我喝了酒,一点情面也没留,罚了我1000块!

DAN: 1000块?酒驾罚款不是200么?

WQ: 上礼拜才改的新规定!都让我赶上了!

DAN: Sounds like you had a tough break!

WQ: To have a tough break 就是倒霉吧?我的确是够倒霉的!

DAN: WQ, I’m sorry you had a tough break, but it’s no excuse for drunk driving. Next time you go out drinking with a bunch of friends, don’t forget to have a designated driver!

WQ: Designate? D-E-S-I-G-N-A-T-E, designate是指定的意思,designated driver就是专门负责开车送朋友们回家的人喽!

DAN: 没错!

WQ: Next time we’ll definitely have a designated driver!

DAN: Good idea! Now let’s see what you’ve learned today.

WQ: 酒后驾车是drunk driving; 警察示意路边停车是pull someone over; 倒霉,运气差,是have a tough break; party结束后专门负责开车送大家回家的人是the designated driver.

B:Which friend of yours is the designated driver, 杨林?

A:Haha, I’m lucky. A friend of mine is allergic to alcohol, so she’s the perfect candidate for designated driver!

B: Oh, poor her! She must be really busy driving around taking you guys home!

A:哈哈!没错!这个朋友因为对酒精过敏,所以滴酒不沾,当然是designated driver的最佳人选喽!大家只要在party上看到她在,就可以开怀畅饮了!

B: Gosh! She should start charging fees.

A: Hey! Don’t give her ideas!

B: Haha!


B: Okay! Let’s listen to ǒGo Englishō.

GoEnglish: Play Date: Intermediate


Hannah 晚上要和老公出去看电影,所以雇了临时保姆Elliot来家里照顾女儿Amber。

Professor: During the last episode at the playground Amber hit another child and stole the ball he was playing with. She sounds like a troublemaker, doesn’t she?

可不是嘛! 看来Elliot今晚有得忙了!

Hannah: Hi there, Elliot. Thanks for being on time. We’re just about to leave for the movie.

Elliot: Hi Hannah. You know, I love kids. I think I will have a lot of fun with Amber.

Hannah: That’s great, but I should warn you: Amber can be a handful.

Elliot: Don’t worry, I’m a very patient person. Even if Amber misbehaves I’m sure she won’t get on my nerves.

Professor, Hannah 提醒 Elliot, 说 “Amber is a handful,” 这是什么意思呢?

Professor: You can say someone is “a handful” if he or she gives you lots of trouble. For example, “Paul’s girlfriend is really a handful. He has to call her 10 times per day or she complains he doesn’t care about her.”

原来,a handful 就是那些非常难伺候,总惹麻烦的家伙。不过,Elliot说,自己很有耐心,即便Amber不听话,也不会get on his nerves–惹他生气。

Hannah: First, let me give you some basic rules. Amber has to finish all her dinner. If she doesn’t, she can’t watch TV.

Elliot: What should I cook for her? Is she a picky eater?

Hannah: I left her dinner in the refrigerator. Make sure you stand on the other side of the room when she eats.

Elliot: Why do I have to do that?

Hannah: Sometimes if Amber doesn’t like the food I make her, she screams and throws it at me.

天呀,Hannah说, 如果Amber不喜欢吃什么东西,就会大喊大叫,还会把吃的扔出去! 如果让我看这种孩子,我每小时得要100美金!

Professor: I agree. But Winnie, can you guess what a “picky eater” is?

Hmm…picky是 “挑剔”的意思,所以 “picky eater”应该是“挑食的人。”

Professor: Correct. And what does Hannah say will happen if Amber doesn’t eat her dinner?


Elliot: She might throw her food at me? Alright … what should I do with her before dinner?

Hannah: Before dinner you have to help her do her homework. But watch her very carefully when she is holding the pen.

Elliot: Why?

Hannah: If she doesn’t know the answer she gets really mad and draws all over the wall.

Elliot: What? Well it’s good she is so serious about doing her homework, I guess….

啊?Amber不会做作业,就会发脾气,在墙上乱画?! 这孩子太可怕了,我要是Elliot,现在就拍屁股走人!

Professor: I agree. She definitely doesn’t sound like an angel.

An angel? 小天使?

Professor: Yes. Sometimes if a child is really well behaved and nice, you can say that he or she is “an angel.”


Elliot: What should I do if she misbehaves?

Hannah: Amber can be really stubborn, so it’s probably best to just give her whatever she wants.

Elliot: You mean I shouldn’t discipline her at all?

Hannah: No, don’t try to discipline her. If things get out of hand, just call my cell phone.

Elliot: What time will you be home? Very soon, I hope?

Hannah: We will be back by midnight. Make yourself at home!

Elliot 有点打退堂鼓了。也是的,Amber听起来好象一点规矩都没有。

Professor: That’s right, when parents don’t discipline their children, they can get really “out of hand.”

可不是么,对于这种不听话的孩子,家长更应该discipline—严格管教,否则,他们就会out of hand–管不了了。对了,Professor, Hannah 让Elliot “make himself at home”,这是什么意思?

Professor: When you have guests at your house and you want them to feel relaxed, you can tell them to make themselves at home. It means “to act as if you are in your own house.”


Professor: What would you do?


B: Poor Elliot! It looks like he’s got himself a really tough job!

A: 可不,连妈妈都承认自己的孩子是 a handful—难伺候的家伙。She’s a picky eater─爱挑食,very stubborn– 很拧,而且家长never tries to discipline her ━从来不怎么管教她。真是个令人头疼的小孩儿!

B: Indeed. Kids can be so annoying sometimes!

A:Yes! Parenting is not easy! 希望以后我的孩子是个听话乖巧的小天使,嘿嘿!

B:Did you tell me you were quite a handful when you were little? If that’s the case, the chances of your kids being “an angel” would be slim.


B:Okay. I was just kidding! Now let’s move on to our next show─business etiquette!

礼节美语—BE-220 Internet Security II


D: We may never be able to trace the origin of this attack. But what we can do is work harder to make our systems impenetrable.

B: Yes, a lot of people are quite lazy with computer security.

D: That’s true. For example, many people almost never change their passwords.

B: Or they use ridiculously easy-to-guess passwords.

C: Um….I guess I’m guilty of that. I don’t think I’ve ever changed my password.

Dylan说,他们可能永远都查不到这次骇客袭击是谁干的,但他们可以吃一堑长一智,加倍努力 to make our systems impenetrable. 让我们电脑系统的安全滴水不漏,impenetrable is spelled i-m-p-e-n-e-t-r-a-b-l-e, impenetrable 是无法进入的意思。Brenda说,很多人太大意,不重视电脑安全,从来不换密码,或是用的密码太简单。Cory说,I’m guilty of that. 我就是这种人,从不换密码。Dylan 说,

D: And let me guess…..your password is, “1234.”

C: Well, it’s not quite that simple….

B: Let me take a guess…. It’s your wife’s birthday.

C: That’s incredible! How did you guess that? Have you been spying on me?

B: Nope. It’s just that you selected one of the most common passwords on the planet. Are you a member of any social networking websites?

C: Yes, a couple.

B: Then your wife’s birthday is probably public knowledge.

D: That’s right! In the Internet age, very few things are private anymore. If I do a little research on you, I’ll bet I can find out where you were born, what school you went to, your wife’s maiden name….even the name of your dog!

Dylan和Brenda一下子就猜到了Cory的密码,原来他用的是太太的生日,one of the most common passwords on the planet 最常见的密码之一。由于Cory业余时间用社交网站,所以实际上,他太太的生日简直就是public knowledge 公开的信息。Dylan还说,在互联网和社交网站如此发达的今天,没有多少信息是真正保密的,稍微上网找一下,出生地,上过的学校,太太的名字等等都能找到。Cory说,

C: Wow, I hope I wasn’t responsible for this recent attack. What’s a good password then?

D: A good password uses a mixture of letters and numbers. For example, think of a simple sentence such as, “I like ice cream on Sundays.” Take the first letter from each word in the sentence….and, because Sunday is the first day of the week, add the number 1 at the end.

C: So my password would be, “I-L-I-C-O-S-1?”

B: Yeah! That’s a pretty difficult password to break….and it’s easy to remember.

D: And….don’t forget to change it every couple of months.

C: Good thinking. I’m going to go change my password right now!

Dylan说,密码最好是用字母和数字的组合。他举例说,可以想一句话,I like ice cream on Sundays. 用这句话每个单词的首写字母,最后面再加个1,因为星期天是一周的第一天。这样的密码又好记,又难破译。Cory 高兴地说,他现在就去改密码。

B: Tricky passwords are difficult to hack, but they’re easy to forget!

A:Tell me about it! 我就给自己设置过特别难猜的密码,太难猜了,连我自己都想不起来了!

B:You should probably write it down.


B: Hide the paper in a secrete place.

A: (sarcastically)对!放在秘密得连我自己都找不到的地方。。。

B: 哈哈!In that case, just use your birthday as your password and pray that it doesn’t get hacked.


B: 好了,不开玩笑了。Let’s relax and watch hockey!

ASE: Hockey

Y: 今天我和Marc, Patrick一起看冰球比赛。

M: Thanks for inviting me to this hockey game Yang Chen.

P: Yeh. How did you ever get tickets to the Stanley Cup?

Y: Do you really want to know?

M & P:Of course

Y: Well, it’s a secret, Marc and Patrick. I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you.

M: Never mind, I don’t want to know that bad. But I’m surprised that you are a hockey fan.

Y: I’m not exactly a hockey fan. 我其实不太懂冰球。

M: Oh, I think you are just being modest.

P: Believe me. She is not being modest.

Look! Our team just scored!

Y: 为什么每个人都往冰场扔帽子?

M: Because that player just scored a hat-trick.

Y: Hat-trick? 有人变魔术?

M: There is no magician. It means one player scores three goals in a game. When that happens, everybody throws their hats on the ice.

Y: 噢,有一个队员进三个球,我们就说他 scored a hat-trick。Quick, give me your hat! I’m going to throw it.

P: No way! Throw your own.

Y: Don’t be ridiculous. Mine is brand new. Just give me your hat!

M: OK. You can have mine.

Y: 还是 Marc 好。I have another question. 刚才一个队有五个队员,另一个队有四个。太不公平了。

M: That’s because the first team was on a power play.

Y: what is a power play?

M: If a player breaks a rule, he has to sit in the penalty box

Y: 犯规的队员要坐到受罚席。

M: Right. the player who breaks a rule has to sit in the penalty box for a few minutes. So the other team has an extra player and is on a power play.

Y: On a power play, 就是比对方多一个人,所以实力更强。

I have another question.

M: Yang Chen, now I do realize you know very little about hockey.

P: She knows very little about any sport.

Y: Patrick, Penalty Box.

A: Wow! I’ve never been to a hockey game. Do people really throw their hats to the ice?

B: The Canadians probably do! Hockey is a big thing up there. But here in America, we love your hats and we want to wear them after the games.

A: Haha. 我倒挺想去看场冰球比赛。

B: Really? I can treat you to a hockey game–my New Year present to you!

A:Really? That gift is right up my alley! 正合我意! 太谢谢啦!

B: You’re welcome!


B: Bye! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


美语训练班  第035课

A: Happy New Year! 欢迎大家来到2012年第一期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是 Kat! Happy New year everyone! First, Let’s see what we’re going to learn today!


B: Sounds interesting!

A: 不过咱们还是先来学个词儿!

Learn A Word: thorny

今天我们要学的词是thorny. Thorny is spelled t-h-o-r-n-y, thorny. Thorn 本身是刺的意思,而 thorny 变成形容词,意思是棘手的,富有争议的。最近美国联邦贸易委员会宣布要对Facebook 脸谱网站是否侵犯用户个人隐私进行调查。Facebook’s privacy problem has always been a thorny issue. 脸谱网站的隐私设置一直是一个有争议的议题。In the post Cold War era, missile defense is still a thorny question in Russia-US relations. 后冷战时期,导弹防御仍然是美俄关系中的棘手议题。 The super-committee failed to

reach an agreement on the thorny deficit problem. 美国超级委员会没能就棘手的赤字问题达成一致。好的,今天我们学习的词是thorny, thorny, thorny.

A: 明年是美国总统大选年,现在,参选人经常辩论,There are a lot of thorny issues in their debates.

B: Yes, and their campaign teams spend a lot of time preparing them for those debates so that they know what to say when those thorny questions come up.

A: Wow, 所以真正厉害的人不是那些政客,而是他们身后的campaign managers?

B: Well, to some extent, that’s true.


B:Well, these campaign managers or consultants know what they’re doing. They’re professionals, not backseat drivers.

A:backseat drivers?

B: 听下面的popular American, and you’ll know what I mean!

Popular American: All ears; Back seat driver

各位听众,现在播送《流行美语》。今天 Larry 开车带李华去购物中心。 李华会学到两个常用语:all ears 和 back seat driver。

LH: LARRY! 音乐关小声一点!!

LL: What was that?

LH: 你音乐不要开那么大声啦,我有件事想问你。

LL: Oh? What is it? I’m all ears.

LH: I’m all ears…你在说什么啊?

LL: I’m all ears means I’m listening attentively. I have all my attention on you now.

LH: 是吗? 你终于肯听我说啦。不过 all ears 是专注地听别人说话的意思。 那我让大家注意听我讲话,就可以说 please be all ears. 对吗?

LL: Well, to be all ears is rarely used as a request. You can either say, I am all ears, to indicate you are paying attention, or he or she is all ears to say that another person is paying a lot of attention.

LH: 所以 all ears 通常是用来形容一个人在仔细听。 比较少当做要求是吗?

LL: Yes, that’s right. So what was it that you wanted to say?

LH: 啊!对喔, 差点都忘了。就是啊….今天做实验的时候, 跟我同组一个女生, 一直指挥我们做这个做那个的, 真讨人厌。

LL: Oh. You have a backseat driver in your group?

LH: Backseat driver…后座上的司机,那是什么呢?

LL: A backseat driver is a person who gives unwanted advice; someone who tries to run things even though they don’t have the power or authority to do so.

LH: 对对对! 她就是这种人! 也没有让她做组长,她就对我们指手划脚的,哎怎么办呢?

LL: Well, you should let her know that you don’t like it when she orders you around.

LH: 我应该清楚地告诉她,不喜欢被她指使来指使去的,对,说的也是。 咦?不是应该在这里左转吗?! Larry!

LL: Whoa! You scared me!! I know where I’m going, Li Hua. You’re becoming a backseat driver yourself.

