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臭名卓著的阴谋论自媒体 - 路德访谈 ...
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臭名卓著的阴谋论自媒体 - 路德访谈 - 种族主义分子和原教旨主义者

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Illustrious Member Admin Registered
已加入: 7 年 前
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臭名卓著的阴谋论自媒体 - 路德访谈 - 种族主义分子或xx功的支持者

  • 路德:王定刚,自媒体“路德访谈”的主持人。与声名狼藉的朱利安尼等美国政治极右派沆瀣一气,纠集了一帮美国、澳洲和新加坡等地的歪瓜裂枣(安红、墨博士、博博士等),用关于羟氯喹、邮件门等一系列谎言疯狂参与美国政治,为美国政治小丑特朗普摇旗呐喊,为原教旨主义者和种族主义者。
  • 路德在Google Youtube上长篇累牍宣扬新冠阴谋论,肆无忌惮对总统参选人和家族人员侮辱、抹黑、诽谤,肆意制造、传播虚假信息,旨在为自己的私利扰乱美国大选。


Illustrious Member Admin Registered
已加入: 7 年 前
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Fact Checking Regarding US Elections: Debunking Fake News

Following several erroneous statements that have been published in digital and social media, Scytl would like to clarify the following:

  • The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US, by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida.
  • We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US
  • We do not provide voting machines in the US
  • We did not provide online voting to US jurisdictions for the US elections.
  • We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt
  • The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else
  • We are not owned by George Soros and have never been connected to him
  • We are not tied to Smartmatic, SGO, Dominion or Indra
  • We have no ties with Russia either

For the US General Election, Scytl provided 4 products and services to city, county, and state clients across the United States. Each of these products and services provide information created and approved by each individual client, to voters or temporary election workers.

  • Election Night Reporting (ENR): ENR is a platform that provides visual representation of votes that have been tabulated by local elections officials. ENR allows elections offices to provide real-time election results to citizens in a multi-lingual, mobile friendly platform. On Election Night, each election office tabulates the vote using their tabulation vendor’s physical machines and uploads those results to Scytl’s ENR. All Scytl ENR servers being used for the US elections are physically located in the United States. Scytl does NOT tabulate, tally or count any votes.
  • Online Election Worker Training: Scytl works with elections offices to take their already-created training content and puts it into an online learning management system, increasing information retention, consistency, and the ability to track / report on trainee progress. All of the content for this training is provided and fully approved by each individual client.
  • Online Voter Education: Our Voter Education Platform is a tool used to create a website for election officials to provide important election information before, during, and after an election. This tool allows voters to look-up where they can vote, the available voting methods, any ID or other requirements needed in order to vote, register to vote, view their sample ballot, and more. All content on these websites is provided and approved by each individual client.
  • Electronic Ballot Delivery (eBD): Is a platform that allows state election offices to securely deliver ballots to UOCAVA and absentee voters. Each state has different laws and regulations regarding who can request their ballot through this system, and how that ballot can be returned. All servers being used for eBD for the US elections are physically located in the United States. What eBD does NOT do:
    • Allow voters to vote online
    • Tabulate, tally, or count votes


Illustrious Member Admin Registered
已加入: 7 年 前
帖子: 11012
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11/15/2020 路德时评(路安墨谈):为什么川普正式任命朱利安尼市长为领导的豪华法律团队是正式开启以法灭共的全面终极之战?

Streamed live 9 hours ago

11/14/2020 路德时评(路安墨谈):美众议员接受NEWSMAX采访透露美陆军法兰克福没收投票服务器,为川普团队赢得数据舞弊直接证据意味着什么?突袭行动的来龙去脉,更多内幕曝出;



Illustrious Member Admin Registered
已加入: 7 年 前
帖子: 11012
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Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more 

11/16/2020 路德时评(路安墨谈):川普发推“我已经赢了大选”意味着什么?华尔街大佬黑石苏世民公开倒向支持川普意味着什么?众议院发函不能承认拜登已经当选,不得给拜登提供政府过渡服务!

Illustrious Member Admin Registered
已加入: 7 年 前
帖子: 11012
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文章来源: LTN  2020-11-23 08:13:46 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
(被阅读 999 次)


多次声称美国大选结果出现舞弊的律师鲍尔(Sidney Powell),遭川普团队切割,川普的私人律师、前纽约市长朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)发表声明表示,鲍尔不是川普法律团队的成员,引发讨论,传出川普认为鲍尔言论过于“奇葩”(outlandish),会模糊其他法律战焦点。

据《路透》报导,近日多次语出惊人的律师鲍尔,成为争议焦点,川普的私人律师、前纽约市长朱利安尼以及川普竞选团队顾问埃利斯(Jenna Ellis)在当地时间22日发表联合声明切割鲍尔,声明中指出鲍尔她是自己独自从事法律活动,“她既非川普法律团队成员,也不是总统私人律师”。


同时也有许多共和党人士或亲川普媒体出面批评鲍尔,有共和党参议员痛批她的指控“令人反感”,《福斯新闻》主持人卡森(Tucker Carlson)表示:“她(指鲍尔)从未提出证明,证明投票结果被系统从一个候选人被转给另一个候选人,完全没有。”


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