LH: 喔? 原来 backseat driver 是这样来的啊? 坐在汽车后座的人常常喜欢指挥驾驶开车, 所以 backseat driver, “后座驾驶”,这个词就被用来形容喜欢指挥别人的人了,真有趣。How do you like me as a backseat driver, Larry?

LL: I do not like it Li Hua. And don’t do it again. You scared me.

LH: 啊。。。不好意思。不过 Larry, 你也满厉害的,一边开车还能一边听我说话,you have all ears.

LL: Li Hua, you cannot say someone “has all ears”. You have to say someone “is all ears”. So instead of saying “Larry, you have all ears.” you should say, “Larry, you are all ears.”

LH: 喔? 不能说专心在听的人 has all ears, 而要说那个人 is all ears 吗?

LL: Yup. Try giving me an example using “all ears!”

LH: 好啊。When my mom said she wanted to talk to me about something important, I was all ears. 这样用对吗?

LL: Yes, that’s correct. Can you give me an example of backseat driver now?

LH: 等等。我想先确认一下。 Back seat driver 可以这样用吗: My boss is a backseat driver, he always orders us around.

LL: Not really. A backseat driver describes someone who tries to run things even though they don’t have the power or authority to do so, or someone whose advice is not wanted. However, your boss would be someone who is authorized to give orders and probably gives out good advice too.

LH: 喔。这么说,back seat driver 是形容爱指挥别人但又没有权力的人,所以用在老板身上不适合。

LL: That’s right. Hey, you’ve been all ears!

LH: 哈哈对呀。 啊!我们到购物中心了!

LL: Yup. Let’s go shopping! We can practice these phrases another time.

今天李华从 Larry 那儿学到两个常用语,一个是 all ears, 表示“洗耳恭听”;另一个是 backseat driver, 也就是“喜欢指挥别人的人” 。这次《流行美语》播送完了,谢谢收听,下次节目再见。

A:backseat driver 就是喜欢瞎指挥,给别人乱出主意的人。想一想,生活中这样的人还真不少!

B: Iknow! No one is asking their opinions, but they just pester you with their advice! Like a friend of mine, she likes to be a backseat driver when it comes to fashion. She always tells me what to wear, but her taste is really bad.

A: Really? What style does she like?

B: She likes clothes that are tacky or trashy.

A: 哦,你是说她喜欢俗气,看着档次低的衣服。

B:That’s right. I think she should buy clothes that are more classy in style, but again, I’m not a backseat driver. I don’t tell her what to wear.

A: 是,每个人的品位不同吗。不过你刚才说她应该穿些经典款的衣服,这让我想到咱们在下面的“美语怎么说”里要教的词,那就是“必备单品”。


WQ: Hey KAT! Wow…wait, 我们穿的裤子一样耶!

KAT: OMG! Yeah! We ARE wearing the same thing! Where did you get it?

WQ: 在outlet啊!现在这种紧身裤最流行了!衣橱必备!对了,这种什么都能配,大家都需要的衣服用美语怎么说啊?

KAT: Hmm, we usually say that kind of clothing is a must-have item.

WQ: M-u-s-t, must, 是必须的意思,have, h-a-v-e, 拥有,must-have, 必须拥有,就是必备单品喽!

KAT: Exactly! Must-have items often go with many different styles. For example, skinny jeans are a must-have in today’s fashion. 紧身牛仔裤是时尚潮人的必备单品。

WQ: That’s why we are both wearing it! 对了,我这条裤子买的特值,买一送一呢!

KAT: What? Buy one get one free? That’s such a great bargain!

WQ: Buy one get one free? 我猜这就是买一送一的意思吧?

KAT: That’s correct! Sometimes you can buy one and get one 50% off Guess what that means?

WQ: Hmmm, 我想,这就是买一件,第二件打5折,对不对?

KAT: Good job! Besides, many stores are having end of season sales!

WQ: 这个我知道,就是换季大甩卖!Actually, I got these pants from the end of season sale! 我这条裤子就是换季大甩卖的时候买的!

KAT: There you go! I think we should pay a visit to the mall together this weekend, shall we? We can not and must not miss the end of season sale!

WQ: Sounds good!

KAT: It’s a date!! Now let’s see what you’ve learned today!

WQ: 第一:必备单品叫做:must-have;

第二,买一送一,可以说: buy one get one free;

第三,换季大甩卖,叫做end of season sale.

B:A little black dress is a must-have for every girl. Do you have one, yanglin?

A: Hmm, 我倒是觉得,什么是 a must-have item? 这还不都是时尚杂志说的?我看也是在忽悠消费者,为什么别人穿我就得穿啊?我非要和大家不一样,难道不行?

B: That’s an interesting point! Why should we follow the trend? We should be unique, or better yet, a trend setter!


B: Okay! Let’s listen to Go English

GoEnglish: Play Date(Advanced)


Professor: Hannah has a young daughter named Amber who is in second grade. Today Hannah is going in to talk to Amber’s teacher to find out how her daughter has been doing at school.

MC: Amber是个让人头疼的孩子,我估计她老师肯定有一大堆苦水要倒。

Teacher: Thanks so much for coming in to talk to me about Amber. There are some things about Amber’s behavior I want to discuss with you.

Hannah: Of course. Isn’t my Amber just a little angel?

Teacher: Your daughter is certainly very… special. However, there are a few issues that I’d like to talk to you about.

Hannah: What is it? Do you want to put her on the honor roll?

MC: Hannah还以为Amber在学校是乖乖的小天使呢!不过,Pofessor Bowman, 什么叫“honor roll”?

Professor: The honor roll is a list of the best students in class. If your child is on the honor roll, you can also say that he or she is an “honor roll student.”

MC: 哦,honor roll 就是优等生名单。

Teacher: The honor roll? Uh … no. Even though Amber is very bright, she has some serious behavioral problems we need to deal with.

Hannah: Behavioral problems? What are you talking about? My little Amber would never misbehave.

Teacher: Actually, Amber throws a temper tantrum whenever I tell her to do her work.

Hannah: A temper tantrum? What does she do?

Teacher: She throws all her books on the floor and screams. It’s really disruptive for all the other students in class.

瞧,真相大白了吧。老师说,Amber虽然很聪明,但是不听话,老师让她做功课,她就 “throw a temper tantrum”,这是什么意思呢?

Professor: The word “tantrum” means an outburst of bad temper. If a child “throws a temper tantrum”, he or she is expressing anger through kicking, screaming or other immature ways.


Professor: Exactly. “Throwing a temper tantrum” is the same thing as “throwing a fit”. For example, I could say, “My son always throws a fit when I try to put him to bed.”

Hannah: Oh my goodness! Well… I’ll give you a piece of advice: If Amber throws a fit, just give her whatever she wants. It always works for me.

Teacher: Well you see, that’s the problem. If you don’t set rules for her to follow, she will never learn discipline. That would be a shame because she really has a gift for learning.

Hannah: You think I need to discipline her more? How should I do that?

Teacher: One thing you can do is to give her a time-out. If she misbehaves or is acting up, make her sit in one spot and don’t let her leave until she behaves.

Professor Bowman, 老师说Amber has a gift for learning 是什么意思?

Professor: Winnie, if you say that someone has a gift, that means he or she has an extraordinary talent.

所以老师意思是,Amber有学习天份,但需要严格管教。她告诉Hannah,如果Amber再act up–捣蛋、耍脾气,就 give her a time-out–罚她反省。

Teacher: I think this is really a textbook case of lack of discipline. If you set boundaries for her behavior, she will quickly learn what is acceptable and what isn’t.

Hannah: Alright, I will set boundaries. From now on when she throws food at her babysitter when I go out, she will have to take a time-out.

Teacher: That’s exactly right. I think your babysitter will appreciate it, too.

Hannah: That reminds me: I have to find a new babysitter for my sweet little Amber. Can you believe all the other ones have quit?

Teacher: Yeah …. I’m completely shocked …..

Professor, 老师说Amber是 “textbook case of lack of discipline”,这是什么意思?.

Professor: Here the word “textbook” is an adjective, meaning “typical” or “a perfect example.” For example, “John sleeps until noon every day. He is the textbook example of a lazy teenager.”

哦,就是“典型的例子”。希望Hannah真能接受老师的建议,set boundaries–给Amber立点规矩。

A:老师说Amber是个聪明的小孩。Kat,你发觉了么,聪明的小孩往往在学校里都比较闹, They don’t follow the rules and throw tantrum all the time. 要我说,这也不能怪孩子,也许是学校的东西对这些聪明小孩儿还说太简单了,So they got bored!

B: So you don’t think parents and teachers should set boundaries for these kids?

A: 我觉得没必要,小孩子嘛,玩闹是天性,在学校不守纪律并不代表长大就没出息!

B:Wow, Yanglin, you sound like Hannah! I’m sure you’ll spoil your child once you become a mother.

A: 真的吗?呵呵! 可能是我小时太乖了,觉得很没意思!所以想让我的孩子反叛点。

B: Wow, good luck raising a rebellious kid! 好了,Now let’s listen to Business Etiquette!

礼节美语 – Office Gossip I

Sally 早上遇到同事 Lisa, 马上凑上前去,很神秘地说:

Sally: Did you hear the news about Tom and his wife?

Lisa: No….what happened?

S: Well, Jane told me that Tom has been having an affair! I heard his wife caught him at a hotel with another woman!

L: Really? That’s a shocker! I always thought Tom was a loyal, devoted family man.

S: Hey Mary, did you hear about Tom?

Mary: No, what happened? Is he okay?

S: Well, keep this under your hat, but it seems Tom has been having an affair! Everyone’s talking about it!

Sally 告诉 Lisa,她听说 Tom 搞婚外情,被他太太在旅馆里捉奸。Lisa听后很吃惊,说 That’s a shocker! 意思是这件事太出人意料了,因为她一直觉得Tom是个很忠实的居家男人 family man. 这时另外一位同事 Mary也加入讨论。Sally 又把这个小道消息告诉 Mary, 还让她 keep this under your hat 意思是保密。

Mary: You know, to be perfectly honest, I’m not really keen on office gossip. For one thing, how do we even know the rumor is true? Did you hear it straight from the horse’s mouth?

S: Not exactly. Jane said that Phyllis told her that they overheard a conversation between Katy and her friend Samantha about Tom’s affair.

M: Well, that doesn’t sound like a very accurate source. I really think you should take this rumor with a grain of salt.

Mary说,自己对办公室里的这些八卦不感兴趣。I’m not keen on office gossip. 她问Sally, Did you hear it straight from the horse’s mouth? Mary在这里用到了一个习惯用语, straight from the horse’s mouth. 意思是从当事人本人,或是可靠消息来源那里得到的消息。Sally承认,是辗转好几拨人,听到的小道消息。Mary说,you should take this rumor with a grain of salt. 意思是那就不能全信了。,To take something with a grain of salt 意思是带着怀疑的态度,有所保留。 Lisa 听后说:

L: But Mary, everyone gossips in the office. It’s part of office culture.

M: That may be true, but sometimes gossip can be counterproductive and even dangerous. Did you ever play the “telephone game” when you were a kid?

L: Um….no. What’s the “telephone game?”

M: Everyone sits in a circle and you start with a sentence of information. For example, “John hates chocolate cookies.” Then each person whispers that sentence to the next person in turn.

Lisa 觉得,办公室里大家都喜欢传八卦,It’s part of office culture. 是办公室文化的一个部分。Mary 却觉得,gossip can be counterproductive. 这样做只会有消极效应。Mary 问 Lisa 小时候玩没玩过 “telephone game”电话游戏,大家做成一圈,一个挨一个地把一句话用耳语的方式传给自己旁边的人,看传到最后会变成什么样子。

A:Gossip spreads fast, especially in the office!

B:That’s true! It’s part of office culture.

A:Not the desirable part! 办公室里的闲话和谣言可能会带来很不好的后果。

B: I know! But gossip is everywhere. 社会上,校园里,办公室里。

A: 唉,大家都喜欢传闲话。That’s why we have tabloids and paparazzi, right?

B: Unfortunately, yes.

A:就算家庭成员之间也喜欢传闲话,比如,过年时家里人聚在一起,少不了东家常西家短地聊天。Iguess that’s part of the holiday fun?

B: Maybe. But family members can do something else together besides gossiping, right?

A: 对啊,我们中国人过年喜欢吃吃喝喝啊,打麻将啊,看电视啊。

B:美国人也差不多,不过我们还可以 do logger sports!

A: 那是什么?

B:Listen to American Sports English and you’ll know.

ASE: Logger Sports

Y: 谢谢你邀请我和你一起过圣诞节。

P: You know, Yang Chen, I think the best thing about Christmas is spending time with people you care about.

Y: That’s true. 还有壁炉,太棒了。你点壁炉的木头是哪里来的?

P: I chopped down the trees and cut the wood myself. I really enjoy doing logger sports.

Y: Logger sports?

P: Yeah, in America people race to see who can cut down trees and chop wood the fastest.

Y: Oh, that’s so stupid,比赛谁砍木头砍得快。

P: That’s right. In college I was on a wood chopping team, but eventually I got the axe.

Y: Got the axe? 看来你真的很投入,还自己买一把斧头。

P: Actually, no. When you say you got the axe, it means you were kicked out of a group. For example, after I was late to work three days in a row, my boss finally gave me the axe.

Y: 你老板把你开除了?

P: I really have an axe to grind with him.

Y: 你可不要拿着斧头去威胁你的老板。

P: When you say you have an axe to grind with someone, it means that you are mad because he or she did something bad to you.

Y: For example?

P: If I generously invited someone to my house for Christmas and she didn’t even bother to bring me a present, I would probably have an axe to grind with her.

Y: Of course I brought you a present!

P: What is it?

Y: Me! My wonderful company!

P: Can I exchange your wonderful company for something else at the store?

Y: Hohoho, Merry Christmas!

A: Hmm, 比赛砍木头,Kat, have you ever done logger sports?

B: Actually, my family just buy chopped wood from the store for Christmas. We’d rather spend more time on gossiping than on chopping wood.

A: haha! 原来是这样!好了,节目时间差不多了,这次的撰稿人是晓北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次的美语训练班再见!

B: Bye! Happy New Year!

美语训练班  第036课

A: 美语训练班的时间到啦! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是 Kat! 今天我们学点什么呢,杨琳?


B: But first we have “Learn a Word”. Right?

A: 没错! 先来学个词儿!

Learn A Word out of date

今天我们要学的词是out of date. Out is spelled o-u-t, out; and date, d-a-t-e, date; out of date. Out of date 意思是过时的。His contact information is out of date. 他的联络方式已经变了。Technology companies say the 25-year-old federal Internet privacy law is out of date. 高科技公司说,有关互联网隐私的联邦法律是25年制订的,已经过时了。The British government warned that computer lessons offered in schools are out of date. 英国政府警告说,目前学校里教授的电脑课程已经过时了。With all the smart phones on the market, conventional cell phones seem to be out of date. 跟智能手机相比,普通手机好象有些过时了。好的,今天我们学习的词是out of date, out of date, out of date.

A: 现在社会日新月异,要想不out of date, 真的不容易! 有时候你会突然感觉,Oh my Gosh, my hairstyle is out of date. My phone is out of date. Even what I learned at school is out of date! 唉! 不是我不明白,这世界变化快啊!

B: Don’t worry, Yanglin, there are things in life that can stand the test of time. If your style is classy, you’ll never go out of date.

A: 也对。而且你发现了么,Kat, 潮流总是来回打转。拿衣服来说,现在流行的蝙蝠袖,铅笔裤,好像就是我妈年轻时的潮流哦!

B: Exactly! So you can be really fashionable in your Mom’s leggings. Who would have thought of that!


B:Good idea!


B: Let’s listen to Words and Idioms.

Words and Idioms

现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 950讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.

就在一个小时之前,我们办公室这里经历了一场惊心动魄!同事都在伏案工作的时候,火警铃忽然响了, 大家争相下楼,议论纷纷。后来证实,其实是厨房微波炉里热的东西着火了,弄响了火警。于是大家也纷纷回到办公桌前,重新拿起手中的工作。这件小事让我想到一个习惯用语,那就是:

M: Business as usual. Business is spelled b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s, and usual, u-s-u-a-l. Business as usual.

大家都知道,business是营业的意思,usual 呢,是正常的。那么business as usual, 用来形容事情经过了异常之后恢复正常状态,可以翻译成“一切照旧,虚惊一场”。上面的例子中, People resumed work after a small fire incident, it was business as usual. 大家在着火小插曲之后继续工作,办公室恢复正常。下面的例子讲了一对父母每天早晨的大挑战,我们来听听看:

M: “Imagine preparing breakfast for six kids. Then getting them washed and dressed, packing their lunches and getting them off to school. That might seem like a huge challenge. But for my wife and me, it’s BUSINESS AS USUAL. It’s part of our everyday routine.”


我有一个女儿已经够呛了!想像一下,要照料六个孩子,真是不容易!不过,这与经历过大灾难的人相比只是小事一桩。想想日本今年三月的大地震,不知道要经过多久这个国家才能恢复原状。It will not be BUSINESS AS USUAL any time soon for the Japanese people. 日本人民的生活近期内恐怕很难恢复常态。好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “Imagine preparing breakfast for six kids. Then getting them washed and dressed, packing their lunches and getting them off to school. That might seem like a huge challenge. But for my wife and me, it’s BUSINESS AS USUAL. It’s part of our everyday routine.”

我们居住的小镇是个安静的地方,平常非常惬意。不过有一次,一个名导演看中了我们小镇,准备来这里拍摄,这一下发生了什么事情呢? 我们来听听看:

M: “Normally, my tiny town is a quiet place. But when a movie director chose it as the site for his upcoming picture, it became incredibly busy. Film stars and production crews flooded Main Street. The local restaurants served overflow crowds, shops saw increased sales, and news reporters came from all around seeking interviews. For three weeks, it was anything but BUSINESS AS USUAL. ”


女: 被导演看中也许是好事,这样一来可以大大提高小镇的知名度,商店餐馆也能更好的营业额。可是对我们这些居民来说,我们想要的只是business as usual, 以往的安静生活。看来任何事都有两面性。好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “Normally, my tiny town is a quiet place. But when a movie director chose it as the site for his upcoming picture, it became incredibly busy. Film stars and production crews flooded Main Street. The local restaurants served overflow crowds, shops saw increased sales, and news reporters came from all around seeking interviews. For three weeks, like here was anything but BUSINESS AS USUAL. ”

今天我们学习的习惯用语是BUSINESS AS USUAL,意思是“一切照常,虚惊一场”。

A:Kat, 你注意到没有,每回在新年伊始,我们都要做新年计划,不过最后,多半都是business as usual, 生活还是会变回老样子。

B: Iknow! Most new year resolutions will never be realized, and that’s pretty frustrating! You know how I deal with it? I make realistic, easy-to-do resolutions.

A: For example?

B: Hmm, instead of making a resolution such as “going to the gym everyday”, I have “using the stairs twice a week”.

A: 你是说,你给自己设定的新年目标是每周有两天要走楼梯,而不搭电梯?

B:对! It’s much more realistic than going to the gym daily. Don’t you think so?

A: 猛一听是挺实际的。不过,这要看你家住几楼! 如果你住在15层,每周两次爬楼可不太现实!

B:I never thought about that!

A: 哈哈! 好了,咱们继续听节目,今天咱们要在“美语怎么说”里要教大家说“抢手货”!

How to Say It in American English

JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是怡茹要问的:抢手货。

JESSICA: Hey 怡茹,how’s it going?

YR: Oh, hey JESSICA..我…我好困阿…困死我了…

JESSICA: You really look tired. Didn’t you sleep well last night?

YR: Sleep well? 我压根就没睡!!! 我男朋友昨天拉着我陪他去买iPhone 4S, 可现在这最新的iPhone特抢手! 对了,JESSICA,这种大家都想要的抢手货用美语怎么说啊?

JESSICA: You can say it sells like hotcakes. Hotcakes is spelled h-o-t-c-a-k-e-s, hotcakes. If you say something sells like hotcakes, it means it is sold quickly and in large numbers.

YR: 没错! The new iPhone 4S sold like hotcakes! 新的iPhone 4S 绝对是抢手货!

JESSICA: There’s actually another way of saying it, you can say: the new iPhone 4S is flying off the shelf! Shelf is spelled s-h-e-l-f, shelf, 是货架的意思。Fly off the shelf, 就是说一件东西卖得特别好。

YR: 店员还特别告诉我们,当天晚上他们会进新货,建议我们半夜就去排队,这样就能保证一大早开门的时候买到最新的iPhone了…所以我们大半夜就搬着小椅子守在苹果店门口….

JESSICA: You camped out last night!

YR: Camp out?

JESSICA: Camp, c-a-m-p, 是露营的意思,camp out means that you stay outdoors all night in front of the store! 也可以说是露营!

YR: 哈哈,没错! 我们就好像去露营一样,在苹果店门口呆了整整一夜! 这种事只有我男朋友这种科技发烧友才干得出来!

JESSICA: 看来你男朋友还真是个tech-head! Tech是technology的简称,tech-head 脑袋里全是tech,就是科技发烧友!

YR: Totally! My boyfriend is such a tech-head!

JESSICA: 好,言归正传,说说你今天都学到了什么!

YR: 第一:形容一件东西抢手说something sells like hotcakes, 或者 something is flying off the shelf.

第二:为买东西通宵露营,叫camp out;


A: Every Thanksgiving, there are people camping out in the cold night.

B: Yes. Some people are doing that to snatch up hot deals, but others just want to be part of the Thanksgiving shopping frenzy.

A:没错,感恩节夜里在商店外露营排队大概也是美国文化的一景吧! 而且现在有Cyber Monday, 网上也有好多减价超值的东西,不用排队啦!

B: 很对! But now let’s go back to the old-fashioned way of shopping–going to a store and asking for help from an assistant.

A: 那,是要买什么呢?

B:I don’t wanna buy anything. I just want to rent a car!

GoEnglish: Driving (Beginner)



Professor: Winnie, have you ever gone to Las Vegas?

去过一次。Professor Bowman, 如果我是租车公司老板,一定不愿意把车租给去赌城的人,因为他们可能会连车一起输掉!

Phil: Hello, I’d like to rent a car please.

Employee: OK, how long do you need it for?

Phil: I just need it for the weekend.

Employee: Alright, how far will you drive the car?

Phil: Umm … I’m not sure. How far away is Las Vegas?


Professor: Winnie, sometimes if you drive a long distance, it will cost you more money to rent the car.


Professor:Well, Phil doesn’t know how far he has to drive, so he asks the attendant how far away Las Vegas is.

Employee: Las Vegas is about 260 miles from here. Is that where you’re going?

Phil: Yes, so I need a nice car so that I look really cool.

Employee: I see …. well would you like a car with a sunroof?

Phil: A sunroof? That’s not cool enough. I need a convertible.

Professor: So Winnie, what kind of car does Phil want to drive to Las Vegas.


Professor: Yes, and what kind of car does the rental company employee say he might like?

店员建议Phil租一辆有sunroof–天窗的车,可他觉得这还不够酷,他要一辆convertible–敞篷车! 真希望他能把我也带上!

Employee: Yes, we have a nice red convertible for an extra 40 dollars per day.

Phil: Alright, are there any other taxes or fees?

Employee: Not if you remember to fill the car with gas before you return it.

Phil: Hmm … well, this sounds like a pretty good deal.

看来扮酷也是有代价的! 敞篷车每天的租金比普通车高出40美元…不过,想到开着敞篷车,在风中驰骋的感觉,这笔钱,咬咬牙,值了!

Professor: Maybe … but then you wouldn’t look very cool if your hair is all messed up by the wind and all the bugs splattered on your face.

MC: Professor Bowman,你怎么总要破坏气氛!

Professor: Okay, Winnie. So, what does Phil have to do before he returns the car?

店员说,他在还车前要把油加满。除此之外,就没有其它的taxes or fees–税和费用了。Phil觉得这是个good deal,很值,看来他就打算租这辆敞篷车了!

Professor: Well, not so fast. Let’s see what happens.

Phil: Actually, I have one more question. Is the car a manual or an automatic?

Employee: It’s a manual. Is that alright?

Phil: No, I can only drive an automatic.

Employee: Well I’m sorry, but all of our convertibles are manuals.

Professor: Well Winnie, do you know what the difference between a manual and an automatic car is?

当然知道,manual transmission 就是手动换档,人工换档,相反的,an automatic transmission 是自动换档的车。可惜,这里所有的敞篷车都是manual的,而Phil只会开automatic。

Phil: Oh no … all your convertibles are manuals? Well, do you have any other cool cars?

Employee: Not really. Our cars are economical, not cool.

Phil: Well too bad … Maybe my friend Tom will let me borrow his convertible.

Employee: I’m sorry we couldn’t help you.

Professor: Winnie, do you know what an economical car is?

MC: Economical, e-c-o-n-o-m-i-c-a-l 是“经济实惠”的意思,所以economical car就是经济型轿车喽!

Professor: That’s right! So Phil wants to borrow his friend Tom’s convertible. That will be very “economical” for him, and he will look cool.

MC: 嗯,这的确是个省钱又扮酷的好主意!就是不知道Tom愿不愿意把自己的敞篷车借给Phil。

Professor: Well, we will have to listen next time to find out!

A:Driving a convertible in Las Vegas! That’s really cool!

B: But Tom couldn’t get the convertible because he can’t drive manual cars.

A: 所以他打算去向朋友借车。其实上网查一下,肯定有别的租车公司能满足他的要求。

B:Wow, Yanglin, it seems like you’re a savvy online shopper!

A: Of course! 好了,咱们来继续听节目,上次在礼节美语中我们说到了office gossip, 今天,咱们来看看这闲话传得怎么样了。

B: I sure hope they’ve stopped gossiping!

礼节美语—BE-222 Office Gossip II

Sally 跟同事Lisa和Mary议论办公室里关于Tom的传闻,说Tom 大搞婚外情,被老婆发现。Mary觉得,在办公室里议论这些不好,而且并不知道消息是否属实。Mary 问Lisa小时候玩没玩过一个叫“打电话的游戏”,玩的人坐成一圈,把一句话从第一个人用耳语的方式一直传下去,看传到最后一个人会是什么样子。Lisa 说,

L: Oh, yes! I’ve played that game! By the time you come to the end of the circle the original sentence has been completely mangled.

M: Right! “John hates chocolate cookies” gets transformed into something like, “James likes monkey pudding.”

S: Ok, I get your point. What you mean is that when information gets passed around, often times it becomes corrupted and incorrect, right?

M: Exactly. Also, I think there is a difference between office gossip and commenting on someone’s private life.

Lisa 记得,小时候确实玩过这个游戏。一圈人,等传到最后一个人,最开始那句话,已经彻底走样了。她在这里用到的一个动词mangle is spelled m-a-n-g-l-e, mangle, 意思是被肢解,破坏得不像样子。换句话说,一件事一传十,十传百,是很难保证准确无误的。Mary 还说,她觉得,大家议论办公室里发生的事情,跟讨论别人的私生活也是有差别的。

Mary: If the boss was hard on you today and you tell your colleagues about it, well….maybe that’s just part of office life. But Tom’s private life is no concern of ours.

L: But people have been gossiping since the dawn of time! It’s sort of a way for people to bond.

M: Yes, I understand that. But I worry about spreading personal attacks or revealing secrets about someone’s private life.

L: You might be right. For one thing, the person we’re talking about isn’t here to defend himself, and that’s not really fair. And like you mentioned, we don’t even know if the story is true.

Mary说,如果是老板对你过于严厉,if the boss was too hard on you. 你回来跟同事抱怨,这可能是办公室生活很正常的内容,但 Tom 的私生活 is no concern of ours. 完全不是我们应该关心的范畴。Lisa觉得很有道理,而且,被议论的对象现在不在现场,所以无法为自己做出辩解,而且大家也并不知道传闻是否属实。Sally 说,

S: Those are good points. Tom is actually a really nice guy. I’ve worked with him for five years and he’s always been a good friend.

L: For us, if Tom is a good co-worker that’s all that really matters.

S: All right….I’m not going to discuss this rumor any further. Let’s leave it alone.

L: Good idea.

M: I think we all hope Tom and his wife can work out any troubles they might be having. Let’s wish them the best.

Sally跟Tom共事过五年,觉得Tom是个很好的人。Lisa说,对我们来说,Tom只要是个好同事就足够了,其他都不重要。Sally保证,不再去议论Tom的事,Let’s leave it alone. 不要再去管这些流言蜚语。Mary 补充说,希望Tom夫妇两人能 work out any troubles they might be having. 妥善解决两人之间的问题。

A:有句话说:谣言止于智者。看来Mary就是这个办公室里的智者。She knows gossiping can be counterproductive and it has crossed the line between office life and private life.

B:Well, but do you think she could really stop people from talking about this alleged affair once and for all?

A:嗯,可能也不行。大家表面虽然说,对对对,不议论了,可以后说不定还是会八卦起来。最好是Tom夫妻俩能用实际行动粉碎这些传闻。Actions speak louder than words! 对不对?

B: I hope so too! 好了,now let’s relax and listen to American Sports English!

A: 好!今天我们要学游泳呢!

American Sports English: Swimming

Y: 大家好。我是杨晨。

P: 我是Patrick。

Y:Patrick, Are you ready for the pool?

P: Oh yeah, I’ve got my bathing suit, my goggles….

Y: 这个帽子好可笑,是干什么用的?

P: This is my swim cap. It keeps the chlorine out of my hair and it lets me swim faster. Say, Are you going to do some laps?

Y: Laps?

P: You know, swimming in the lane back and forth a few times for exercise.

Y: Oh, doing laps 就是在游泳池里一趟一趟地来回游。 怪不得上次我买游泳衣,那个店员问我Are you just doing laps? 不过,Swimming laps sounds like too much work. 我还是晒太阳好了。

P: It is a good workout. Which style are you best at?

Y: 我喜欢backstroke仰泳。

P: Backstroke isn’t bad, you should check out my butterfly stroke

Y: That’s a butterfly? 我看你不像蝴蝶,倒是像个蚂蚱。

P: I don’t look like a grasshopper. Are you going to get in or just stand there criticizing?

Y: Ok, Ok, I’m coming in, 不过我要跳水。

P: Dive in? Remember not to dive in the shallow end!

Y: Why not?

P: That’s the part that is not deep enough to dive in. You don’t want to hit your head!

Y: Oh, OK, Thank you Patrick. Here I go!

A: 我可不喜欢带游泳帽,太难看了,无法展示我的一头秀发!

B: But if you swim without wearing the cap, the chlorine will do damage on your hair.

A: 少游会儿呗! 多在岸上趟会儿,看看帅哥!

B: Is that the main reason why you go to the swimming pool or the beach?

A: Bingo!

B: Then you definitely don’t need a swimming cap. You should use the money to buy a good bikini!

A: That’s exactly what I did! 哈哈! 好了,节目时间差不多了,这次的撰稿人是晓北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次的美语训练班再见!

B: Bye!

美语训练班  第037课

A: 美语训练班上课啦! 我是杨琳!

B: 我是 Kat! 咱们今天学什么呢,杨琳?


B: But first we have to “Learn a Word”. Right?

A: 没错! 先来学个词儿!

Learn A Word : cater to

今天我们要学的词是 cater to. Cater is spelled c-a-t-e-r, cater; and to, t-o, to; cater to. Cater to 意思是迎合需求。随着美国婴儿潮人口的老龄化,Thousands of physicians are catering to the 78 million baby boomers who are hoping to feel younger, and who are willing to pay for the privilege. 很多医生都在努力迎合美国7千8百万婴儿潮人口的保健需求,这些人希望能让自己继续年轻,并愿意为此买单。Malaysian aviation magnate AirAsia is trying to build “small, fun and affordable sports cars” which cater to Asian consumers. 马来西亚航空业巨头亚洲航空正在尝试着研发符合亚洲消费者口味的“小巧、有趣和价格适中”的跑车。好的,今天我们学习的词是cater to, cater to, cater to.

A: cater to 迎合需求。现在有很多商家都推出手机购物客户端,to cater to the consumers who use smartphones to shop.

B: Yes, some people say this will change the entire retail landscape. Do you think that’s right?

A: 手机购物带来零售业的革命?我看有这个可能!记得以前大家问一个商家,会问“Where is your store?” 后来这个问题变成 “what’s your web site?” 现在已经变成 “Do you have an app?”

B: Exactly! My gut feeling is that shopping on smartphones is the way to go!

A: Your gut feeling? 正好,我们下面的流行美语节目也用到了这个说法! Let’s listen!

Popular American 389

现在播送《流行美语》。 李华去Larry家,帮他收拾屋子,他们会用到两个常用语:gut feeling和out of the woods.

(Kknocking on door)

LH: Larry, 快开门。

Larry: OK, OK, I’m coming! I’m coming! (door opens)

LH: 你怎么还穿着睡衣??都快中午了,难道你还没有起床啊?

Larry: Hm? Oh, I must have slept in or something….

LH: 你睡过头了?咱们今天不是要大扫除吗?你的好哥们儿不是明天从纽约来看你吗?你看你这屋子还乱七八糟的呢。

Larry: Hmm…. it is a bit messy in here, isn’t it? Well, no matter…. I have a gut feeling my friend isn’t coming tomorrow.

LH: Your “gut” has a feeling? 你的肠子有感觉?你要拉肚子吗?

Larry: No, no. A “gut feeling” refers to someone’s intuition. To say you have a gut feeling about something means that you have a feeling about the outcome of something before it happens.

LH: 哦,原来 gut feeling 就是直觉的意思。你是说,你有个直觉你朋友不会来了。为什么这么说呢?

Larry: Well, sometimes it’s hard to explain why you get a gut feeling about something. But in this case, there are a few things that tell me he’s not going to come.

LH: 哦?比如说?

Larry: For one thing, this friend of mine has been meaning to visit me for years, and every time, right before he’s supposed to come, something happens and he cancels the trip.

LH: 原来,这个人以前每次说要来看你都没能成行,老是因为这样那样的事儿改变计划。

Larry: Right, and that’s not the only reason I have a gut feeling he won’t come…. I was on the phone with him last night….

LH: 你们在电话里说什么了?

Larry: Girl trouble.

LH: 怎么,他跟女朋友吵架了?

Larry: (sigh)..That’s right. He was pretty upset. I was talking to him until four o’clock in the morning!

LH: 你跟他聊到凌晨4点钟?难怪你今天这么晚都起不来!

Larry: Yep. that’s why I have a gut feeling he’s going to cancel his trip once again. I was hoping to help him with his problems, but I have a gut feeling that he and his girlfriend are not out of the woods quite yet.

LH: 等一下! 你说,你直觉觉得,他和他女朋友还没有out of the woods? 他们俩去森林里干嘛?

Larry: Ha…. no, they aren’t literally in the woods. What I meant is, I don’t think their problems are totally solved. My advice may have helped him somewhat, but I don’t think they’re totally out of the woods yet.

LH: 哦,They aren’t out of the woods yet 意思是说,他们之间的问题还没有彻底解决,对吗?

Larry: That’s right. I have a gut feeling they might even break up.

LH: 你觉得他们会分手?要是真这样,那我也有个 gut feeling, 他呀,八成是不会来了。

Larry: Yep. So, (yawns) I might as well get back to bed and catch up on some sleep.

LH: 等一下! Larry, you’re not off the hook! 你别以为这样就没事了!你屋里太乱,你得收拾收拾!

Larry: Aw, Lihua, I’ll do it later! I’m exhausted from staying up last night! Besides, my buddy isn’t going to come down tomorrow.

LH: 哎?这个你也不能确定啊! 你不只是凭直觉觉得人家不来么,这怎么能算数?

Larry: I’m pretty sure about my gut feeling this time, Lihua. (phone rings) Oh, here’s my friend calling now. I bet he’s going to cancel.

LH: 你快听听看,你朋友是不是真的不来了。

Larry: (answers phone) Hi, Steve, good morning!……. Oh, I slept fine, don’t worry..Mm-hmm.Mm-hmm….Oh, Really? You got back together with your girlfriend?? Oh, I had a gut feeling you two would work things out! Oh, you’re coming a day early? Tonight? You’re already on your way?? Uhh, great. we’ll see you soon, then. Bye!

LH: 什么?你朋友不仅没有取消行程,而且还要提前一天到?这下傻眼了吧!看来你的gut feeling很不靠谱!得啦!咱们开始大扫除吧!

各位听众,今天李华从 Larry 那儿学到两个常用语,一个是gut feeling, 表示直觉;另一个是 out of the woods. 意思是问题得到了解决。

A:说到男女朋友吵架,我不由得想起了这阵子我在看的一个电视剧,男女主角从第一集开始误会,吵架,我都看到第十集了,they’re still not out of the woods! 真让人着急!

B: Are you watching the show on the Internet? If so, you can jump to later episodes to watch the ending. Or you can choose to watch movies rather than TV shows.

A: 也对!电影嘛,最长不过两三个小时就完了,不用一集一集吊胃口。说到电影,现在有不少大片儿要上,咱们就来学学“大片儿”用美语怎么说!

JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是怡茹要问的:大片。

YR: JESSICA, 你今天晚上有空么?Let me treat you to a big movie.

JESSICA: 啊?a big movie?

YR: 对啊!我想请你看大片儿!就是最近特火的那部好莱坞电影!

JESSICA: Oh! You’re talking about the Hollywood blockbuster that’s been on since yesterday. We use the word “blockbuster” to describe films that have big production, widespread popularity and financial success.

YR: 我明白了,大片儿在美语里就是blockbuster. B-l-o-c-k-b-u-s-t-e-r, blockbuster. 就是大制作,大宣传,票房收益又好的电影。

JESSICA: 没错!怡茹, why do you want to go watch this blockbuster? 看电影可不便宜!

YR: 嗨,轻松轻松呗!再说,There are a lot of movie stars in this blockbuster. It must be a good movie!

JESSICA: Well, not all star-studded movies have good stories or acting.

YR: 等等,你刚才说star-studded,这是什么意思?

JESSICA: Star-studded is spelled s-t-a-r-s-t-u-d-d-e-d. It means a great proportion of the actors in a movie are well-known.

YR: 我明白了,star-studded 意思就是众星云集,明星大荟萃。

JESSICA: Yes. For example, you can say, “I want to watch this movie because it has a star-studded cast.”

YR: I see. 哎,快过春节了,Quite a few star-studded movies are coming out for the holiday season.

JESSICA: They are all festive to keep up with the holiday spirit.

YR: 贺岁片当然是轻松喜庆啦,谁要在节日看大哭片儿嘛!对了,特别赚人眼泪,让人感动或者难过的哭片,要怎么说呢?

JESSICA: Those movies are called tearjerker. T-e-a-r-j-e-r-k-e-r, tearjerker. A tearjerker is a sentimental movie or performance that intends to move its audience to tears.

YR:I don’t like tearjerkers-I only watch movies that make me laugh!

JESSICA: Good for you! Now let’s see what you’ve learned today!

YR: 大片儿是blockbuster; 众星云集的是 star-studded;催人泪下的哭片则是 tearjerker.

A: 说到blockbuster, 前些日子不是出了Hangover II么?中文叫“宿醉”或者“醉后大丈夫”!Did you watch it Kat?

B: Yes! The sequel was not bad, but I like the first one much better.

A:So do I! 我觉得还是第一部更好玩!几个哥们儿本来去拉斯韦加斯给其中一人开单身派队,可是酒醉之后发生了一大堆疯狂的意想不到的事儿!

B: Haha! Vegas is a crazy place. You know what they say about it: what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

A: Exactly! 说到拉斯韦加斯,今天咱们在美语三级跳中就要向朋友借车去Vegas扮潇洒的事儿!

B: Let’s listen to GoEnglish!

GoEnglish: Driving (Intermediate)


MC: Phil想去拉斯维加斯玩儿,可是没有租到合适的车。所以他决定向自己的朋友Tom借敞篷车。

Professor: Winnie, if you had a nice convertible, would you lend it to a friend to go to Las Vegas?


Tom: Well hello Phil. This is certainly a surprise. What are you doing at my apartment?

Phil: Oh … no reason. I haven’t seen you in a while, so I thought I would go see my very, very good friend Tom.

Tom: Oh really. Well something tells me that isn’t the only reason. You never come by unless you want a favor.

Phil: What? Of course not! I came by just because I like you and wanted to say hello!

Tom: Come on Phil, you can’t fool me. What do you want?

Professor: It sounds like Tom has given Phil lots of favors before.

MC: 可不是么,Phil以前一定经常麻烦Tom。这次,他虽然一直和Tom套近乎,但Tom似乎有点不为所动。

Phil: Well … alright. I want to drive to Las Vegas this weekend. Would it be possible for me to borrow your car?

Tom: You want to borrow my car? But it’s brand new! I’ve only made one payment.

Phil: I know, but I promise I’ll be really careful.

Tom: I don’t know … Las Vegas is a pretty wild place. I don’t want anything to happen to my car.

MC: 看来Tom不愿意把车借给Phil,因为他的车是新买的,而且,拉斯维加斯那种地方什么人都有,把自己的新车交给别人还真不放心呢!

Professor: Exactly. But do you know what Tom meant when he said he had only made one payment?

Tom说的payments就是每个月要还的买车贷款。 他说,自己才只还了一个月的钱。

Phil: Oh please? I’m a really good driver. I’ll return it without a scratch.

Tom: You? A good driver? You don’t even know how to parallel park!

Phil: Don’t worry, I won’t park it on the street. I’ll park it in the hotel parking lot.

Tom: But people really like to party in Las Vegas. I’m worried someone who has been drinking and driving will hit my car and damage it.

Phil: Don’t worry, I’ll only drive during the day.

Tom担心有人drinking and driving–酒后驾车,会撞坏自己的车,可却丝毫不担心车里的人–Phil的安全,这算什么朋友!

Professor: Well, it’s a brand new car. It probably has airbags and plenty of safety features.

那倒也是,新车都会配备airbags–气囊,和其它的safety features–安全设备。不过,professor Bowman, Tom说Phil不会 parallel park,这是什么意思?

Professor: The word “parallel,” p-a-r-a-l-l-e-l, means extending in the same direction. So parallel parking is to park directly behind another car.

MC: 哦,parallel是“平行”的意思,所以parallel parking就是就在街上平行停车,或者叫“入库停车”。Phil不会parallel parking,所以他保证,只把Tom的车停在酒店停车场。

Tom: Alright Phil, I’ll lend you my car but there are some rules.

Phil: Sure, what are they?

Tom: First, no speeding. If you get a ticket in a speed trap, I will never lend you my car again.

Phil: Of course not. I’ll drive really slow.

Tom: Rule number two. No talking on your cell phone while you drive.

Phil: Of course, I promise I won’t talk on my phone.

Tom: Rule number three. If you make any money gambling, you give half to me.

Phil: Well, you drive a hard bargain, but it’s a deal!


Professor: Do you think that’s a good deal?

MC: 我觉得,就象Phil说的,Tom “drives a hard bargain.” 太能讨价还价了。

Professor: But I think it’s a fair deal! Let’s tune in next time to learn about Phil’s trip to Vegas.

A:No speeding. No talking on the phone while driving. 这应该是开车时起码的要求吧。

B: I think so too, and that’s why Tom added one more condition: Phil had to give him half of what he made from gambling.

A: 赌赢的钱分一半,这可不太靠谱儿,要是Phil把车都给输了,看Tom要怎么办。

B:Right. I don’t think Tom was thinking clearly when he decided to lend Phil his new car.

A:我也觉得,Tom是让 Phil给砍晕了吧! 他还真挺会求人的。

B: Ha! We can learn to be persuasive too─by using our body language! Let’s listen to Business Etiquette!

礼节美语—BE-223 Body Language I

公司主管Andy向销售部门的Sara和James介绍咨询顾问Monica. Andy说,

Andy: Both of you are among our company’s top salespeople. But we can always improve, right? I’d like you to meet Vince Wolf…Vince is a business consultant specializing in body language.

Monica: Hello, Sara. Hello, James. It’s great to be here!

Sara: Hello, Vince. You know, I’ve never really considered how body language affects business.

James: I read a book about body language once, but the book mainly discussed how using proper body language can help you get a date.

Monica是商业咨询师,business consultant, 专长研究body language肢体语言。大家相互认识后,Sara说她从没觉得肢体语言会对做生意有什么影响,James也说,他倒是读过一本关于肢体语言的书,但那是教读者如何 get a date 找个约会的对象,date作为名词,可以指约会,也可以指跟你约会的那个人。Monica听后说:

Monica: Actually, if you think about it, each time you meet a client you’re asking them to trust you. It’s the same idea when you like someone…you have to make them trust you before they can fall in love with you.

A: You might not think consciously about it, but body language accounts for more than 50% of the message that you’re trying to get across.

Monica: Andy is right. Once you’ve mastered basic body language skills you’ll be surprised at how much more effective you will be. Let’s take the first point: posture. If you walk into a room with your stomach in, your chest out, your shoulders back and your head high, each one of these signals sends a message saying: “I’m in command of this situation. You can trust me.”

Monica说,争取客户和追求爱人其实差不多,都得先让对方信任你才行。Andy补充说,一个人在交流过程中,想要传达给对方的信息,有一半以上靠的是肢体语言。to get something across 是把意思传达给对方。比如:I was only trying to get my point across. 我只不过是想把我的看法告诉你。Monica说,能熟练使用肢体语言也会对工作有很多帮助,首先是体态,走进房间时要收腹,挺胸,抬头,这就等于是在说,一切都在我的控制下,你们可以相信我。Andy 接着说:

A: When I was hiring salespeople there were several that didn’t make the cut. I think one of the main reasons I didn’t hire them was because they slouched. It looked like they weren’t comfortable, and therefore I couldn’t trust them.

Monica: The next most important thing in business is the handshake. You should hold the person’s hand firmly and shake a maximum of three times, all while maintaining constant eye contact.

Andy也认为一个人的站姿很重要,他雇人的时候,就曾因为应聘者低头含胸,所以没被雇用,they didn’t make the cut. to make the cut 意思是符合标准,达标, to make the cut 这个短语常用在体育中,特别是高尔夫球比赛,指晋级到下一阶段的比赛中去。Monica说,除了仪表体态,握手也很有讲究,一定要握紧,同时 maintain constant eye contact 一直注视着对方的眼睛。还有哪些需要注意的地方呢?我们下次继续听。

B:Now, Yanglin, let’s practice a handshake!

A: Haha! Okay, here we go. I’m holding your hand firmly, and I’m watching your eyes, and let’s shake our hands. 一下!两下!三下!哈哈!

B: Wow….remembering all these rules and tips makes me nervous. I don’t think it’s good to be nervous when you try to persuade others.

A:这倒也是!不过你慢慢练习,总会习惯的。You need to internalize these rules.

B: Okay, remind me to walk with my stomach in, chest out, shoulders back and my head high!

A: 好! 收腹,挺胸,并肩,抬头!

B: Oh My! This is like a boot camp! I need to take a break. Let’s eat!

ASE #50 Eating Contest

Y: 我前几天刚夸你健美,你就这么狼吞虎咽吃热狗。You are eating like a pig.

P: Yang Chen, we’re doing an awesome sport today. You’re going to be really excited.

Y: Oh yeah? I can’t wait!

P: Today we’re doing competitive eating.

Y: Competitive eating? 比赛吃东西。Wow, that IS exciting.

你整天教导我要吃得健康,现在居然要参加eating contest.

P: Hey, the two of us can do an eating contest first. Well, I guess I just beat you to the punch.

Y: Punch? You know, Patrick, I’m a very non-violent person. 我从来不打人。

P: Right. And I have the bruises to prove it. Actually, the phrase ‘beat someone to the punch’ is an old boxing term. It means that you do something faster than someone else.

Y: Oh, 是一个拳击术语,意思是先出手,先发制人。

P: Bingo. For example, I wanted to ask my pretty new classmate out on a date to, but one of the other guys in the class beat me to the punch and asked her out first.

Y: Poor Patrick. 这样下去好女孩都被别人抢走,你要打一辈子光棍儿了。 所以你现在非常 depressed, and that’s why you want to eat so much?

P: Very funny. Now come on, let’s start our eating contest. Whoever can eat the most hot dogs in 10 minutes wins.

Y: Alright! Go!

[Chewing sounds]


P: Oh my gosh, Yang Chen. I’ve never seen somebody eat so many hot dogs! I had no idea women could eat so much!

Y: Oh Patrick, don’t be sad just because I ate twice as many hot dogs as you.

P: Well all I can say is that I hope you are as good at drinking Pepto Bismol as you are at eating hot dogs.

Y: The upset stomach medication? Hey, that’s a great idea! Want to have a Pepto Bismol drinking contest?

P: Sure … [groaning]

A: 听了这么多集体育美语,就今天这个比赛我觉得最好!比吃饭!我最在行了!

B: Er….why am I not surprised

A: 哈哈!当然也得看吃什么,汉堡差点儿,最好比赛吃冰淇淋!

B: How about 吃辣椒? 你行吗?

A: 辣椒?No problem!

B: 你还真。。。。能吃。

A: 哈哈! 好了,节目时间差不多了,这次的撰稿人是晓北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次的美语训练班再见!

B: Bye!

美语训练班  第038课

A: 欢迎来到American English Mosaic, 我是杨琳!

B:我是Kat, 杨林,快说说今天教什么!

A: 今天咱们要去爬山,要请专业人士教教咱们在商业场合的站姿和手势,要聊聊新手开车得小心点儿什么,还要告诉大家怎么说”剧透”和”一模一样”。

B: “剧透”,是说衣服非常透, 对么?

A: 呵呵,不是这个意思。你待会儿就明白了。咱们现在还是先来学个词儿!

Learn A Word top-selling

今天我们要学的词是 top-selling. Top is spelled t-o-p, top; and selling, s-e-l-l-i-n-g, selling; top-selling. Top-selling, 意思是最畅销的,热卖的。苹果公司最畅销的智能手机iPhone 4s将在中国出售。Apple’s top-selling smart phone, the iPhone 4S, will soon be available in China. 马自达3成为澳洲市场最畅销的车型。Mazda3 compact became the top-selling car model in the Australian market. 哈里.波特系列的终结版是英国2011年最畅销的DVD。The final movie in the Harry Potter series was the top-selling DVD in Britain in 2011. 好的,今天我们学习的词是top-selling, top-selling, top-selling.

A: Top-selling items – 最热卖的商品。这种产品常常供不应求,而且会给商家赚很多钱。

B: Exactly. For example, iPhone has become the cash cow for Apple.

A: Cash cow? 是摇钱树么?

B:对啊!Did you see people lining up outside the Apple store in Beijing to get the latest iPhone?

A: Tell me about it! 卖得火的商品都会引发别的商家来模仿。就跟电视节目一样,一部穿越剧火了,就接二连三出了好多情节类似的。

B:Hopefully they’re not just carbon copies of the original one. 那样多没意思啊!

A: Carbon copy? 我们在今天的美国习惯用语中就要教这个词!

Words and Idioms

各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 951讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.

女:去年我跟我妹妹一块去旅游的时候,住的旅馆很特别。我妹妹非常喜欢我们住的房间,还说回家后要把自己的房间也装饰成那样。我本想今年去帮她拍点照片,让她好照着重新装饰屋子。没想到上个星期我去她家的时候,她的房间跟旅馆的房间看起来… 真的不只是相似,而是,一模一样了! 这让我想到了一个习惯用语,那就是:

M: Carbon copy. Carbon is spelled c-a-r-b-o-n, and copy, c-o-p-y. Carbon-copy.

Carbon 本身是复写纸的意思,那大家都猜到了吧,carbon copy,就是形容非常相似,一模一样。我刚进我妹妹的房间时特别吃惊,因为Her room is a carbon copy of the hotel room we stayed in last year. 她的房间跟去年我们住的旅馆房间一模一样。

下面例子中的这个男生在见到一个人后大吃一惊,到底发生了什么事呢? 我们来听听看:

M: “My new girlfriend said she wanted me to meet someone. I was shocked when I answered the door. Standing there was a woman who looked exactly like my girlfriend. She talked just like her, too. In fact, she was a CARBON COPY. That’s when I realized I was dating a twin.”

[这段话是说:我的新女友说她想让我见见一个人。结果开门的时候我大吃一惊。站在我面前的人跟我女友长的一模一样,讲话的样子也跟我女友一样。我这时候才意识到,原来她们是双胞胎! ]

女:想起来,我原来也曾经有过一个双胞胎男朋友!我还总分不清他跟他哥哥呢。 He is a carbon copy of his twin brother. 他们兄弟俩看起来一模一样。形容这种长得一模一样的人,英语里还有个特别的词,叫 DOPPELGANGER. DOPPELGANGER is spelled d-o-p-p-e-l-g-a-n-g-e-r; doppelganger. 如果你找到了跟你长得一模一样的人,你就找到了你的DOPPELGANGER! 好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “My new girlfriend said she wanted me to meet someone. I was shocked when I answered the door. Standing there was a woman who looked exactly like my girlfriend. She talked just like her, too. In fact, she was a CARBON COPY. That’s when I realized I was dating a twin.”

女: 碰到跟自己长得很像的人也许很有趣,不过啊,有时候你可能希望独一无二,特别是涉及创造力的时候。下面例子里的市长大人大发脾气。为什么呢? 我们来听听看:

M: “The architect claimed his designs for the city park were original. But on closer inspection, it became clear that wasn’t true. All the features, including the gardens, pond, bridge and playing fields, were no different from those in a park in Boston. The mayor was furious. He trusted the architect to offer something unique, not a CARBON COPY. ”


女: 本来想要一座别致的公园,结果却在城市里建了一座仿制品,换了我是市长,我一定也会大发雷霆。我记得我刚工作的时候也发生过类似的事情。我们的竞争对手不知道怎么得到了我们的创意,开启了一个完全雷同的项目! Our business competitor launched a carbon copy of our project. I bet they’ve got our ideas somewhere. 我们的竞争对手推出了一个跟我们一模一样的项目,他们肯定是从哪里得到了我们的创意。好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “The architect claimed his designs for the city park were original. But on closer inspection, it became clear that wasn’t true. All the features, including the gardens, pond, bridge and playing fields, were no different from those in a park in Boston. The mayor was furious. He trusted the architect to offer something unique, not a CARBON COPY. ”

女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是CARBON COPY,意思是非常相似,一模一样。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。

A: Kat, you’re right. Carbon copy art works can’t measure up to the original ones because they’re not unique or innovative. 比如主题雷同的电视剧或电影,第一部让人觉得新鲜有趣,后面的就乏味了!

B:That’s right. But even movies full of original ideas and surprises can fail to attract viewers.

A: 你说拍摄手法新颖,惊奇不断的电影也会让观众打不起兴趣?这是为什么呢?

B: If you’ve known the movie’s ending before even watching it! For example, if some impatient friend of yours gives you a detailed description of the whole movie before you could watch it yourself.

A: 我明白了!你是说有人特热心,在你还没看电影之前先把整个故事给你详细讲一遍!咳!这真是瞎帮忙。这就是咱们在节目开始时说到的“剧透”!正好,咱们来听听这个词用美语怎么说!


JESSICA: 吴琼, I sent you a movie review article yesterday. Have you read it?

WQ: 你是说那篇电影的影评,我可不能看!

JESSICA: Why not? !

WQ: 因为电影我还没看啊!影评上来就警告读者说:本文有剧透!也就是说,看了文章就知道电影结局了!JESSICA, 这令人扫兴的ǒ剧透ō用美语怎么说呢?

JESSICA: It’s called a spoiler. Spoiler is spelled s-p-o-i-l-e-r. A spoiler will reveal the ending of the movie to you when you’d rather find it out by yourself.

WQ: I see!Spoilers can really ruin the fun of watching a movie!

JESSICA: True. That’s why people write a warning at the beginning of a review, which says “the following review contains spoilers.”

WQ: 对!影评应该先警告大家有剧透内容,省得扫观众的兴! 不过话说回来,有些片子编得很滥,只要看了开头,不用剧透,傻瓜都能猜出结局!

JESSICA: I agree. Those movies are no fun to begin with. You only need to avoid spoilers when there are plot twists.

WQ: Plot twist? P-l-o-t, plot是故事情节, t-w-i-s-t, twist,是扭曲,所以plot twist 我猜就是出乎意料的情节,电影里的形势大逆转,对不对?

JESSICA: Yes! Plot twists are the development that viewers don’t expect to happen. Good writers use plot twists to keep viewers interested.

WQ: 我就特别喜欢结局出人意料的片子,特别是电视剧,一集结尾留下个悬念,吊胃口!

JESSICA: In English, we call that a cliffhanger. It’s usually a dilemma or a dangerous situation. So you want to watch the next episode to see how the characters deal with it.

WQ: 哦!原来,在结尾时留下的悬念就是cliffhanger! C-l-i-f-f-h-a-n-g-e-r, cliffhanger. 诶呀,我要走了,My favorite show is about to start, and last episode ended on a cliffhanger!

JESSICA: Okay, but before you go, tell me what you’ve learned today!

WQ: 第一,剧透是a spoiler; 出乎意料的故事情节是 a plot twist;电影或电视结尾时的悬念是 a cliffhanger.

B: Well, speaking of cliffhanger…

A: 还记得我们上次在GoEnglish节目里说到Phil向朋友借车,要去Las Vegas 玩儿,朋友还说,Phil要是赌博赢了钱,必须分一半给他。

B:Also, The car Phil borrowed was brand new and the owner was worried about Phil damaging his car in Vegas….


B: Let’s listen to GoEnglish again and see if you guessed right.

GoEnglish: Driving: Advanced


Professor: In the last episode, Phil borrowed his friend’s car to take a weekend trip to Las Vegas. Now he has come back home and is telling his friend Becky about the trip.


Phil: Wow Becky, you wouldn’t believe how much fun I had on my trip to Las Vegas last weekend.

Becky: Really? I’ve never been to Las Vegas. How was it?

Phil: It was totally awesome. I spent the whole weekend partying and going to shows, and the best part is that I didn’t even have to pay for it.

Becky: You didn’t have to pay for it? How is that?

Phil: I won so much money gambling that it covered the cost of the trip. I’m telling you, there’s no feeling like stepping on the gas and going out on a road trip.

Phil真是好运气! 他在拉斯维加斯赢了好多钱,这次出去玩等于一分钱没掏! 不过,Professor Bowman, 他说stepping on the gas是什么意思呢?

P: Winnie, “stepping on the gas” is like pushing down the accelerator pedal, which is also called the “gas pedal.”

哦,stepping on the gas 就是ǒ脚踩油门,给车加速ō的意思。Phil说,那种一脚油门下去,让车奔驰的感觉特别棒。

P: Exactly. Sometimes when Americans want someone to hurry up, they can tell that person to ǒstep on it,ō which is a reference to stepping on the gas to go faster.

哦,催别人快点儿,就可以说ǒstep on itō。

Becky: You know, I’ve always wanted to go on a road trip like that, but the problem is that I don’t have a driver’s license.

Phil: You don’t have a driver’s license? I thought everyone has a driver’s license.

Becky: Well not me. I grew up in New York City and have always taken public transportation, so I never needed to know how to drive. Plus, cars create lots of carbon emissions.

Phil: That’s true, but it’s not so bad if you get a car with good gas mileage.

Becky: I guess you’re right. And if you wanted to be really environmentally friendly, you could even get a hybrid.

原来,Becky在纽约长大,一直坐公车和地铁,所以不会开车。Professor Bowman, carbon emissions 是什么?

Professor: Winnie, carbon is short for carbon dioxide, which is one of the greenhouse gases. So carbon emissions are the amount of carbon dioxide cars emit.

哦,carbon emissions就是二氧化碳排放量。Phil说,为了环保,人们应该买 good gas mileage–“燃油使用效率高ō的车,Becky则建议用 hybrid, 油电混合动力车。

Becky: But I still don’t know … isn’t driving kind of dangerous?

Phil: There are things you can do to stay safe. For example, you should always practice defensive driving, and leave lots of space between your car and the other cars.

Becky: Yeah, I really hate aggressive drivers. And when people get road rage, they become a real hazard on the road.

Phil: Exactly. It’s best not to drive when you’re angry. That can be really dangerous.

Professor: Winnie, do you know what “defensive driving” and “aggressive drivers” mean?

“defensive driving” 就是为保护自身安全的防御型驾驶技巧,为的就是躲开那些 ǒaggressive drivers”–横冲直撞的马路杀手。不过,”road rage”又是什么意思呢?

Professor: “Road rage” means when you’re driving, something happens and makes you really mad, and so you start driving erratically. For example, some people get road rage when they get cut off.

我明白了,road rage 就是ǒ路怒症ō。比如说,有人看到别的车插到自己前面,就会暴怒。要我说,情绪如此不稳定的人,压根就不应该开车。

Becky: I have been thinking about getting a license lately, but I need someone to teach me.

Phil: Well, I’d be happy to teach you how to drive. I’m a really safe driver.

Becky: Wow, that sounds great! When can we start?

Phil: Well … actually there is just one problem.

Becky: What’s that?

Phil: I don’t have a car. Do you have one that I could borrow?


Professor: Well, probably he’s lived on borrowed cars for all these years!

A: 啊? 怎么就让他顺利过关了,还赢了好多钱!

B:That was a bit of an anti-climax.

A: Anti-climax? 你是说铺垫得挺好,结果却让人失望,对么?

B:Yeah. Who wants an uneventful Vegas story? Right?

A: 得!热闹是没看成!咱们继续听节目吧。

B:好吧,let’s listen to business etiquette.

礼节美语—Body Language II

公司主管Andy 请专门研究肢体语言的咨询顾问Monica给公司销售员上课。Andy说,站姿和握手都很重要。握手要紧握,同时注视对方的眼睛。Sara提问说:

S: As a woman I find that I sometimes don’t get a good reaction from my handshakes. What am I doing wrong?

M: A woman naturally has a weaker grip than a man. I suggest you go ahead and use a little bit more force. That way, you’ll be noticed and taken more seriously.

A: And of course as a salesperson smiling is very important.

M: Oh yes, but it’s not just a smile….your entire face needs to light up, and you should remember to flash your teeth when you smile every now and then as it shows sincerity.

Sara说她跟客户握手好像从来都得不到什么强烈的反映,Monica建议她下次握手稍微用点劲,因为女性天生 has a weaker grip 握手的力量比较弱,握手有力才会让别人重视你,把你当真。除了站姿和握手外,面带微笑也很重要,而且 your entire face needs to light up 整个面目表情看起来都要很高兴,时不时还要露出牙齿微笑 flash your teeth,这样会显得更真诚。

J: What should I do with my hands when I’m talking to someone? My natural instinct is to make gestures.

M: Gestures are fine….just don’t overdo it. One easy thing to remember is called “mirroring” and basically it means you “mirror” or imitate the actions of the other person.

J: So if the other person is more animated you should be a bit livelier as well?

M: Exactly. But, never raise your hands higher than your chin when you gesture as this can look threatening.

S: Should I nod my head while I’m listening to another person speak?

M: Absolutely. It makes people feel that you’re listening, and that you agree. You can also slightly tilt your head to one side when listening as this indicates non-aggressive behavior.

Monica说,跟别人交谈时可以做些手势,但 don’t overdo it. 不要做过头。她还教给大家一种技巧,叫 “mirroring”, 就是镜子 mirror 的后面加上 ing, 意思是跟对方学,如果对方说话眉飞色舞,你就也夸张一些;如果对方比较沉稳低调,你也要稍微稳重点,但要注意,never raise your hands higher than your chin. 做手势的时候,手千万不要高过下巴,因为这会让别人感觉威胁。听别人讲话还可以频频点头,让别人感觉你听得很认真。

A: Different cultures have different ideas about personal space. If the person seems to be moving away from you when you speak, maybe you are too close and they feel like you’re invading their space.

M: That’s true. You have to find what works for the individual based on their culture and your level of familiarity. Now I want you to experiment with the things I’ve taught you today and we will get back together and discuss how it’s working out for you.

S: Great!

J: Thanks for stopping by, Monica.

M: You’re very welcome.

Andy补充说,不同文化对 personal space 个人空间的定义也不一样,如果跟你讲话的人好象一直在往后移,那就表示,他们觉得你离得太近了,换句话说,You’re invading their space. 这跟文化和彼此之间的熟悉程度都有关。培训结束前,Monica要大家回去把今天学到的东西付诸实践,下次见面时再继续讨论。

A: KAT, 你发现了么,中国人笑的时候希望笑不露齿,这样比较斯文,可是,Americans like to flash their teeth when they smile!

B: Well, according to Monica, doing so makes your smile look more sincere.

A: 我倒觉得太夸张了,反而显得有点做作呢!

B:Hmm, then think of it this way: We Americans usually spend tons of money on dental health, and we’d like to show off our beautiful teeth.

A: 哈哈!是在展示自己的一口好牙?那,Do I need to compliment your teeth next time you give me the big smile?

B: 那也不用了!哈哈!

A:好了,咱们继续听节目吧,American Sports English!

ASE Mountain Climbing

Y: My gosh Patrick, Where are we?

P: Yang Chen. I’m taking you mountain climbing.

Y: 登山? This is scary!

P: Don’t worry, I’m an expert mountain climber. I am as steady on these steep slopes as a mountain goat.

Y: 野山羊? 你倒是smell like a mountain goat.

P: Stop complaining. We’re about to reach the crux of the climb.

Y: 什么是the crux of the climb?

P: Actually, the crux C-R-U-X of something is the most difficult or important part.

Y: Oh, crux 就是中文里的关键,最困难的部分。

P: Exactly. Or I could say that I decided to quit my job for many reasons, but the crux of the problem was that I didn’t make enough money.

Y: Right … well enough of all this chit chat. I’m going to start climbing up this steep section and … [scream]

P: Oh my gosh! Yang Chen fell off the side of the cliff! Yang Chen, are you OK?

Y: Patrick, please pull me back up. Hurry!

P: Wow, you’re hanging off the side of the cliff! This is going to be a real cliffhanger. Do you know what that means?

Y: Patrick, 现在不是教英语的时候。Help me!

P: One second. A cliff hanger is when a chapter of a movie or book ends without a resolution.

Y: Patrick! 我知道cliff hanger! 就是留下悬念的意思。我现在你怀疑你把我带到这深山老林是要害死我。

P: Hmmm … I don’t know. Don’t you think it might be good to have a cliffhanger ending?

Y: No! Now pull me up!

P: Nah, I like the cliffhanger ending.

B: 哈哈! Another cliffhanger ending!What’s with Xiaoyan and Patrick. They like to give one another a hard time.

A: That’s what’s funny about the program. 不过话说回来,Do you like mountain climbing, Kat?

B: Yes, I do! I can bring you to our climbing club’s next get-together, if you want.

A: 好!一言为定!呀,节目时间到了。这次的撰稿人还是小北,编辑依然是蔚然。同学们,我们老时间,下次见!

B:See you next time!

美语训练班  第039课

A: 欢迎来到美语训练班, 我是杨琳!

B:我是Kat, 杨林,今天咱们教什么呀?

A: 今天咱们要聊聊中彩票,策划一场梦幻婚礼,学学怎么才能培养出淡定的气场,还要告诉大家怎么说“抢风头”。

B: Sounds good! But first, let’s learn a word.

Learn A Word outsource

今天我们要学的词是outsource. Outsource is spelled o-u-t-s-o-u-r-c-e, outsource. Outsource 外包。奥巴马政府宣布将采取新举措振兴就业市场。US President Barack Obama says he will propose new tax incentives to encourage U.S. companies to bring jobs back to the United States instead of outsourcing them abroad. 美国总统奥巴马表示,他将提议新的税收方案,鼓励美国公司将就业机会留在美国市场,而不是外包到外国。Many tech giant companies such as Apple and Microsoft now outsource their assembly lines to China and India. 苹果和微软等很多科技巨头公司现在都将生产线外包到中国和印度。好的,今天我们学习的词是outsource, outsource, outsource.

A: Some people argue that outsourcing contributes to the high unemployment rate in the U.S. 有人说,产品和服务外包是造成美国失业率高的一个原因。

B: Yeah, they say that by outsourcing production and service jobs to foreign countries, U.S. workers have fewer opportunities to get employed.

A: 所以,奥巴马要把税务优惠留给那些在美国本土创造就业机会的公司,这也是为了解决美国工人的就业问题。

B:It sounds like a good plan, but we will have to see how it works out in reality.

A: 好了,咱们说的这些经济政策啊,失业啊,太严肃了,聊点轻松的好不好?

B:好啊! 不如就说说–中彩票!

Popular American: Grand; Catch

今天李华要做心理学实验, 骗Larry说她中了一百万美元, 看Larry会有什么样的反应。李华会学到两个常用语:grand 和catch。

LH: Larry, Larry!!

LL: Hi Li Hua. Why are you so excited today?

LH: 我中乐透了!一百万!我发财了。

LL: Oh really? Are you going to take me out to dinner?

LH: 请你吃饭?你的要求还真不高,我决定啊,分你一半!

LL: You’re giving me half a million?! What’s the catch?

LH: The catch…那是什么?

LL: A catch is any tricky or concealed drawback to a deal. You’re definitely not giving me half a million dollars for no reason. It’s okay, tell me. What’s the catch?

LH: A catch 是指某件好事的附带条件?哦,我明白了,你是不相信我会因为友谊分一半奖金给你,你觉得这么好的事情一定有catch, 对吗?

LL: Of course. I wouldn’t give my own brother that much.

LH: 哎,好吧,我交待。其实我没中奖啦,是心理学课要做研究。我才想要试探试探你的反应。

LL: So this is all for your Psychology class. I knew it. What if you really won a million dollars? Would you share the money?

LH: 如果我真中了奖,当然会分你一点喽。嗯,一千块!怎样,我这朋友够意思吧?

LL: You’ll only give me one grand?! That’s one-thousandth of a million Li Hua! I thought our friendship was worth more than that…

LH: One ground…是一千块钱的意思吗?

LL: Yup. One grand is equivalent to one thousand dollars.

LH: 喔。所以one grand 是一千块钱的意思。

LL: Yes, that’s right.

LH: 那我就可以把五千块钱说成 five thousand grands 咯?

LL: No, no, no. “Grand” replaces “thousand dollars”, so you would say five grand.

LH: 原来如此。五千块要说five grand, 因为grand 代替了thousand dollars 这两个词。但为什么是说 five grand 而不是 five grands 呢?

LL: Even though five is more than one, you still say grand because the word is already in its plural form.

LH: 喔。因为grand 已经是复数了, 所以要说five grand 而不是five grands, 那我懂了。

LL: Hey, so back to the topic. You’re only giving me a thousand dollars?

LH: Yeah, one grand is a lot of money. 那换做是你,你会给我多少钱呢?

LL: I would give you 10 grand.

LH: 你会给我一万?你真好!Wait, what would be the catch?

LL: There would be no catch! I treat you as a very close friend.

LH: 真的?我不信。不过,catch 还可以怎么用? 能不能多给我几个例子?

LL: Sure. A catch is any benefit that comes with a drawback. For example, when you go on a web site, and they tell you you have a chance to win a laptop, there’s usually a catch.

LH: 你是说,某些网站如果说你有机会赢一台手提电脑,通常都要回答问卷,订阅周刊等等好多好多条件,所以这些条件就是the catch 吗?

LL: Exactly. So whenever someone tells you you’ve won money, or a laptop, don’t believe them. Or else, you’re going to have to expect a big catch that goes with the benefit.

LH: 难怪有一种说法是 “天下没有白吃的午餐”。 Everything that sounds too good has a catch to it.

LL: That’s very true.

LH: 但我给你一千块钱绝对没有别的企图喔!There is no catch.

LL: But I’m willing to give you ten grand!

LH: 那我也给你ten grand 怎么样?

LL: Ten grand. That sounds a lot better…

LH: 那就好。对了,你等下有事吗?请我去吃牛排吧!

LL: You want me to treat you to steak? A minute ago you were only willing to give me one grand, and now you want me to treat you to steak. Ai, Li Hua!

今天李华从 Larry 那儿学到两个常用语,一个是 grand, 是一千美元的替代说法;另一个 catch, 指某种好处所附带的条件。

A: 要是我也能中100万美元的大奖,我一定不独吞,Kat, 你说吧,想要什么,等我中了奖就买给你, no catch!

B:谢谢了! I’ll do the same for you if I win the lottery.

A: 哎呀,咱们真是有福同享!



B:哈哈! Okay, let’s move on to the next program.

A: 好,在今天的美语怎么说里,咱们教“抢风头”。

JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是怡茹要问的:抢风头。

YR: Hey hey Jessica!! 你听说那个大新闻了么?

JESSICA: What? What happened?

YR: 就是上礼拜话剧社的演出啊! Anna完全不顾原来话剧的剧本,使劲抢戏,女主角的风头全被她抢去了! 听说她们俩在后台因此大吵了一架! 对了,这个“抢风头”用美语要怎么说啊?

JESSICA: Hmm…抢风头就是“steal someone’s thunder”. Steal is spelled s-t-e-a-l; and thunder, t-h-u-n-d-e-r, thunder. Basically, steal someone’s thunder means to do something that takes attention away from what someone else has done.

YR: 没错! Anna 把本来属於女主角的戏份都抢去了,She totally stole her thunder! 现在学校里人人都在说这事儿。

JESSICA: Ha! I think Anna is getting her 15 minutes of fame here!

YR: 15 minutes of fame? 出名15分钟?…..这是什么意思?

JESSICA: 15 minutes of fame means that she’s only famous for a very short period of time.

YR: 哦…我明白了,这也就是短暂出名的意思吧! 就像上回电视真人秀单身女郎里的女主角,那会儿人人都在谈论她,现在节目结束了,她也就销声匿迹了。

JESSICA: Yep! Reality shows definitely give a lot of people a chance to enjoy their 15 minutes of fame!

YR: 嗯,没错! 听说Anna原来都没被选进剧本,可后来她就一直巴结男主角Andy,这么才慢慢得到角色的!

JESSICA: Hmm. Sounds like she’s riding on Andy’s coattails! Coattail is spelled c-o-a-t-t-a-i-l, coattail. To ride on someone’s coattails means to use someone else’s success to go ahead.

YR:哦,那就是趋炎附势的意思喽! So, Anna would not get a role in the drama without riding on the leading man’s coattails! 这么说对吗?

JESSICA: Exactly! Now tell me what you’ve learned today!

YR: 第一:抢风头是steal someone’s thunder.

第二,短暂出名可以说15 minutes of fame ;

第三:趋颜附势叫ride on someone’s coattails!

A: We all want our 15 minutes of fame. Better yet, make it 15 years!

B: You’re greedy!

A: 哈哈,说起抢风头,这可是招人讨厌的事儿。咱们在以前的节目中讨论过参加婚礼时的打扮,还记得么,女宾的原则是,不能太抢眼,you shouldn’t steal the bride’s thunder!

B: 没错! Brides be warned: when you pick your bridesmaids, skip those who are cuter than you!

A: 对,伴娘可不能比新娘漂亮! Wait, I wonder why I got invited to be a bridesmaid so many times!

B: 呃……I’m sure it’s not because you’re not as cute as the brides.

A:哼! 今晚我要打电话问问她们! 难道觉得我丑才让我当伴娘的?气死我了!

B:Ah…why don’t we move on and not talk about this, and listen to a couple discussing their wedding plans.

GoEnglish Wedding Beginner


John 和 Carmen 订婚了,俩人商量婚礼该怎么办,可发现彼此的想法大相径庭。

Professor: That’s right, Winnie. Carmen wants a traditional wedding, but John wants to get married in Las Vegas.

John: Carmen, I have a great idea for our wedding.

Carmen: Me too! I want to get married in a small church in my home town.

John: What? That’s so boring. Let’s get married in Las Vegas.

Carmen: Las Vegas? That’s the last place I want to get married.

John想去拉斯维加斯结婚,这也不错啊! 我听说,很多名人都在拉斯维加斯结婚,人们还会找模仿猫王的人主持婚礼、载歌载舞呢!

Professor: Yes, but where does Carmen want to get married?

Carmen 想在自己的家乡,找个小教堂,举行一个traditional wedding–传统婚礼。不过John觉得这种婚礼太没意思,很老套。对了,Professor Bowman, Carmen 说拉斯维加斯是“the last place” she wants to get married,这是什么意思?

Professor: That means it is the worst choice. For example, “I like to have fun on the weekend, so doing my homework is the last thing I want to do.”


John: Carmen, you know I love Elvis. Getting married by Elvis would be a dream come true.

Carmen: My parents are very religious, and I don’t think they like Elvis.

John: We could get married by someone else. What about Michael Jackson?

Carmen: John, I think you’re missing the point.

原来,John 是猫王的粉丝,所以他的梦想就是到拉斯维加斯找个假猫王主持婚礼!

Professor: That’s right, Winnie, but what does Carmen say?

Carmen说,自己的父母是虔诚的教徒,不喜欢这种搞怪的婚礼,而且他们也不喜欢猫王。谁知John说,那就请个假 Michael Jackson来主持婚礼!

Professor: That’s why Carmen says John is “missing the point”. It means he doesn’t understand the important part of what she said.

哦,miss the point 就是“没抓住重点”,“没说到点子上”。Carmen其实并不在乎找假猫王还是假Michael Jackson,关键是她不喜欢拉斯维加斯婚礼的形式。

John: I know. If we get married in Las Vegas, you can choose where we go for our honeymoon.

Carmen: I don’t care about the honeymoon! Go to Las Vegas for your bachelor party.

John: Really? You won’t be mad if I have a bachelor party in Las Vegas?

Carmen: Of course you can have your bachelor party wherever you want! You will just need to find a new fianc□


Professor: Too bad Carmen says she doesn’t care about the honeymoon.

对啊,Carmen并不买帐。她还说,John如果去拉斯维加斯办”bachelor party”-“新郎的告别单身派对”,她就要和John说bye-bye!

Professor: What do you think, Winnie? Will this marriage end in divorce?


Professor: What is that?


John: But Carmen, when we got engaged, you said I could help plan the wedding.

Carmen: Of course, honey! You can help me plan our wedding, in a small church in my home town.

John: (Sigh) Ok …… Married life is going to be great!

Professor: So Winnie, where do you think John and Carmen will get married?

看来他们真的要在 Carmen 的家乡举行婚礼了。John说,在他们 got engaged–订婚的时候,Carmen 还说让他帮忙策划婚礼呢,原来啊,这婚礼的大主意还是要Carmen拿!

Professor: Sounds like Carmen wins. What kind of a wedding do you think they will have?


A: Kat, I just can’t get over the thought that my friends picked me as their bridesmaid because they thought I was ugly!

B: Oh, 你想太多了! I’m sure they chose you because you were reliable, pretty and close to them.

A: 真的么?

B: Of course! Being a bridesmaid is not that easy. You have to help the bride stay in her best state, help trouble shoot any problems that may ruin the wedding, and in America, you also need to make s short speech at the reception dinner.

A: 伴娘还要在婚宴时致词?这可是个艰巨的任务。你说得没错,伴娘要帮着忙前忙后的张罗,得有责任心!

B: And that’s why your friends chose you! They trust you!

A: 这么说我就舒服多了!哈哈。好了,咱们继续听节目,Business Etiquette.

礼节美语 – Body Language III

公司主管Andy又请专门研究肢体语言的Monica给公司销售员 Sara和James培训。Andy说:

Andy: This morning we once again have business consultant Monica Wolf with us. Monica is going to speak to us today about body language and how it affects business relationships.

Monica: Hello again everyone! So….did you experiment with some of the pointers I gave you last time?

Sara: I did. I found that making a conscious effort to look people in the eye has been very useful. I think people find me more trustworthy now.

M: That’s great!

Monica问大家有没有尝试着把上次她教的东西用到实践中去。她用到的一个名词 pointer 意思是指点,建议。Sara说,她发现,讲话时有意识地看着对方的眼睛真的很有帮助,别人会觉得她更可靠,让人信得过,trustworthy. 上面那段话里另一个语言点是,to make a conscious effort to do something 意思是有意识地去做某事。James说,

J: I’ve been working on my posture. I find when I stand up straight with my shoulders back, I actually feel more confident going into a business negotiation.

V: Wonderful! I’m so glad you applied the principles I shared with you. Today let’s talk a little bit about attitude. What’s the first thing you notice about a character like James Bond?

J: He’s very cool and composed.

S: Yeah, he doesn’t ever seem to get too worked up over anything.

James说,他也在有意识地改进自己的站姿和仪表,而且他发现,挺胸抬头,真地会给自己平添一份自信。Monica听说大家把上次讲到的理论付诸实践,很高兴,说今天就来谈谈工作时的态度 attitude, 她问大家英国特工007 James Bond有什么特点。James和Sara都说,007很酷,很镇定, composed, 处变不惊。这里用到的一个短语 worked up 是形容词,意思是兴奋,激动。Monica 说:

M: That’s right! The reason he’s so cool is because he’s in charge of the situation and he knows it. People who are in charge don’t get overly excited. So, what I recommend is that you try to appear to be in control by maintaining composure. If you find yourself in a very stressful business negotiation try to limit your body gestures and control the tone of your voice.

S: So even if I don’t feel confident, I should try to fake it?

M: Yes. You’ll be surprised that even if you’re faking, you’ll start to feel more in control. Try to reveal as few of your emotions as possible.

A: But of course you still have to appear friendly.

M: Absolutely. But like a poker player, you don’t want to show your cards.

Monica说,James Bond 007 之所以老是那么淡定,是因为他知道,情况都在自己的掌握之中,所以建议大家一定要保持情绪的稳定,参加十分棘手的谈判时,要 limit your body gestures and control the tone of your voice 尽量减少肢体动作,控制自己的音调,越少暴露自己的情绪越好,就好象是在打扑克牌,不能让别人知道你手里的牌。

A: 原来,淡定的气场是这么练成的。First, you have to fake it!

B: Yeah, you’ll fool not only others but also yourself into believing that you’re in charge of the situation.

A: 这也就是心理暗示的作用吧!

B: Monica also said we should reveal as few emotions as possible.

A: 我倒觉得不用这么装 cool, 这不就没有亲切感了么?

B: I’m with you there. Being a businessperson is really intense.

A:没错。所以现在咱们轻松一下,去听American Sports English!

Y : Something smells good.

P: I’ve prepared some steak today for the tailgating party I’m having.

Y: 虽然我不知道什么是tailgating party, 可是我想知道Am I invited?

P: Of course you are invited. Yang Chen. Tailgating is when football fans gather outside the football stadium in the parking lot, and they host barbecue parties before, during and after the game.

Y: 你说tailgating party是在比赛之前,比赛进行当中,比赛之后;那些fans还要不要进 去看球啊?

P: That’s a great question. The best thing about a tailgating party is you don’t have to pay. You are outside, you are watching the game,

Y: In the parking lot.

P: That’s right. A lot of people just stay in the parking lot. And they’ve got food and drinks, and the whole party is centered around the car that they drive in.

Y: So it’s free.

P: Oh yeah.

Y: 那为什么叫tailgating party?

P: The tail of the car,

Y: 车尾巴。

P: Right, it’s the end of the car. Usually we sit on the end of the car,


P: We have our snacks, our barbecue, our drinks; you listen to the radio, and watch the TV; it’s a big party. It’s great. Just a minute, Yang Chen. I need to go put my face paint on. OK, I’m back.

Y: (Screaming)

P: What are you so afraid of?

Y: You look like a clown. 你脸上花花绿绿的是什么东西?

P: I’m not a clown. Yang Chen. I’m a fan. I’m a super fan.

A: Tailgate party! Sounds like fun! I’ve never been to such parties!

B: Really? My family like to go to tailgate parties during football season. You should join us next time!

A: 好啊! 那我脸上画什么图案?要不我画个京剧脸谱?

B:Ah? The Beijing Opera Mask is really cool, but for tailgate parties, we don’t need to go that far. 画你喜欢球队的队标就可以了!

A:I see! That’s gonna be so much fun! 好, 这次节目时间到了。这次的撰稿人是小北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次再见!

B:See you !

美语训练班  第040课

A: 大家好! 欢迎来到美语训练班, 我是杨琳!

B:我是Kat, 杨林,快介绍一下节目内容吧!

A: 好! 今天,咱们要见识一下冰球守门员的风采,想想要不要雇个婚礼策划师,学学中国风水学在商务场合中的作用,还要告诉大家怎么说“炒作”。

B: Sounds good! But first, let’s learn a word.

Learn A Word prone to

今天我们要学的词是 prone to. Prone is spelled p-r-o-n-e, prone; and to, t-o, to; prone to. Prone to 倾向于。Our newly-recruited quarterback is known for being prone to injury. 大家都知道,我们新签的这个四分位动不动就容易受伤。最近一项研究发现,工作时间与抑郁有直接关系。与每天正常工作8小时相比,The study found that employees who stay in the office for over 10 hours appear to be more prone to depression. 研究发现,每天待在办公室超过10个小时的员工更容易患上抑郁症。与此同时,Heavy Facebook users are also more prone to depression. 严重依赖脸谱网站的用户也更容易患抑郁症。好的,今天我们学习的词是prone to, prone to, prone to.

A: Kat, 听见没有,经常在Facebook上挂着容易得忧郁症!

B: I don’t understand the link between them. Isn’t social network supposed to help you stay in touch with your friends, hence become happier?

A: 说得也是啊。可能这说的是那些天天闷在屋里,挂在网上的宅男宅女吧?老不出去和真正的世界接触,不和别人打交道,就容易变得 depressed.

B: Maybe. But anyway, I don’t know any Facebook user who are depressed!

A: 我认识的人里也没有这样的。看来,这样的报导如果想让咱俩信服,最好是能举出一个真实生活中的例子。

B: Yeah, we need a case in point!

A: 还是先来学学什么叫 a case in point 吧。

Words and Idioms: A Case in Point

现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 952讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.


M:A case in point. Case is spelled c-a-s-e and point; p-o-i-n-t. A case in point.

我们知道,case是例子的意思,a case in point, 意思就是恰当的例子。我的外交官朋友过着我描述的梦想生活。It’s a case in point. 再比如,我们全家性格都很内向,但是也有例外。My niece is a case in point. 我侄女就一个典型的例子。


M: “People assume that the super wealthy live extravagant lifestyles. But you can find exceptions. My cousin is A CASE IN POINT. He’s worth several million dollars. Still, he drives the same used car he’s had for years, rents a modest apartment, and donates most of his money to charity. ”


这听起来很像我认识的一个朋友耶!她也非常有钱,可是她认为,成就感和美好的回忆比钱更重要。A case in point was her belief in living here and now. 一个恰当的例子就是她相信要活在当下。梦想是重要的,但是也不能错过享受眼前的时光。这对我们也是个提醒呢!好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话。

M: “People assume that the super wealthy live extravagant lifestyles. But you can find exceptions. My cousin is A CASE IN POINT. He’s worth several million dollars. Still, he drives the same used car he’s had for years, rents a modest apartment, and donates most of his money to charity. ”


M: “It’ true. I’m no fan of technology. Not only do I avoid computers and personal communication devices, but so do the characters in the short stories I write. My latest best-seller is A CASE IN POINT. There are no references to e-mails, blogs, the Internet or even cellphones. How’s that for an example of what I believe? ”


女: 我们管这种人啊叫Luddite, 就是反对科技创新的人。A case in point was a man named Lud. 最恰当的例子就是一个叫Lud的人。他是19世纪早期的一名纺织工,曾经焚毁纺织机器,因为他觉得这些机器威胁到了他的生计。这也就是Luddite, 反对科技创新者,这个词的来历。好的,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: “It’s true. I’m no fan of technology. Not only do I avoid computers and personal communication devices, but so do the characters in the short stories I write. My latest best-seller is A CASE IN POINT. There are no references to e-mails, blogs, the Internet or even cellphones. How’s that for an example of what I believe? ”

女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是A CASE IN POINT,意思是“恰当的例子”。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。

A: Kat, 最近新上了好几部电影,你去看了么?

B: 还没有。Have you?

A: 我本来想去看其中一部,因为这个电影宣传了很久,排场很大。可昨天一个朋友跟我说,她看了,没意思。



B:炒?吵架么?Why did they fight?

A: 不是吵架,是炒作! 听听“美语怎么说”你就明白啦!

JESSICA 在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是怡茹要问的:炒作。

YR: JESSICA, 你看,这两个电影明星被偷拍到一起吃饭逛街。

JESSICA: Hmm, interesting. So, are they dating?

YR: 杂志说他们约会,可他俩不承认。我看,这一定又是炒作,因为他们一起拍的电影快上映啦! 哎?“炒作”美语怎么说啊?

JESSICA: We call that a “publicity stunt”. Publicity is spelled p-u-b-l-i-c-i-t-y; and stunt, s-t-u-n-t. A publicity stunt.

YR: Publicity 是“宣传”, stunt 是“特技”,放在一起,a publicity stunt,“为了宣传而使出的绝招”,这就是炒作!

JESSICA: Right. 炒作是为了票房。I bet that this is a publicity stunt to make the movie a box office hit.

YR: 哦~~box office 就是票房。 卖座好,票房高的电影就是 a box office hit. 不过 JESSICA, 我听说这部要上映的片子还真不错,要不咱们也买张票去看看,支持一下他们的 box office?

JESSICA: No, I’m not going! YR, 现在很多电影都没有宣传的那么好,they’re promoted too excessively!

YR: 你是说好多电影被吹过头了?

JESSICA: Right. We have a word for that—overhyped, o-v-e-r-h-y-p-e-d.

YL: overhyped 就是名不副实,吹嘘过头。那我如果说,The movie star’s performance in this comedy was overhyped. –这个明星在这部喜剧中的表演被吹过头了。对不对?

JESSICA: That’s correct. Now let’s see what you’ve learned today!

YR: 第一:炒作叫 a publicity stunt; 第二,票房叫 box office; 第三,形容吹嘘过头,可以用 overhyped.

B: Overhyped movies rarely meet your expectations.

A: 不光是电影。有时出去吃饭,在网上看餐厅的reviews, 说得天花乱坠,可去了感觉也就一般。

B: 没错! Sometimes, reviews are inflated. But, you know, it’s all about personal taste. For example, a lot of people like Paris and say it’s the most attractive city in the world, but some say it’s the most overhyped tourist destination.

A: 对,这可能是因为萝卜白菜,各有所爱。

B: What? You just mentioned some vegetables and I don’t have a clue what you meant.

A:哈哈! 待会儿我解释给你听,咱们还是继续听节目吧。Let’s listen to GoEnglish!

Go English Wedding: Intermediate


Professor: John and Carmen decided to have their wedding in a small church in Carmen’s home town. Today, they are planning the details.

John本想到拉斯维加斯去结婚,可最后还是听了 Carmen的话,在Carmen的家乡办传统婚礼。不知道在筹划婚礼的过程中,John是不是还会处处迁就Carmen。

Professor: Let’s listen.

Carmen: Gosh, John, I just love being back in my home town. It’s the perfect place to get married.

John: Yeah, I guess it’s pretty good. I can’t wait for the wedding. It’s going to be a great party!

Carmen: A party? John, this wedding is supposed to be a romantic event for you and me.

John: Yeah that’s fine. But I’m also definitely going to party with the groomsmen at the wedding reception!

Professor Bowman, groomsmen 是婚礼伴郎么?

Professor: That’s right, Winnie. The groom’s friends are called the groomsmen, and the bride’s friends are called the bridesmaids.

MC: 哦,伴娘就是bridesmaids。那么,reception又是什么呢?

Professor: The reception is the dinner after the wedding ceremony.

哦,reception就是喜宴! 怪不得John说,婚礼是个大派对,他等不及跟伴郎们在喜宴上大吃大喝呢!

Carmen: That’s right, we have to plan the reception too. How many people do you think will come?

John: I don’t know… but we have a pretty big wedding party, and I have a really big family.

Carmen: That’s true! I don’t think I will be able to remember the names of all my in-laws.

John: Don’t worry. I often forget some of their names too!

这个John,三句话不离”party”! Carmen问他喜宴会有多少客人,可他只会说“We have a pretty big wedding party.”

Professor: Actually, Winnie, in this case the wedding party is the people who are directly participating in the wedding.

哦,原来这个wedding party不是婚礼派对,而是“婚礼团”,也就是双方父母,伴郎伴娘等婚礼中的关键人物!

Professor: Yes. Carmen says John’s family is so big that she won’t remember the names of all her “in-laws”.

嗯,in-laws 就是配偶的家里人,包括岳父,婆婆,小姑等等。

Carmen: Say John, do you know who your best man is going to be?

John: No, I haven’t decided yet. I’ll probably choose whichever friend can give the best toast. What about your maid of honor?

Carmen: I haven’t had time to decide because I’ve been so busy thinking about all the other planning. We haven’t even talked about the rehearsal dinner yet!

John: Don’t worry. The groom’s family is supposed to plan the rehearsal dinner.

Professor: So Winnie, how is John going to pick his best man? Best man就是主伴郎,或者叫男傧相。John说他会让那个give the best toast–最会致祝酒词的朋友当他的best man.

Professor: Right. And what about Carmen? Has she picked her maid of honor?

Maid of honor就是主伴娘,女傧相,Carmen忙着筹备婚礼,还没想好让谁当maid of honor. 对了,professor Bowman, 什么是rehearsal dinner?

Professor: The day before the wedding, everyone in the wedding party practices what they have to do. Afterward they all have dinner together at the rehearsal dinner.

哦,我明白了。婚礼前,婚礼团的人会把所有仪式彩排一遍,然后一起吃饭,这顿饭就叫”rehearsal dinner”.

Professor: Yes, that is the tradition.

John: I know, let’s just get a wedding planner to do all the work for us.

Carmen: A wedding planner? No way! I don’t want a stranger planning our wedding.

John: Well if you don’t want to get a wedding planner, my mother said she would be happy to help you plan the wedding.

Carmen: Your mother? You know, John, maybe a wedding planner isn’t such a bad idea after all.

哈,看来Carmen 不想让未来的婆婆策划自己的婚礼,所以她宁可请一位wedding planner—婚礼策划师来出谋划策。

Professor: You know, Winnie, I have to agree that even though a wedding planner is a stranger, having your mother-in-law planning your wedding could be a lot worse….

A: 原来 wedding party 指的是婚礼中的那些关键人物,就是新郎新娘最核心的亲友团。

B: That’s right. One thing worth pointing out is “wedding party” isn’t the “party” after the ceremony. That’s called the reception.

A: 对,婚宴是 reception. 在中国,婚宴一般是越盛大越好,最后搞成一个banquet, 宴席。

B: Wow, that’s a lot of work for the wedding planner.

A: 其实在婚宴上忙碌的主要是新人和双方父母!比如说,最直接的工作:排桌!

B: Arranging seats?


B:I don’t really care. I just want to enjoy some Chinese food at the reception.

A; 你真是个好客人。不过,别人可没你这么随和。说到安排座位,在工作场合,开会或吃饭的时候,座位的安排也有一些讲究,咱们来听一听!

礼节美语 Body Language IV

公司主管Andy又请专门研究肢体语言的Monica给公司销售员 Sara和James培训。Monica说:

Monica: Okay, so we talked about composure. Let’s go in the other direction now and talk about humor.

J: Ah, that’s something that’s always puzzled me. Is it a good idea to make jokes?

M: Research shows that people are more likely to accept an idea if it’s wrapped in humor. But the point isn’t about finding a really funny joke. Laughter is actually about bonding.

S: Yes….I’ve noticed that many times people at a meeting are all laughing about something that really isn’t all that funny.


M: That’s right! They are not really joking….they are attempting to bond.

A: So go ahead and throw in a funny comment or a clever remark…but there’s got to be some minefields we should avoid as well, right?

M: Yeah….don’t make dirty, sexist or racist jokes or comments. And of course don’t humiliate anyone.

J: I have a question. I’m never quite sure where to sit during a business meeting.

M: The ancient Chinese art of “Feng Shui” teaches that you should never sit with the door behind you—and actually there’s a scientific reason for that.

虽然及时讲个笑话,或是发表一点幽默的评论能有助于调节气氛,加强纽带,但讲笑话也有一些需要忌讳的地方,或者说是 minefield 雷区。Don’t make dirty, sexist or racist jokes or comments. Monica说,不要讲黄色笑话、性别歧视的笑话和种族歧视的笑话,而且不要 humiliate 羞辱别人。James问了一个很简单的问题,那就是,开会的时候应该坐在哪儿。Monica 说,按照中国风水里的讲究,后背不要对着门,这是有科学道理的,为什么呢?

M: When a person’s back is placed towards an open space he becomes stressed; his blood pressure increases and his heart beats faster.

S: That makes sense! People subconsciously worry about getting attacked if they don’t know what’s lurking behind them.

J: Interesting. I’ll be sure to sit facing the door from now on!

A: Monica, thank you for another great class! I think we all learned a lot today.

M: My pleasure! See you next time!

Monica 解释说,如果后背对着开放的空间,那这个人就容易有压力,血压升高,心跳加速,因为他们不知道身后可能会隐藏着什么危险,They don’t know what’s lurking behind them. 所以会下意识地感到不安全,因此在选择座位时,最好是脸冲着门。怎么样,大家是不是也学到了一些以前不知道的事情呢?

B: I don’t actually mind having a seat with the door behind me–as long as that’s not the default place for the person who pays the bill.

A: 哈哈! 你是说,只要不是负责结帐的人专门坐的位子就行?我同意!其实中国人饭桌是圆的,就是为了不分主次,所以坐哪儿都差不多。

B: 好了,After our business class, let’s take a break. Up next is American Sports English!

ASE Hockey -goalie

P: Hey Yang Chen.

Y: Hi Patrick, 你在看什么?

P: I’m watching the hockey game. Bruins vs. Islanders. It’s pretty intense.

Y: Oh yeah, it’s pretty intense,是不是因为你run out of snacks?

P: No Yang Chen, it looks like one of the players on the Bruins is about to score a hat trick.

Y: A hat trick?

P: A hat trick is when one player scores three shots in one game.

Y: Oh yeah, 我想起来了,你上次讲过: 一个队员进了三个球,然后大家都往球场扔帽子。

P: Right! So if it happens, people might throw their hats.

Y: Hmm, 你也应该score a hat trick.

P: And why is that Yang Chen?

Y:因为你的发型太奇怪了。You need a hat.

P: Sigh. Alright, can we just watch the game?

Y: Sure, 那今天谁要赢了?

P: It looks like the Bruins are going to win this one. Their goalie is a brick wall tonight.

Y: 什么是goalie?

P: The goalie is the person who stays at the goal and guards against the puck going in. In hockey, he wears the most pads.

Y: 噢, goalie就是守门员。 你刚才说他像一堵砖墙挡在那儿,a brick wall,对方没法进球,对不对?

P: That’s exactly right. Not a shot has gone in. He’s unstoppable.

Y: Hmm, 我觉得你也会是一个很好的 goalie .

P: Why?

Y 因为you have a big ego.

P: Now you’re starting to hurt my feelings Yang Chen.

Y: Oh I’m sorry Patrick.

P: You’re really “sticking” it to me. Get it? Stick, like hockey stick.

Y: Wow, 你是说我老是骚扰你”sticking” it to you。I said sorry already!

P:OK. Apology accepted. Oh man, Boston has the puck and it looks like they’re setting up the hat trick. Oh and he did it! Wow, that’s impressive. Oh well.

Y: Boston scored a hat trick, 那你该高兴啊。

P: I’m an Islanders fan.

A: The goalie is a brick wall! 守门员像铜墙铁壁一样! 听起来是没少挨球打。

B: 那可不容易! Ouch!

A: 台上三分钟,台下十年功啊!

B:Er… you’ll have to explain to me what that means.

A: 哈哈,没问题。好了, 这次节目时间到了。这次的撰稿人是小北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次再见!

B:See you !
